THE best bibim gooksoo, hands down...
EVEN with Jaepil's hype!
through a...
too bad these girls missed everything by 24 hours. all the white beauty has melted away, and we're back to dirty Korea.
i got super sick again. but i also got super better again. i can't remember how it feels to be 100% healthy and cold-free. anyways, i realized today that i have really conformed to Korean life. whenever i travel with the girls, i realize that they lag so much. no matter how slow i try to walk, they're always a few feet behind me. Seoul is just like NY. even just seeing them hold onto the subway handles so tightly while i'm chillin' with my hands in my pockets, they are such Kyopos. haha. i'm only going to get worse.
tomorrow (rather, today), i will be giving my co-workers Chistmas mixes with personal notes written on the binder paper cd covers. i wrote the notes in red pen and wrote their names on the front with a red marker. i thought it was a nice touch to the candy canes that i taped onto the cd cases, too. when my dad saw my extra-meaningful gifts, he told me that you only write in red to a dead person. *blink blink* i'm learning so much about our native culture, even if it's the hard way.
i finally paid off my whopping credit card bill tonight! i feel as light as a feather now, but so does my wallet. however, that won't be stopping me from buying everyone my favorite samgyupsal as a Christmas present. so if you're in Korea and you're free on Saturday night, dinner's on me! otherwise, have yourself a Merry Christmas.
ps-thanks to the many friends who wrote wonderful letters and sent precious Sriracha Sauce to me. even my dad says thanks!
Thought of the Day: You guys were my favorite class.
Song of the Day: Kim Ah Joong-Maria
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