1. the lady who told him about how if you've been saved by grace, there's no limit to what God can ask of you.
2. the lady who had relationship issues and sought counseling only to find that she'd be making work or something else the ultimate thing in her life...until she found Colossians 3:4.
3. the teenage girl who thought "what good is it [heavenly blessings and salvation] if you're not popular?"
4. the two ladies who had trouble with their sons due to bad fathers.
5. the accounts of the Christians who were stingy with their sexuality but promiscuous with their money during the plague.
6. C.S. Lewis, Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones, and Edmund Clowney quotes.
7. his recurring nightmare of finding his entire family murdered.
8. Mark Twain's nightmare of the extremely heavy Bible crushing his body.
9. the stark contrast between one person working for $10,000 and another for $10,000,000.
10. the teenage girl who grew up in the projects and gave into prostitution b/c "who do you think THEY are?"
As one person during a Q&A session remarked, "I think what struck me the most is I listen to you and I think if I were not a Christian, I would want to do this."
I remember listening to a forum on being a Christian in the business world and one thought-provoking question they challenged Christians to ask was, "How does what I do bring redemptive value?" I think that's a great question we all need to ask ourselves all the time. Preach on, Keller!
Thought of the Day: Battery Farming
Song of the Day: J-The Father's Song
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