(1) One book that changed your life (other than the Bible):

i've raved about it once before. i'll rave about it again. God used this book to grow in me a passion for theology and God's Word. it was MUCH better the second time i read it this past year with Joecal. it's amazing how much your reading comprehension can improve in college. the ideal book for Apologetics 101.
"I hope that one far more capable than I will be introduced to the defense of Christianity by these lessons and will then go further in the years to come and teach us all how we might better take Every Thought Captive."
(2) One book you read more than once:

i read this book for clusters my first year with Old Phil Chung. i decided to do this book for this year's clusters because i remember it being very profound and encouraging. Old Phil would always tell us that he had read the book several times before but every time he would learn something new from each chapter that he never realized before. i concur with the old geezer.
-A.W. Tozer
(3) One book you'd want on a Desert Island:

we're going over the Heidelberg Catechism in youth group right now. i must say that more than any "Bible Study" i've done in my life, catechism has been the best. it's so structured, challenging, and of course, BIBLICAL! during the time we had been going over the Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) for several weeks, the EM service was going to partake in Communion on an upcoming Sunday. after going over the Lord's Supper for so long and to finally be able to apply what i had learned, Communion was never such a blessing and privelege to me. this book can appear to be dry because of its "catechism nature", but i assure you that i have never felt so refreshed during Bible Study through the Heidelberg Catechism. with that said...
"So the test of truth is the Bible, not the Catechism. We must always go from the Catechism to the Bible in order to make sure that it teaches the truth."
-G.I. Williamson
(4) Book that made you laugh:

Calvin and Hobbes is the best comic in comic book history. i think this is the only book that can make me laugh on a consistent basis. much kudos to Bill Watterson.
"Sheesh, who can fathom the feminine mind?"
(5) One book that made you cry (or feel really sad):

"Now I saw in my dream, that these two men went in at the Gate; and lo, as they entered they were transfigured..."
-John Bunyan
that short little excerpt is during the part when Christian and Hopeful finally arrive at the Celestial City after their long and difficult journey. you can totally feel the two pilgrims' joy because it is a joy that is promised to us as well. this book (besides the Bible) is probably the only book that has brought me to tears.
(6) One book that you wish had been written:

Chang told me he was working on some book on aplogetics? John Ro has been working on a Professor Herman Nootix book or something? doesn't Chang look like a Terrance and John Ro put together?
(7) One book that you wish had never been written:

we read this book for clusters my junior year. everyone was hating it. shame on Christopher Lee.
there's no need to quote anything from this book. besides, i sold it to In Christ bookstore as soon as i found out they bought just about anything.

this book came in pretty close.

then this book (haha Chang!).
8) One book you're currently reading:

this is current clusters book we are reading. i've always wanted to go over ethics and this book was recommended to me by Pastor David and the bookkeeper. i've only read a little but so far so biblical. i hope to have some more solidified views on contraversial issues after reading this book.
"The teachings of Scripture are the final court of appeal for ethics. Human reason, church tradition and the natural social sciences may aid moral reflection, but divine revelation, found in the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, constitutes the "bottom line" of the decision-making process."
-John Jefferson Davis
(9) One book you've been meaning to read:

i seriously cannot understand why i cannot get around to this book. it's been on my bookshelf for way too long. it's my brother's favorite book. it's dinko's favorite book. i'm always obligated to finish other books first. this will be next after Evangelical Ethics. i promise.
what a fun entry.
Thought of the Day: Visa.
Song of the Day: System Of A Down-Prison Song
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