These days, I'm going nuts with ramen and chocopie. When I was young, I used to love ramen so much that sometimes I'd put the noodles in my mouth and just suck out all the soup before chewing them. But as I got older, I learned that ramen was bad for you and practically never touched the stuff. In fact, in college, I probably averaged two ramens per year (emergency food). Now, I ALWAYS throw in a cheese as I discovered the pleasures of cheese ramen. As for chocopie, I just never thought much of it even when I was young. But after coming to Korea, I learned the secret of freezing the chocolate marshmallow. Now I go bonkers every winter. I feel like a pregnant woman.

Another winter change my body experiences is dry skin. I absolutely cannot stop scratching my arms and legs. I don't know what I'd do without my milk & honey body lotion. Nevertheless, lotion doesn't last forever, and I go back to indulging my itch.
I just found out that my whole building gets one large water bill, so the residents split the bill 12 ways. Our electricity bill is divided by floors, which means that we split with our next door neighbor. We asked our landlord about it, but he just said to wait until they approached us. After living here for exactly two months now, we still have yet to pay for any electricity. *shrug* He's the boss. The billing system is so funny here. I could just leave my bathroom light on 24 hours!
Thought of the Day: 수도
Song of the Day: Showbiz & A.G.-The Next Level
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