The second reminiscence comes from a time when I used to listen to DMX back when he used to be cool with “Ruff Ryders Anthem” (1999). Anyways, in the album version, at the end of the song, he goes “TALK IS CHEAP, MOTHER__________!” *machine guns going off* Well, my brother and I used to think that line was so cool that he actually once used it after getting into a dispute while playing basketball. “TALK IS CHEAP, FATBOY!” I believe were the exact words he used. That just about won the dispute too.
I am officially done with writing my final comments for my final set of report cards at Elite Educational Institute. Before that, I shared the good news about finishing up my contract to my good friend, Mike.
“nice nice
that is awesome that you have some forward momentum
get yourself out of Elite prison”
-Mike Catinari (former Elite co-worker)
Days Remaining: 9
Thought of the Day: Outback.
Song of the Day: Green Day-American Idiot
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