This last one was actually my favorite one. It's especially funny because this particular student always likes to imitate Darth Vador in his Konglish accent.
These days, I've been reading Lord of the Flies, one of the few books I actually remember reading in high school. It's really different reading it as an adult now. You actually understand a lot of it and don't have to worry about writing essays on every other chapter. Anyways, there's a particular passage I like from the book: "Suddenly, pacing by the water, he was overcome with astonishment. He found himself understanding the wearisomeness of this life, where every path was an improvisation and a considerable part of one's waking life was spent watching one's feet. He stopped, facing the strip; and remembering that first enthusiastic exploration as though it were part of a brighter childhood, he smiled jeeringly."
It's funny when you're away from home. You find yourself thinking more about life and people. I remember when I was in Paraguay, one of the best things about the trip was being able to reflect a lot on my life...what I'd done, what I was doing, and what I was going to do with it. If there's one conclusion that I can draw about my life, it's that I always end up doing things that I never expected. I never thought I'd be working at Wetzel's Pretzels at the age of 14. I never thought I'd be president of my Youth Group. I never thought my family would ever live in Southern California. I never thought I'd pursue teaching as a real career. I never thought my closest friends would be people like Justin Jang or Dinko Kim. I never thought I'd be teaching at a hakwon for an indefinite amount of time. Seriously, who would've thought? God is so unpredictable (just as He should be). What in the world is next? The only thing that is certain is that I'm an idiot sheep with God as my shepherd. The rest is gravy. If I only I can remember that more often.
"You make everything good, everything wonderful. You grace my days and heaven fills my view. Let's forever sing..."
-Jaci Velasquez
Thought of the Day: Kathy is being replaced.
Song of the Day: Muse-Starlight
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