I took sticker pictures with my niece today. I haven't taken sticker pictures since I was in high school. Those machines have gotten so advanced! You can totally customize everything: scan, send your pictures to your email, and print them out onto key chains or pins. I was so lost throughout the whole process. My niece was mad at me cause she said my face was too small, which made hers look big. I hear girls talk about small faces all the time, but I still don't understand what they're talking about. I mean, I know what a big face is, but I can't seem to figure out what a small one is. *shrug* I guess smaller faces are better than big ones.
Here are some random cultural things I've learned/observed lately:
-Koreans give/receive things with one hand while the other hand is held across their stomach (I don't know how else to describe the gesture). I think it's supposed to be a sign of respect.
-White people are terrified of scraping off dead skin.
-Korean students take cheating and lying less seriously than Americans.
I swear I had a longer list, but it suddenly evaporated into oblivion.
Here are some pictures of today's crazy speech contest.

Thought of the Day: Yeah-ahb!
Song of the Day: Nirvana-Smells Like Teen Spirit
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