lots of crazy things have happened in the first four days of January 2006. for the first time in a long time, i made some New Year's Resolutions. my most practical one is probably going out to Sunday Even Worship Services with or without EM. YG has been having evening services for a while now, and i finally went to my first one this past sunday (on January 1st). i figured if i am willing to make it out to EM's monthly night services, i should definitely be willing to go out to YG's weekly services. church is church. Sabbath is Sabbath. i think it's a great way to observe the Lord's Day.

along with my new cd collection, i also added 16 new dvds to my legitimate movie favorites. i am still looking for Moulin Rouge, Good Will Hunting, and Cincinnati Kid for under $10. there is a part of me that really hurts when i see the total price on my graphing calculator. but there's also another part of me that feels really good about what i'm doing. it truly does feel "so fresh and so clean

speaking of fresh and clean, yesterday's snow at Mt. High was really nice. i went snowboarding with 15 others who, for the most part, had a really good time (sorry, tina). snowboarding is pretty expensive, but after 6 hours of improving heel/toe, hearing first-timers repeatedly reminding you of how much fun they're having, and watching doe eat snow so many times in a row (a rhyme!), you'll know where that $47 went. every time i go snowboarding, i see a lot of pretty girls. i am so sore.

the USC vs. Texas game was the craziest college football game my eyeballs have ever experienced. two words.
arrogant humbled. another two words.
Vince Young. just two more.
BAD BEAT. lol.

my last crazy happening of 2006 was when i was doing my bathroom reading this morning. i turned my Calvin & Hobbes to pg. 256 expecting to read just a few more pages til the end of the book. pg. 255 was the last page with a comic in the book...it was the trippiest feeling! Happy New Year, reader. The End.
Thought of the Day: Selfish.
Song of the Day: Red Hot Chili Peppers-Parallel Universe
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