i signed up for an extra credit psych experiment called Food & Personality. basically, i have to go in three times and fill out surveys on food preferences and memories. well, today was my last session that i had to go to but they told me it was going to take 1.5 hours. however, they promised to provide some sandwiches as snacks for the participants. i purposely didn't eat lunch so i wouldn't have to make anything or do any of the dishes. i got there at 1:50 and finished my survey in 10 min...
experienter: well, you finished the last part of the experiment. i have some good news for you and some bad news for you. the bad news is that there are no sandwiches for you. when you told us your preferences, that was actually part of the experiment. the good news is that you're getting 1.5 hour credit for doing 10 min. of work.
i was really disappointed by the bad news.
since i was already on campus, i decided to get all of my reading and math homework done. i learned a very valuable lesson today: i can't study on an empty stomach. it took me 45 min. to read 6 pages. it's incredible how i can't focus when i have no food in my system. i came home, did all the dishes, cooked up some food, and haven't studied since...all thanks to that sham experiment.
Thought of the Day: Cypress.
Song of the Day: Mok-Heavenly Light