This week's persecuted church - Iran
Iranians who have become Christians face time in jail and execution. The Iranian Pariliament has established a law that gives the death penalty for Muslims who convert to other religions. Pray for the many charges against these Christians to be dropped.
Thought of the Day: Beer and donuts.
Song of the Day: Coldplay-Yellow
January 31, 2009
January 29, 2009

About two months ago, two Christian girls were murdered with their homes being blown up, wounding their mother. Al Queda and other terrorist groups continue the rise of violence even though the government had made claims to protect Christians. Pray regarding this senseless violence.
One of my kids has an older brother who always fights with his mom in the other bedroom. We can hear all the screaming, hitting, and crying even from our room, so it's pretty disturbing. Today, the older brother actually ran out of the house crying after what sounded like constant pain. The month of January has been rough in this family. Let's hope for a better February, David.
I've gone to 노래방 three times since Saturday. I think I'm going again tomorrow. If Dinko's here, what do you expect?
Thought of the Day: JCVD
Song of the Day: H.O.T-전사의 후예
January 23, 2009
I've been complaining to people that I can't remember the last time I saw a really good movie. I watched Erin Brockovich in high school in my psych class but never got to finish it. Well, I just finished watching it for the first time the whole way through. Erin Brockovich, the last good movie I saw. True story, y'all.
"officially on vacation!!!!" This is what my old-worker, Margaret, texted to me today. I totally feel her. Leaving that hakwon building did wonders to your endorphin levels. I actually wanted to stop by with some donuts and see how everyone was doing. Unfortunately, the weather was miserable today and so was the traffic. But this is one of the few times that even private tutors get a break. It makes me so happy when I hear that my students are going somewhere far and will not come back for a long time. Break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar. Truly.
Today's Daniel Adventure:
(crying because I had disturbed his sleep).
Me: Daniel, you're 10 years old! You're not supposed to cry anymore!
Daniel: My friend is 10, and he cries too!
Me: Well, then your friend is a baby.
Daniel: But my mom cries too! She's not 10!
Me: But she's a woman. It's ok for her to cry.
Daniel: Then I'm a girl too!
Me: No, you're not! You're a boy!
Daniel: No. I have no penis.
Me: Fine. Prove it then. If there's something there, we're going to cut it off. Go get the scissors.
Daniel: My dad cries too!
Me: He does?!
Daniel: Yeah. When people die.
So this went on for a while, but he eventually stopped crying after I started laughing at all of his examples. Daniel, it's actually ok to cry. You make me cry all the time.
Days Remaining: 1
Thought of the Day: 원장님
Song of the Day: Matt Redman-Shine
Today's Daniel Adventure:
(crying because I had disturbed his sleep).
Me: Daniel, you're 10 years old! You're not supposed to cry anymore!
Daniel: My friend is 10, and he cries too!
Me: Well, then your friend is a baby.
Daniel: But my mom cries too! She's not 10!
Me: But she's a woman. It's ok for her to cry.
Daniel: Then I'm a girl too!
Me: No, you're not! You're a boy!
Daniel: No. I have no penis.
Me: Fine. Prove it then. If there's something there, we're going to cut it off. Go get the scissors.
Daniel: My dad cries too!
Me: He does?!
Daniel: Yeah. When people die.
So this went on for a while, but he eventually stopped crying after I started laughing at all of his examples. Daniel, it's actually ok to cry. You make me cry all the time.
Days Remaining: 1
Thought of the Day: 원장님
Song of the Day: Matt Redman-Shine
January 19, 2009
January 17, 2009

Believers are being arrested and accused of "malicious acts to outrage religious feelings and punishment for criminal investigation." Hindu extremists barge into worship services and attack Christians as they are charged with forceful conversion. Pray for the release of those imprisoned and the many who work and study at Bible colleges throughout India.

I never knew lotion could be so expensive! One of the workers rubbed a sample onto my right hand, but I decided that this lotion stuff was ridiculous and left the store. After some minutes, I looked at my right hand and noticed how much cleaner it looked compared to my left hand. In fact, it felt smooth and normal again! I bit my pride once more and returned to the store to buy the cheapest bottle that they had-12,000 won. They even gave me a membership card, which I will hide in one of the secret compartments of my wallet. So there you have it. Phil actually invested in hand lotion. I still think this crap is overpriced.
Last night, I had a dream that I was playing the original Street Fighter II on SNES with Shaq. We both chose Dhalsim, but his character was able to bite me like Blanka does. What a dream.
Happy Sabbath.
Thought of the Day: Shaq.
Song of the Day: Rebecca St. James-Power Of Your Love
January 16, 2009
January 12, 2009
January 11, 2009

Repatriation is the return of POWs, displaced persons, and war
refugees to their original country. For thousands, this is great
news, but this is actually a nightmare for North Koreans. Especially
with Christians who thought they were safe in China, many are rounded
up by police and sent back for definite torture and probably death.
So I started posting about persecuted churches in our church's forum almost two months ago. Here are the statistics:
11/23 - 74 hits
11/30 - 73 hits
12/7 - 60 hits
12/14 - 42 hits
12/28 - 19 hits
1/7 - 12 hits
I find this downward trend to be more amusing than discouraging. I wonder how low it'll go though.
So I finally decided on a concrete New Year's resolution for this year. I've already screwed up once, but my goal for 2009 is to always make it back home on Saturday nights before the subways close. As the next day is the Sabbath, I believe that our worship starts with how we treat our Saturday nights. If I'm hanging out with friends or even watching a movie til 1 or 2 in the morning, that already says something about how I view the Lord's Day, right?
But with that said, I must give another shoutout to all those who have been praying for my horrible horrible insomnia and sleeping habits. Last week, I went to bed around 10 or 11 every single night, which gave me at the very least a solid 8 hours of sleep each night. It makes such a huge difference the next day the whole day. Sleep truly is a gift from the Lord. If you cannot sleep these days, I'd be more than glad to pray for you!

These days, slowly but surely, I have been progressing in my episodes of LOST. It really is a fascinating show filled with so many different characters and mysterious plots. I like how it shows each character's background before they had crashed onto the island. You get to know their past struggles and problems, which give you a better understanding of their personalities and behaviors at the present. It kinda reminds me of the church how we're all, in a sense, lost and seeking to survive in our difficult situations. We all have strengths and weaknesses, but there is one truth that everyone must acknowledge-every single person is important in one way or another. Today's small group meeting felt like an episode of seeing everyone's past before the crash. With that said, let's watch another episode.
Thought of the Day: 정시
Song of the Day: Utada Hikaru-Come Back To Me
January 4, 2009

Jos is the border zone between the predominately Muslim north and
Christian south. After an election that favored the Christians,
hundreds were attacked and killed with the burning of churches and
homes. Pray for not only faithfulness but also protection from
bitterness against hostile Muslims.

Last night, I had a chance to play with some of Zeus' cousins. The funniest thing was hearing them call him 재우스. I was really shocked to see just how good his Korean was though. It was so funny listening to him explain why his cat's name is Dr. Doom. Man, I had forgotten just how fun that heretical guy could be. I FREAKIN' should have taken pictures last night! Ahh!
Thought of the Day: Friends.
Song of the Day: Hillsong-One Way
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