I had a really good New Year's Weekend. I ate, watched too much tv, napped, and ate some more. Come to think of it, it was a lot like a Korean Thanksgiving! I wish you could have seen how much I ate...how painful/good it was. I also got to make mandoo with my cousins and nephews in the middle of the night. There's nothing better than eating your own mandoo at midnight with family. Everything that Priscilla said, ditto.
There was this one night where I was on the subway on my way to my cousin's place. There was a woman who sat between me and this other woman. We'll call the woman in the middle, woman #1 and the other, woman #2. Although I was listening to my ipod, I overheard woman #2 begin to evangelize to woman #1. It was really amazing. You don't even see this kind of stuff in the states. I thought it was even crazier cause Seoul people don't really like talking to strangers. Anyways, I could sense the discomfort and awkwardness of the whole conversation. The woman didn't really care to hear about religion, and the christian kept insisting that Christianity wasn't a religion. The christian kept challenging her with questions about life, death, but eventually got to the Gospel. Woman #1 only showed signs of No Thanks. I had to give credit for the boldness, but random ev doesn't seem like the most practical or effective way to witness, especially in a place like Seoul.
For some reason, I've been more conscientious of witnessing ever since I got to Korea. Perhaps, it is because I am being exposed to different forms of sin in a different land, and I am constantly reminded of the need for Christ. Regardless, I am getting a taste of what it will be like to be a Christian teacher in the states. My students will know what I believe because I will eventually tell them that I spent my past Sunday at church. My co-teachers will know what I believe because they will eventually see me pray for my meals. Those things are easy. The hard part is walking the walk and talking the talk PASSIONATELY. I've got a long way to go.
Yesterday, I bought my first Japanese cds.
It's funny how the obscure, unknown places have the very things that the big, mainstream places should have.
If you know where I can find her, please let me know ASAP. If not, I could live with just the cd, too.
Last night, Michael and I were walking on the street, and this car freakin' hit me! The sideview mirror smacked my left arm, and I gave a quick "Oh!" Of course they didn't stop to apologize or see if I was ok. The car was stopped at the signal up ahead, but we didn't bother to make a scene. I think Priscilla would have done differently. No, I take that back. I KNOW she would have done differently.
I'm realizing more and more how much of a quiet person I am. There are too many incidents where I just have nothing to say. In fact, I can be quiet for so long that I'll actually have to sit there and think of things to say. When did I become this quiet? Extrovert, reveal yourself! One good thing about being a teacher is that you're forced to talk...although half of it is telling the students to be quiet. Haha.
Thought of the Day: Cold heart.
Song of the Day: Finch-Perfection Through Silence
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