Hmong people, an ethnic minority group, has been growing in the number of Christians. However, the government sees it as a threat and many are being persecuted. Bounty hunters are offered $44 for every human head. Men are having their Achilles tendons cut off. People are tied up and thrown into rivers to drown. But the church continues to grow rapidly.
I was waiting for the subway today and saw our church on the huge local map. I think it's really neat how they drew the picture of the building quite accurately.
As today is the last Sunday of 2008, our small group shared New Year's Resolutions for 2009. Last year was the first time in my life where I made real resolutions. The amazing part is that I not only accomplished them but went even further with my goals.
Goal #1: Finish memorizing 1,000 Korean vocabulary words.
Result: Memorized 1,100 words.
Goal #2: Finish reading 흥부전 and 심청전.
Result: Finished both AND 장화홍련전.
I actually really wanted to finish 콩쥐 팥지전 too, but December just became way too busy. But after I finish that, I want to read 소나기. Just goin' down the list. If I become really ambitious, I might even take my dad's advice and start some basic 한자 too. Ugh. It never ends!
I'm all done with 30Rock, so now I'm on to LOST. Both so very different.
Memorable Quotes:
"You wanna get drunk?"
"No, there's too many phones in here."
"A guaranteed disaster! Like eating a burrito before having sex."
I'll miss you Miss Lemon just like I missed Dwight Schrute.
My good friend, Zen, told me that 2008 was a really bad year for her. I agree with her. In fact, I think it was one of the worst years of my life. Thank goodness it is almost over! Nevertheless, it had its good memories that will go down in Phil history.
(in no particular order)
-Yom in Korea
-Wednesday morning Bible studies
-church retreats
-Dark Knight
-escape from Elite prison
-every single dinner at 돌돌이
-every single dinner with 정우
-도계 trip
-mom in Korea
-monthly dates with 정원
Thanks for the memories, 2008. Let's see what you got, '09.
Thought of the Day: 비빔밥
Song of the Day: The Postal Service-Such Great Heights
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