Yesterday, I bumped into one of my hakwon students in the streets, and my first thought was, "Dang, she's big!" She was so happy to see me and even called out my name again just to say bye one more time. It was really ironic because she was actually one of the students I strongly disliked and really contemplated being mean to her in Korean on my last day of teaching. I still can't get over how big her smile was yesterday. Is that what happens when you don't see people for a long time? Even people you didn't like?
I wonder would it would be like to meet my old school teachers again.
K-Mrs. Boyer (Good)
1-Mrs. George (So-so)
2-Mrs. Bingamin (Good)
3-Mrs. Carol (So-so)
4-Mrs. ? (So-so)
5-Mrs. Raffo (Good)
Funny. I don't remember the names of my middle school homeroom teachers.
I'd say the best teacher I ever had was my 7th grade science teacher, Ms. Sherman. She was young, pretty, and very patient. Not only that but she was my sex-ed teacher, and I remember being the student who asked the most questions during our QA time. I remember feeling especially proud when I stumped her with, "Why does it hurt so much when you get hit in your privates?" What an inquisitive (and shameless) boy.
Frankly, I don't care to see any of my high school teachers ever again. That means you, Fortgang!
Days Remaining: 7
Thought of the Day: West 32nd
Song of the Day: Son Dambi-Can't U See