I've been going to our Wednesday morning prayer meetings for a month now. Every time I wake up for it, I tell myself that I'm going to call Mike to tell him that I won't be making it out. But I somehow end up dragging myself out of bed and into the subway train. It's been really good every time I've gone, and I encourage everyone to join our 5 or less people group.
This week, I got a chance to meet Alex and Shinae, our Korean Canadian married couple. In one of our conversations, we were complaining about how Korean and Chinese people are notorious for selling fake goods. But out of no where, Alex simply exclaimed, "We got skills!" It was so funny hearing that from him, especially in the context of the conversation. It reminded me of the time when my high school friend, Pat, got a water cup at Taco Bell but used it to get free soda. I told him that he was a cheap Korean to which he responded, "Yea Yea, Korean Pride!" This incident reminds me of the story that Pastor Ryan told in one of his sermons when his dad would pick up pennies from the ground and say, "Penny도 돈이야!" This anecdote reminds me of the times when my mom would take towels home from the gym that she used to work out at. Just ask Simon...we have a GANG of towels at home. Koreans are so funny.
My old coworker and buddy, Brian, wrote to me today. Here's a sample of what he wrote: "If you aren't happy, you gotta change things. Your life story isn't already written man, you are writing it yourself, every f*cking day! So carpe mother f*cking diem."
"I drank to you and to the best job in the world a couple of times here. People just kind of look at me like I'm crazy. That's true and all, but still.
You're always my boy Phil. Always got your back."
I had a good laugh at the carpe dium part. Brian is a good reminder to me that this world is full of very lost people. He also reminds me that people actually do swear a lot in emails and chatting...something I'm not very used to. But yeah, he promised me the best time in Thailand, so that's my next biggest goal. I'm gonna throw Korean girlfriend out the window.
I started reading Roald Dahl's Collected Stories. The only problem is that it's over 800 pages and heavier than my Bible. Not only is it a pain to carry around, but I get even more stares in the subway. I'm sure the cover doesn't help either. Which is why I'm going to Kyobo tomorrow to buy Kite Runner and Momo (the book). I can read Roald Dahl shamelessly alone in my room and read the others shamelessly out in public. I can't believe I'm buying books now.
I finished The Office. I finished Arrested Development. Guess who's next in line.
Tina Fey is great!
Thought of the Day: 1일 이체 한도... Song of the Day: Lee Hyun Woo-마취
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