We all have deep, dark secrets that we hide from everyone. Those unwholesome thoughts. The embarrassing habits. Our personal lives that we'll never tell. Well, I happen to have a deep, dark secret that very few people know about. It's always embarrassing and difficult to talk about, but I think it's something that only guys (and very few girls) can really understand and relate to. You see, there are these videos that I watch on my computer. Many people would think that I'd never watch such things, but I just got too curious like some other people that I know. I don't think I'm addicted, but I'll confess that I do watch a little everyday. Please don't judge me. I watch Battlestar Galactica.

My second confession is that I'm going to Japan! I made various goals for my time in Korea and visiting the enemy land was one of them. As my good buddy, 종성, made plans to go on a trip before he starts his crazy job, I decided to join him at the last minute and be there right in time for the peak of the cherry blossoms. As tired as I am of tutoring, there's definitely no other job where you can just tell your boss that "you have to go somewhere" and have them be totally cool about it. Unfortunately, my Mongolian happens to be much better than my Japanese. Sayonara!
Thought of the Day: Humus
Song of the Day: B2ST-Shock
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