June 2, 2010

와우! 여름이다!

Today, I read about biological clocks in my student's English book. I didn't know that animals can experience jet lag like us too, but there was also a part of me that wasn't very surprised. As today's weather was noticeably warmer, I even got seven mosquito bites. They're getting a head start this year, so I know that summer is definitely here. And even though today was a holiday and none of my students had to go to school, the majority of them was very tired and sluggish during our classes...including their teacher. Freakin' biological clocks.

As I was thinking about this phenomenon, I remembered two summers ago when I was teaching at Elite during the summer and had many a day when I'd fall asleep during a really boring book on a really hot day. On one particular occasion, while I was losing in one of my battles to stay awake...

Student: Teacher, are you sleeping?
Me: Of course not! Who's turn is it to read now?

Two summers later, things have not changed so much. One of my students has a grandma who sits in front of us in the living room and always falls asleep on the couch. Oh how I envy her! Seeing her sleep in front of us all the time has given me something to look forward to when I become old and senile. I'll be able to nap whenever and wherever I want, especially on them hot summer days. I always fantasize about sprawling out on the floor while my student does her work for the next few hours. Evie, where did you get your time-freezing powers?

Days Remaining: 10

Thought of the Day: Draw
Song of the Day: Donawhale-Running

1 comment:

elisa said...

"Seeing her sleep in front of us all the time has given me something to look forward to when I become old and senile." <-- LOL~~~!!!!!