I wonder would it would be like to meet my old school teachers again.
K-Mrs. Boyer (Good)
1-Mrs. George (So-so)
2-Mrs. Bingamin (Good)
3-Mrs. Carol (So-so)
4-Mrs. ? (So-so)
5-Mrs. Raffo (Good)
Funny. I don't remember the names of my middle school homeroom teachers.
I'd say the best teacher I ever had was my 7th grade science teacher, Ms. Sherman. She was young, pretty, and very patient. Not only that but she was my sex-ed teacher, and I remember being the student who asked the most questions during our QA time. I remember feeling especially proud when I stumped her with, "Why does it hurt so much when you get hit in your privates?" What an inquisitive (and shameless) boy.
Frankly, I don't care to see any of my high school teachers ever again. That means you, Fortgang!
Days Remaining: 7
Thought of the Day: West 32nd
Song of the Day: Son Dambi-Can't U See
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