I go through many seasons with my dad. I've had my bitter winters and 짜증나 summers, but these days, it's just all pleasant spring. Last night while we were playing 화투, I couldn't help but think of how far we'd come. Today, as we were eating 순대국, I looked over by the table where we had had our really heated argument about his smoking a few months back. It just occurred to me that he hasn't smoked in my presence since then. Even after we've finished eating at a restaurant, he won't bust out his cigarette til we've walked home and I've gone inside. Respect.
There's so much of him that I see in myself. One particular thing is our habit of explaining, repeating, and emphasizing ourselves one or two sentences too many. I hate that crap. I remember the first time I heard myself laugh and thought that it sounded just like his. I was so disgusted. I hate how we both tell long stories but conclude on a punch line that's really flat. That's right. I'm aware of all these things.
But I can also see the "good" qualities that I've inherited from my dad, and I'm not just talking about eating. My dad is seriously one of the most patient people that I know. He's good at making other people feel comfortable. And for his generation, I'd say he's got one heck of an open mind. Not that I resemble these different characteristics, but I can see myself really trying to emulate them. It's these good qualities that remind me of our real Father who is perfectly good. I think, sometimes, parents are great shadows of our God in heaven.
Dude, my dad's so good at Go-Stop.
Thought of the Day: Terminator
Song of the Day: Lee Jung Hyun-넌 내꺼
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