These fans are seriously the most hardcore, maybe like the Yankees fans of Korea.
Although we were supposed to cheer for Doosan because they're in Seoul, I found myself joining the Lotte fans in their songs and cheers.
The Lotte fans have a "야!" shout whenever the opposing team's pitcher doesn't hurry up and pitch or almost hits the batter. I love this.
I guess the last unique thing about Korean baseball is that it has cheerleaders. I think it would be so fun to be the guy cheerleader with his whistle and cheer signs.
All in all, if you're gonna go to a Korean baseball game, you gotta go when Lotte is playing and sit with its fans. 롯대 화이팅!
Thought of the Day: 이쁜학생
Song of the Day: Two Myung-붉은달
1 comment:
I think you've discovered your calling.
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