February 5, 2007

I started watching 24 again. Everyone raves about Prison Break and Lost, but I have to finish what I once started. I can't believe they're on their 6th season. I remember when Dykas used to bother me in high school to watch 24, and I thought he was so stupid. Who's the idiot now?

I'm also starting to enjoy these Korean gag shows now. I used to think they were so stupid and unsophisticated. But now, they're one of the few things I'll actually make time to watch. Although I barely understand about half the things they say, the stuff I do get serves me great entertainment.

"대한민국에 안 되는게 어디에 있니? 다 되지!"

I love that last line.

I'm having a mid-job crisis right now. There's so many potential jobs that I can switch over to in a matter of weeks. I'm hearing about some pretty sweet offers. Life-changing offers. My dad was so excited about my opportunities that he couldn't sleep last night. No matter how much money I make (or don't make), I just want peace. Dough is nice, but satisfaction is sweeter. What does God have in store for me?

Thought of the Day: IBS.
Song of the Day: TLC-Creep

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