As I've been teaching more and more teenagers over the years, I've been realizing just how terrible humans are during their adolescence. They are moody, impatient, and irrational (see above). Quick to ignore and slow to understand. I've seen smiling students become frowning depressants in just a matter of months. I've become an enemy to many just overnight. How do I communicate with these hormones?
But more importantly, I've learned just how awful I was to my family and teachers when I was a teenager too. Even if I didn't show it on the outside, I was so cynical towards many people who only meant good. I made myself a genius in my own eyes while the rest of the world was too stupid to understand what I was going through. Arrogance was off the charts. But with these realizations, I've also had the strength and ability to handle and deal with my impossible students. I know cause I've been there...even if they refuse to think so. I can forgive because I've been forgiven much. I can love because I've been loved much.
Even if my face looks like a Girls' Generation.
Thought of the Day: Gender Identity Disorder
Song of the Day: U2-Babyface
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