Thought of the Day: MONGOL!
Song of the Day: Erik Satie-Trois Gymnopedies
December 23, 2009
December 21, 2009
Supersize Me
Four Saturdays ago, I went nuts at a wedding.
Three Saturdays ago, I went nuts at another wedding.
Two Saturdays ago, I really went nuts at a hotel buffet.
This past Saturday, there was an unexpected wedding, but as expected I went nuts.
This coming Saturday, I will be in Mongolia where they will probably feed me like nuts.
"I hope you get your eat on!!"
Last night, I literally had a dream that I was in line at a buffet and was so excited.
When is too much too much? Maybe the Lord wants to fatten me up for the crazy winter. According to, the day that I arrive in UB will be -38 degrees Celsius. I had exaggerated whenever I told people that it'd be like -40 because I thought we'd be in the countryside. But no, even the city is going to be brutal. Tseggy told us to bring flashlights because it gets dark really early. I wonder if it's because it's so cold that nobody is outside, which means very little use of the streetlights. I can't even imagine it.
Thought of the Day: Hot Sale
Song of the Day: Fool's Garden-Lemon Tree
Three Saturdays ago, I went nuts at another wedding.
Two Saturdays ago, I really went nuts at a hotel buffet.
This past Saturday, there was an unexpected wedding, but as expected I went nuts.
This coming Saturday, I will be in Mongolia where they will probably feed me like nuts.
"I hope you get your eat on!!"
Last night, I literally had a dream that I was in line at a buffet and was so excited.
When is too much too much? Maybe the Lord wants to fatten me up for the crazy winter. According to, the day that I arrive in UB will be -38 degrees Celsius. I had exaggerated whenever I told people that it'd be like -40 because I thought we'd be in the countryside. But no, even the city is going to be brutal. Tseggy told us to bring flashlights because it gets dark really early. I wonder if it's because it's so cold that nobody is outside, which means very little use of the streetlights. I can't even imagine it.
Thought of the Day: Hot Sale
Song of the Day: Fool's Garden-Lemon Tree
December 19, 2009
Quotation Marks
This week's persecuted church: Eritrea
30 Christian women were arrested in Asmara, the country's capital
city. The International Christians Concerns' manager for Africa and
South Asia said, "The Christians were praying at a house at the time
Eritrean officials raided the prayer meeting, arrested all of the
people, and took them to the police station...They don't pose any
security risk to the country. These are just old married people.
They have just come together to pray. It doesn't make any sense to
arrest moms and grand-moms for praying together. Eritrean officials
continue to deny that they are violating the religious freedom of
their people. They continue to deny they are imprisoning Christians.
This is just unbelievable."
"The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God."
-C.S. Lewis from Letters to Malcom
"Ultimately our Christian service exists only to draw attention to this source-to our crucified and risen Lord who gave Himself as a ransom for us all."
-C.J. Mahanaey from Humility True Greatness
Thought of the Day: Justin
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
30 Christian women were arrested in Asmara, the country's capital
city. The International Christians Concerns' manager for Africa and
South Asia said, "The Christians were praying at a house at the time
Eritrean officials raided the prayer meeting, arrested all of the
people, and took them to the police station...They don't pose any
security risk to the country. These are just old married people.
They have just come together to pray. It doesn't make any sense to
arrest moms and grand-moms for praying together. Eritrean officials
continue to deny that they are violating the religious freedom of
their people. They continue to deny they are imprisoning Christians.
This is just unbelievable."
"The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of; our attention would have been on God."
-C.S. Lewis from Letters to Malcom
"Ultimately our Christian service exists only to draw attention to this source-to our crucified and risen Lord who gave Himself as a ransom for us all."
-C.J. Mahanaey from Humility True Greatness
Thought of the Day: Justin
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
December 16, 2009
December 14, 2009
December 13, 2009
My cousin is butt drunk and has passed out in my living room. He's gotta wake up in less than three hours. I think I should drive him home, but I don't think he'll be in a right state of mind to let me drive him home. I think I should drive him home, but I know that he'll strongly insist that I don't. What do I do?
Thought of the Day: Brian & Co.
Song of the Day: Papa Roach-Last Resort
Thought of the Day: Brian & Co.
Song of the Day: Papa Roach-Last Resort
December 10, 2009
If you say what you say you are...a superstar
Some of you had heard that she was gone for good. She disappeared. Enoch & co. mourned. Joy was lost. But today, one of her faithful disciples shared the news that she had resurrected! Star Burger is up and running in 이대! Rejoice!
I have another reason to rejoice. My computer had been doing fine for a while until I had decided to install Service Pack 3. All it did was slow down my computer and eat up all my memory in my main hard drive. As a result, I cleansed my computer of all impurities and brought this back to life as well. My computer is just a lil over three years old, but it always runs fine after I reformat it. I actually take pride in being able to use things for a long time. For example:
-my '94 Mazda Protege that has over 260,000 miles and has gone through (I think) four different radiators! That car has too many stories to tell, right Simon?
-both of my computers back at home that were born in 2002. One of them has a dvd-rom that doesn't read dvds anymore. The other has a cd-rom that doesn't read cds anymore. I refuse to let them die!
-my Sony TV that my family bought in 1994. It's actually the only TV in my family that is a part of my memory. It's got this greenish bluish thing growing in one of the corners of the screen. Otherwise, it gets the job done.
-my NIV Bible that I got in my senior year of high school. I never understood how people could have such torn up Bibles, but mine finally caved in. It's got duct tape on both covers and everything. But I am unashamedly happy to say that I am now putting my ESV to regular use.
One of my greatest regrets that I have in life is trading away all of my Michael Jordan basketball cards. I had gone through a stupid Grant Hill phase, and I don't even know what happened to those. I even had a Fleer Ultra Kobe Bryant rookie card that I had sold for $1. How was I supposed to know that he was going to be all crazy? But yeah, these make it to the woulda coulda shoulda list. Stupid!
Thought of the Day: Redemptive Value
Song of the Day: Lupe Fiasco-Superstar
I have another reason to rejoice. My computer had been doing fine for a while until I had decided to install Service Pack 3. All it did was slow down my computer and eat up all my memory in my main hard drive. As a result, I cleansed my computer of all impurities and brought this back to life as well. My computer is just a lil over three years old, but it always runs fine after I reformat it. I actually take pride in being able to use things for a long time. For example:
-my '94 Mazda Protege that has over 260,000 miles and has gone through (I think) four different radiators! That car has too many stories to tell, right Simon?
-both of my computers back at home that were born in 2002. One of them has a dvd-rom that doesn't read dvds anymore. The other has a cd-rom that doesn't read cds anymore. I refuse to let them die!
-my Sony TV that my family bought in 1994. It's actually the only TV in my family that is a part of my memory. It's got this greenish bluish thing growing in one of the corners of the screen. Otherwise, it gets the job done.
-my NIV Bible that I got in my senior year of high school. I never understood how people could have such torn up Bibles, but mine finally caved in. It's got duct tape on both covers and everything. But I am unashamedly happy to say that I am now putting my ESV to regular use.
One of my greatest regrets that I have in life is trading away all of my Michael Jordan basketball cards. I had gone through a stupid Grant Hill phase, and I don't even know what happened to those. I even had a Fleer Ultra Kobe Bryant rookie card that I had sold for $1. How was I supposed to know that he was going to be all crazy? But yeah, these make it to the woulda coulda shoulda list. Stupid!
Thought of the Day: Redemptive Value
Song of the Day: Lupe Fiasco-Superstar
December 8, 2009
Wedding Crasher
A few months ago, Joe invited me to a wedding that he was going to. So I went. I ate. I bounced. Two weeks ago, Joe invited me to another wedding of yet another person that I did not know. So I went. I ate. I bounced. Again, one week later, Joe invited me to a third wedding. Since it would have been awful rude of me to stop the momentum, I gracefully accepted and did my damage. This coming weekend, although the wedding invitations have ceased, I will be attending the Josun Hotel buffet for lunch with a couple of my students and their moms. Since this meal will be ridiculously expensive and delicious, I'm going to give them a show. Tis the season to be jolly (and fat!). Step aside, Santa.
Some of you know that both of my parents had major teeth problems and have been getting new implants and/or dentures. I have been able to observe the terrible discomforts that my dad has been suffering through as he has either had to chew on one side of his mouth, chew only with his front teeth, or not chew at all and just swallow. Both of my parents spend extra time cleaning their teeth and visiting dentists on a regular basis. Money is drained. Pain is induced. Smiles are lost.
As a result, I recently started to pay more attention to my own dental hygiene. I've always been good about brushing and avoiding serious cavities, but I never developed a habit of flossing. My mom would always bug me about brushing after every meal and flossing, but I never took her words seriously. Somewhere along the line, however, I picked up flossing once a week and liked how my gums felt fresh after all the plaque and blood were released. Yeah, I didn't know that your gums weren't supposed to bleed after flossing. So I found out that through Wikipedia the other day that I've had gingivitis for many many years.
I share all this not to gross you out or boast of my ignorance. I figured if I didn't know the benefits and importance of flossing, there had to be a handful of you who didn't know either. So join me in flossing daily from now on. I'm on Day 3.
Thought of the Day: Chocolate
Song of the Day: Sqeezer-Saturday Night
Some of you know that both of my parents had major teeth problems and have been getting new implants and/or dentures. I have been able to observe the terrible discomforts that my dad has been suffering through as he has either had to chew on one side of his mouth, chew only with his front teeth, or not chew at all and just swallow. Both of my parents spend extra time cleaning their teeth and visiting dentists on a regular basis. Money is drained. Pain is induced. Smiles are lost.
As a result, I recently started to pay more attention to my own dental hygiene. I've always been good about brushing and avoiding serious cavities, but I never developed a habit of flossing. My mom would always bug me about brushing after every meal and flossing, but I never took her words seriously. Somewhere along the line, however, I picked up flossing once a week and liked how my gums felt fresh after all the plaque and blood were released. Yeah, I didn't know that your gums weren't supposed to bleed after flossing. So I found out that through Wikipedia the other day that I've had gingivitis for many many years.
I share all this not to gross you out or boast of my ignorance. I figured if I didn't know the benefits and importance of flossing, there had to be a handful of you who didn't know either. So join me in flossing daily from now on. I'm on Day 3.
Thought of the Day: Chocolate
Song of the Day: Sqeezer-Saturday Night
December 6, 2009
Love your neighbor
In our most recent Bible Study, the last question read:
As one who has been born of God, are there ways you can see the family traits of obedience and love developing in your life? What things or circumstances has God used to bring about those changes?
We all know that suffering builds character. But if I break the suffering down, I realize that most of it comes from people. Difficult people. God has taught me more of what it means to love by placing unlovable people in my life. People who are stupid and ugly (which is a pretty awful combination). The disagreeable. The racists. The awkward. The bastards. I obviously never prefer to be around such neighbors, but the Lord keeps placing them in my life. However, it is amazing how God uses them to make me into a more loving person. You'd think that having many lovable people around you would teach you to love more. No, it is quite the contrary. It is the terrible who have taught THIS terrible person to love even more. It's these people who are perfect mirrors when I see myself before God. The worse the person, the worse my heart. The worse my heart, the greater the grace. The greater the grace, the greater I love.
I'm still working on it too.
Thought of the Day: Great Sunday
Song of the Day: Glee Cast-Somebody To Love
As one who has been born of God, are there ways you can see the family traits of obedience and love developing in your life? What things or circumstances has God used to bring about those changes?
We all know that suffering builds character. But if I break the suffering down, I realize that most of it comes from people. Difficult people. God has taught me more of what it means to love by placing unlovable people in my life. People who are stupid and ugly (which is a pretty awful combination). The disagreeable. The racists. The awkward. The bastards. I obviously never prefer to be around such neighbors, but the Lord keeps placing them in my life. However, it is amazing how God uses them to make me into a more loving person. You'd think that having many lovable people around you would teach you to love more. No, it is quite the contrary. It is the terrible who have taught THIS terrible person to love even more. It's these people who are perfect mirrors when I see myself before God. The worse the person, the worse my heart. The worse my heart, the greater the grace. The greater the grace, the greater I love.
I'm still working on it too.
Thought of the Day: Great Sunday
Song of the Day: Glee Cast-Somebody To Love
December 3, 2009
Bye Bye Bye
Many things are coming to an end.
-Eunice is leaving Korea.
-종성 is finally graduating from college.
-My Korean diary has three pages left.
-Westminster Shorter Catechism has about 20 pages left.
-And I've finally finished all five seasons of The Wire.
*"The fourth season of The Wire has almost been universally lauded and hailed as one of the best seasons of television ever produced. As of November 2009, it is the highest rated TV season of all time on Metacritic with a score of 98, outscoring even The Sopranos, another HBO series of far greater fame and notoriety."
I forgot how funny The Office was after not watching any episodes for over a year. One thing that I did not expect to see was the fact that

Holly from The Office!
I downloaded over 60 more Tim Keller sermons today. It's official. I'm definitely a fan.
Thought of the Day: Paraguay
Song of the Day: Turtles-분홍빛 크리스마스
-Eunice is leaving Korea.
-종성 is finally graduating from college.
-My Korean diary has three pages left.
-Westminster Shorter Catechism has about 20 pages left.
-And I've finally finished all five seasons of The Wire.
*"The fourth season of The Wire has almost been universally lauded and hailed as one of the best seasons of television ever produced. As of November 2009, it is the highest rated TV season of all time on Metacritic with a score of 98, outscoring even The Sopranos, another HBO series of far greater fame and notoriety."
I forgot how funny The Office was after not watching any episodes for over a year. One thing that I did not expect to see was the fact that
Beadie from The Wire was actually

Holly from The Office!
I downloaded over 60 more Tim Keller sermons today. It's official. I'm definitely a fan.
Thought of the Day: Paraguay
Song of the Day: Turtles-분홍빛 크리스마스
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