today, i was truly humbled at work. 실장님 told me that some of the younger students think i am boring, so i should try to be a little more fun. man, that's like the worst thing to hear as a teacher. i even overheard one of the parents ask her when Joseph was coming back. the sad part is that i actually thought i was being fun and interesting.
there's this Koala joke that alotta the kids want to tell me, and it's supposed to be one of those Korean/English pun jokes. so every time i decide to tell them one of "our" jokes, i always get a really awkward response like...
me: what did the bus driver say to the egg?
students: "egg?"
me: yeah, egg!
student: what?
me: gehran the bus!
students: ...
me: ...
one student: ahahhahahahha.
other student: what?
one student: you know, "계란!"
other student: oooooh! ahahahhahahh. "계란!"
me: nevermind.
in addition to today's discouraging remarks, i've been a little down about my struggle with Korean. i know it's barely been a week, but i can't help thinking about it, especially when i say the most awkward things every time i talk with my dad. but i recall this tv show i saw last night, and they were doing a brief interview on this 104 year old grandma. she was like the funniest lady! she was saying how she lives very long because she eats so well. the program put much emphasis on the fact that the old lady loved to drink soju. anyways, a big thing that struck me was when they asked her if she was sad. she simply replied, "what's there to be sad about when you have lots of rice?" immediately, i was reminded of Matthew 6's Do Not Worry passage. with old age comes much wisdom. i shouldn't ever be sad about meaningless things of the world. if i ought to rejoice b/c i do not have to worry about food, how much more ought i rejoice in my salvation through Christ? with teaching English and learning Korean, i will merely do my best with what the Lord has provided for me. may i boast in my weaknesses so that Christ would be exalted!
remember how i told you i got 28 mosquito bites. well, just when you thought that 28 wasn't enough, i've been getting more every night. the crazy thing is that i'm confident that there's no mosquitos at my place. SO, i must be getting bitten by spiders or some non-American bugs i've never heard about. i always discover more when i go to take a shower. i'm a freakin' all-you-can-eat buffet for these Korean insects! ugh.
did you know that my English is retarding? you may not be able to tell but that's because i go back and read what i type in my entry. i seriously type the darnest things, and i get so ashamed as i fix my errors. pretty soon, i'm just going to stop talking. ciao for now.
Thought of the Day: Seminary.
Song of the Day: STP-Plush
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