A bedridden 11-year-old was severely beaten by her teacher for saying that she was a Pakistani Christian. She says, " Our teacher was teaching us about the culture of Pakistan and Pakistani people and quoted a sentence from the text book saying 'We are Pakistani and all of us are Muslims.' At this point, I interrupted and said: "Madam, I am also a Pakistani, but not a Muslim. Instead I am a Christian. [The teacher] got furious and grabbed a bamboo stick and started thrashing in a barbarian way and kept saying all Pakistanis are Muslim, you are not a Pakistani but a Christian. Your home land is some where in Europe or America." Classmates said the girl briefly became unconscious, but was eventually brought home. The girl's father said he did not go to local police and stated, "I am an impoverished Christian man and am busy working for a daily wage to feed my family. However I have taken her to the doctor and we believe that her injuries will be healed and she will be able to return to her school."
I teach seven classes tomorrow. Never been done.
Thought of the Day: 가을남자
Song of the Day: 가을방학-가을방학
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