i guess everyday is somewhat erratic. today, i decided to get a haircut somewhere around the neighborhood, so i went into the closest place from my apt. i usually like to tell people beforehand that "i'm from America, so i'm not that good at Korean," just to save any embarrassment. they usually treat you much nicer and speak a lil slower. so the girl cutting my hair, who couldn't have been too much older than me, starts making conversation...
girl: how old are you?
me: 23.
girl: *gasp*
me: why?
girl: you just look so much older!
me: oh.

girl: do you drink well?
me: (what the!) um...i drink sometimes.
first of all, i get that age reaction a lot in Korea. second, i'm realizing more and more how much alcohol is such a big part of this corrupted culture. i forget if i mentioned this, but they'll usually ask you if you want soju after you order at a restaurant. so yeah, she straight up asked me if i drank well as part of making conversation.
then i had a not-so-nice interaction with the bank lady. i was trying to transfer some money from my Korean account to my American account. after filling out an application, the lady asked me something that i couldn't understand. she repeated herself. i told her that i didn't understand because i was born from the states. she repeated herself louder. i told her again that i didn't understand. she repeated again even more frustrated. after she found someone who could translate, i told them ok to proceed the transaction. in the end, they told me that i couldn't transfer directly from my account. just cash. dude, that lady was mean...freakin' repeating louder and crap.
the weather got super cold all of a sudden. it's been around the fifties and low sixties, which is practically a frozen winter in southern California. all my coworkers have been telling me that i'm going to die this winter since i'm so unconditioned. ugh. i can't sleep half-naked anymore. gotta bust out the long pajama pants and Happy Feet slippers.
if you've been praying for me, the Lord has answered one of your prayer requests. i am going to start meeting with an older brother (from the states) for accountability! he's an old yg friend who happens to do a good job of keeping up with me. please pray for fruitful meetings and spiritual growth. thank you, friends.
Thought of the Day: Element.
Song of the Day: Cool-Blue Eyes
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