About two months ago, two Christian girls were murdered with their homes being blown up, wounding their mother. Al Queda and other terrorist groups continue the rise of violence even though the government had made claims to protect Christians. Pray regarding this senseless violence.
One of my kids has an older brother who always fights with his mom in the other bedroom. We can hear all the screaming, hitting, and crying even from our room, so it's pretty disturbing. Today, the older brother actually ran out of the house crying after what sounded like constant pain. The month of January has been rough in this family. Let's hope for a better February, David.
I've gone to 노래방 three times since Saturday. I think I'm going again tomorrow. If Dinko's here, what do you expect?
Thought of the Day: JCVD
Song of the Day: H.O.T-전사의 후예
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