Today is Thanksgiving, my saddest day of the year. I asked my LG class what they were thankful for from 2008. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or not, but the non-Christians weren't really thankful for anything in particular while the Christians had various things. For myself, the first thought I had was the new friends I made this year, Momo and Mike. Both in their 30s and married. Not something I can relate to, but they were (and are) very important to me in 2008. Of all the people that I know in my life, minus my mom, they probably pray for me the most. Thank you so much for being such good friends!
Living in Seoul, I've been meeting a lot of single women who are no longer in their 20s. I feel really sad when I see them having no luck with the men. And the thing is, they're really great catches. Ok, some are just good, but still. What is to happen to them? They should be bearing children right now, but they're no better than me. I'd marry them if I could.
Thought of the Day: 절망
Song of the Day: DJ Fobtastic-Fobulous Megamix II
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