This week's Persecuted Church: Iraq-Over a month ago, a 60-year-old woman, fleeing from persecution in Mosul, entered a secret hideout in Iraq where 19 other Christian families were staying. She told them of her story about how her brother was shot in front of his own children after masked gunmen had checked his identification and confirmed that he was a Christian. Remember this 60-year-old Iraqi woman and thousands of others who have fled Mosul, Iraq. (
Thought of the Day: Adulterer. Song of the Day: Mok-Heavenly Light
Some kids pick their nose and eat their boogers. My student scratches his hair or rubs his toes and smells his fingers. He's done it for so long that I can't bring myself to address it to him now. I gag every time he does it...especially when I can smell the oil from his hair.
I got a chance to check out Enoch's awesome company, SAS. The dark side of SAS, that is. This is where he carries out his delightful Monday-Fridays (and sometimes, Saturdays).
Some people have an obsession with cleaning. My obsession is organization...or to be more exact, RE-organization. I've been sleeping on my new mattress without a bed cover for a while and decided to be patient until my dad ordered one online. But as I was moving my bed around (for the nth time) today, I had an epiphany. I could do to my bed what Vincent and Jules did to their car in Pulp Fiction! 백지영 is back with another heart-wrenching song. There is seriously no other singer who can touch my heart like she does.
Thought of the Day: Rapper. Song of the Day: 백지영-총맞은 것처럼
November 27, 2008
Last night, I had dinner with my mom's two best friends. We seriously ate SO much last night. Including my dad, it was just the four of us, but we ended up packing away 7인분 worth of 삼겹살. That's right, 7 orders of meat, and that doesn't include the 계란찜 and the 볶음밥 afterwards. 아저씨 was also on a drinking spree, so there were about 7 bottles of soju too. I kept trying to order the 볶음밥 after finishing the meat (cause I was dying), but he'd keep saying, "가만있어봐...1인분 더 주세요!" The whole night was just "여기 1인분 더 주세요." "여기 소주 하나 더 주세요." Man, 아저씨 was really amazing last night. So powerful.
Today is Thanksgiving, my saddest day of the year. I asked my LG class what they were thankful for from 2008. I don't know if it was just a coincidence or not, but the non-Christians weren't really thankful for anything in particular while the Christians had various things. For myself, the first thought I had was the new friends I made this year, Momo and Mike. Both in their 30s and married. Not something I can relate to, but they were (and are) very important to me in 2008. Of all the people that I know in my life, minus my mom, they probably pray for me the most. Thank you so much for being such good friends!
Living in Seoul, I've been meeting a lot of single women who are no longer in their 20s. I feel really sad when I see them having no luck with the men. And the thing is, they're really great catches. Ok, some are just good, but still. What is to happen to them? They should be bearing children right now, but they're no better than me. I'd marry them if I could.
Thought of the Day: 절망 Song of the Day: DJ Fobtastic-Fobulous Megamix II
November 25, 2008
"If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all." My blog sucks these days.
Thought of the Day: Odessa File Song of the Day: As Tall As Lions-Christmas Song
November 24, 2008
There aren't too many people have seen Arrested Development, but it definitely has its moments. I'm particularly fond of Gob's obnoxious chicken taunt.
"Pound is Tic-Tac-Toe, right?" -Gob
November 23, 2008
I just woke up only to find out that I had NOT impregnated Mariah Carey. In the dream, I was specifically telling Dinko, "You know those terrible situations where everything is going wrong, but then you wake up only to realize it was a bad dream? Well, this isn't one of those dreams!" Dreams can be so deceptive, and apparently so can I.
It's hard to find a clean picture of Mariah Carey.
Thought of the Day: 양상추. Song of the Day: Taesaja-Time
In our small group, we look at one country/church/group of Christians that experience persecution because of their faith. We take a glimpse at what struggle(s) they go through (thanks to and pray for them. Please join us in praying for a different group every week.
This week's Persecuted Church: Eritrea-In 2002, the government only allowed three churches to register with them, which means that all other churches would be unlawful. Faith Missions Church, which had been doing evangelistic activities for 50 years, had to go underground. Bu on October 12 (a little over a month ago), on a Sunday morning, they were raided and arrested by police-20 believers. This is just one church out of thousands of Eritrean Christians in jail.
Hebrews 13:3-"Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."
Since I'll be posting about different Christians each week in our church forum, I thought might as well post on my blog too. I'm sure many may just gloss over this kind of stuff, but for the few who are willing to spare an extra minute, I think it'd be great to have just a little more awareness of what's going on out there in the world.
In December, my tutoring network will branch out to places like 압구정 and 개포동. Those that know me a lil better know that I have a passion for hating the 강남 area. It's far, crowded, and expensive. Ultimately, it's overrated. Nevertheless, I am being sent to such a place just as Jonah was sent to Ninevah. Right now, I can't afford to turn these down, but I do hope that they will eventually be short-lived. Please excuse the offensive picture. I found it on a random blog and felt that it was somewhat relevant as I was thinking about 강남. Haha.
Some people get addicted to smoking. These days, I find myself drinking coffee more often than usual. I highly doubt that I'll become an addict, but that's what every crackhead said too. If you begin to see my hands shaking from withdrawal, be a friend and keep me away from the brown stuff.
Thought of the Day: Respect. Song of the Day: Taru-Miss You (Alternative Mix)
November 20, 2008
한정원, 넌 왜 안나왔어?
Thought of the Day: Kimochi Song of the Day: Taru-Miss You
November 18, 2008
Winter came this week. First, I saw all the leaves on the ground. Then, my dad turned on the heating. Finally, I busted out my scarf, gloves, and winter socks today. Next, I have to make my Christmas Mix on my itunes. It's -4 out there right now. For the first time in my life, I didn't want to leave my last student's house. I'm so glad my 10:15 got canceled cause I'd still be tutoring at this very moment. I would've been a snowman out there!
The building across mine has a third floor that has drinking nights with open windows until about 5AM every other week or so. "The A-holes" I call them. Last night, I was getting raped by a mosquito (STILL!) and awoke at 4AM. The A-holes were doing their thing until 4:30AM. I remained in bed glorying in ideas of throwing rocks or shooting a bb gun at their windows.
"I don't know what to say. I don't know how I feel." "Go home, Asher Lev. We all have impossible days."
Thought of the Day: Just adulting. Song of the Day: CIIK-Once In A
November 17, 2008
Check out my new and improved room! The desk that I found at a nearby alley. The dresser from a recycling center and mini sofas outside on the corner of a street. My newest addition. Free king size bed right outside of the subway station! Look how it barely fits into my room. Take a closer look. It was totally meant to be!
Why buy furniture when people just give it away?
One of the worst things about being a private tutor is having an inconsistent schedule. In my case, my schedule changes literally every single week. Just today, three different moms called to change their studying time. My life is just full of surprises.
Thought of the Day: 안정 Song of the Day: Bexter-Eternity
November 16, 2008
Lover - n. - Someone who continues to consistently draw positive creative and adaptive forces out of you. I thought this was so funny.
I've been reading 장화 홍련전 for a while now. Although I can only understand about 40% of it, I've come to the conclusion that it should NOT be a children's fairytale. There is much mutilation and murder that is inappropriate for a bedtime story. Either that or I got the adult version of the story. Or maybe, my Korean's just that bad. Either way, I don't like this story.
Thought of the Day: :S Song of the Day: Mozart-Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
November 14, 2008
"Michael and Jan seem to be playing their own separate game. And it's called 'Let's See How Uncomfortable We Can Make Our Guests'... and they're both winning so I am going to make a run for it." -Jim Halpert
I would say the Dinner Party episode from The Office Season 4 is probably one of my favorite episodes I've ever seen. They are SO good at making awkward situations! I was genuinely feeling embarrassed even as I watching the show. I'm always a season behind you, America, but it's never too late to laugh.
I asked one of my students what he would wish for if he had three wishes. His wishes: 1) Richest man in the world 2) Having power and authority over everyone 3) Control the top companies in the world (with the exception of his father's and some of his friends)
Can you say power trip? I'm so glad that there ain't no genie to help this 5th grader out. However, we all have our extravagant lusts that we like to fantasize about from time to time. For example, did you guys know that if I was filthy rich and had money to burn, I'd want buy a yellow Lamborghini Diablo? That's right. I said yellow, and that has nothing to do with being Asian. Look at 'em doors go up!
I only have one more Kar Wai Wong movie to watch, "2046."
Thought of the Day: Persecution Song of the Day: Mozart-Piano Sonata K332 in F - Adagio
November 11, 2008
I just had the biggest beef with my dad on Sunday. We cleared everything up just now. Much thanks to those who prayed. But the most thanks to the God who answered (very quickly). My dad is driving me nuts!
Thought of the Day: 명문 충돌 Song of the Day: Big Bang-Wonderful
November 6, 2008
"Someone once asked how it is possible to establish a connection between man and the Master of the Universe. The answer was that man must take the first step. In order for there to be a connection between man and the Master of the Universe, there must first be an opening, a passageway, even a passageway as small as the eye of a needle. But man must make the opening by himself; man must take the beginning step. Then the Master of the Universe will move in, as it were, and widen the passageway." -Asher's father from My Name is Asher Lev
I wonder how many people in the world believe a statement like that. Sadly, probably a lot. This is the final book that I will be reading from David's collection. Actually, we've already stopped studying together, but I just didn't give this one back yet because I need something to read. Sometimes, I think about secretly sneaking books out of his huge collection on his bookshelf. No one would even notice! But apart from dishonesty, I tend to return the books in a condition that shows that they've clearly been used. But yeah, tutoring hours are dropping like flies. Sucks.
Something that's been standing out to me more and more is my huge turnoff of Catholics. I find the religion to be so ridiculous that I can't help but judge those who follow its beliefs. One clear and recent example is Kim Yuna. Have you guys noticed that she always does that cross thing with her hands before she starts her performances now? I used to really like her, but now she's just a Korean ice skater in my eyes. You Catholics are so close yet so far away!
I was just watching an episode from The Office Season 4 where Michael orders pizzas from the wrong Alfredo's. And now, I have a hankering for some good ol' American pizza. You guys don't know how lucky you are. Sometimes, I fantasize going back home and taking a roadtrip up north with Simon and eating at our favorite pizzeria, Toto's. It is seriously the 돌돌이 of pizzas. I long for you, my love.
Thought of the Day: Smoking. Song of the Day: BoA-Eat You Up
November 4, 2008
For all those who are sick of Hollywood like me, check this out:
"Only a fool laughs when nothing is funny." -Jean-Dominique
Thought of the Day: 인사. Song of the Day: Lifehouse-Take Me Away
November 2, 2008
October was super long but not in a bad way. I moved into my new place, got a gang of students to tutor, did lots of hiking, and accomplished watching much media.
Last week, my dad and I had 삼겹살 two days in a row. The first night, I came home early from tutoring, and he was all dressed ready to go out for some pork. The second night, I met him and my uncle at 돌돌이 (my favorite place in the whole wide world) cause we just had to take him there. Pork belly runs in the Chung gene.
That same night, my dad and I found more free furniture nearby our place. So after lots of panting and sweating, I now have a desk in my room, and our living room has a double-sided shoe rack. It's amazing how people throw out just the right things for our place.
Right now, I have approximately 8 different students that I teach privately. Three of them are named Daniel. One of those Daniels is a heavyweight and eats very 맛있게. When I asked him what kinds of food he liked, he said something like, "Chicken, pizza, hamburger, spaghetti, steak..." The following question was about what vegetables he liked, to which he responded, "감자...튀김." I was so disgusted that I laughed out loud. But yeah, I really like those things too.
I finally decided to get some hiking boots since I hate life while slipping on rocks and go often enough to wish I had a pair. Although I haven't been working on Saturdays (so weird), I haven't had much luck in being able to hang out with any cousins or friends. So whenever this happens, which is more often than I'd like, I end up going hiking with my dad. I'd say the best thing about hiking is how good the food tastes after you get down the mountain. But I personally think 등산 is bad for your knees.
I finished watching Arrested Development Season 1. I finished watching 별은 내가슴에. I finished watching Wall-E just now.
I'm going to start The Office Season 4. I'm going to start Kar Wai Wong movies. I'm going to start sleeping before 1AM and wake up before 9AM...starting now.
Thought of the Day: Costco? Song of the Day: 안재욱-Forever