October 3, 2005

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do you guys remember that old korean song, "Nul Buryussuh", by E&C (Eddie & Chris?)? well, i don't. i only heard about them from a few people back in high school and i always heard their first (and only) album was pretty good. well luckily, i randomly found that Nul Buryussuh song in a forum today. i really like it. it has that old school flavor.

there's a big part of me that wishes i could go back in time to that era-'96-'98. in fact, i was downloading Diva and SES music videos yesterday. ah, those middle school years. the happy korean music days. baggy pants. brown bangs. pager code. breakdancing. tommy hilfiger jackets. "west side." lol.

Thought of the Day: Effective is better than Efficacy.
Song of the Day: Chun Sang Ji Hee-Boomerang