In Korea, there are thousands of people who are studying to become government officials or teachers. The difficult part is taking an extremely hard test that requires months and even years of studying. Since the competition is so fierce, the test preparation demands complete dedication where people have to take time off school, work, and even relationships. I recently found out that one of the members in my small group didn't pass his test. I remember when my cousin didn't pass hers. Now I'm afraid that my good friend, Christine, isn't going to pass her teacher exam that she has in exactly one month. I've seen her health deteriorate right before my eyes. Meeting her and talking to her every week has taught me the power of stress. She basically told me that no one could possibly understand what kinds of pain she has gone through since college. It's quite remarkable.
Edward is one of my former students who was trying to get into Minsa (very good foreign language high school). Although he is a Mokdong resident, he would take a taxi to Daechi everyday to go to another hakwon til 2am. He did not get into Minsa. I meet with LG employees four times a week, and they incessantly express how they hate their 13 hour job. There are thousands of people who'd kill to have their job. This country is developing at a phenomenal rate, and people are struggling to keep up with it. However, one thing is certain: people are not happy.
Seoul is so crazy. I never would've thought that I'd get a chance to see so much raw footage. Koreans are so exhausted and dreary. I've become so exhausted and dreary. Life is tough.
Thought of the Day: 안타깝다.
Song of the Day: Lee Soo Young-Come To Me
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