tough week
i remember when i used to have really bad days where everything was just going wrong. cancelled appointments, missing the bus, losing money, fighting with the mom, and having an influx of homework all in the same day. when things got so bad, i used to laugh to myself at how ridiculous my day was...but not today. there is definitely no laughing on this sunny April Thursday. i think it's because my crappy events have been spread out throughout the week.
my brake light turned on last thurs even though my parking brake wasn't on. the brakes weren't feeling too sturdy either so i concluded that my brake pads were worn out and it was time for me to replace them. so i got them checked out on monday at Midas. when the manager tells you that's it's going to take about an hour, what he really means is that it's going to take 1 hour TIMES THREE! as i was waiting for my repaired car, they found out that my front left and right axles were messed up. what i thought was only going to cost me around 150 bucks turned out to be 150 bucks TIMES FIVE! for you english majors out there, that's $750 (and that's with a small discount).
i came home feeling really really sad. after calculating living costs and finances for the summer, i had to call my mom and ask her not to deposit the check i had sent her. even then, i don't have enough money to pay for summer rent. dude.
yesterday, i couldn't find my red aeropostale shirt. i lost it. rather, i think someone stole it from my laundry last thursday. i don't know, it's gone. but to make matters worse, i came home finding my left headlight not working. did you know that cops will actually pull you over and give you a fix-it-ticket that costs $10 and alotta out of the way trouble for a broken headlight? so being the obedient law-keeper that i am, i took my car back to Midas today as soon as i ended my 8am class. after taking another look at my car, joe (the manager) told me that it was absolutely critical that i change my two rear tires cause they were in really bad shape. he told me the same thing on monday and i knew they looked a lil lopsided, but i didn't think it was "absolutely critical" to change my tires. *shrug* how bad can the costs be? "alrite, joe, i'll change my tires too." after telling me it should be done before 3, i came back at 3:20 and it still wasn't even done. long story short, $180. *bitter weeping*
jin asked for three weeks off and jordan and dillon are on spring break this week. i just lost another $120. dude.
i don't know how i'm going to support people for missions or pay for my gas during the summer (last night was the most gas i ever had to pay for my small car-$31.36). there's more to my unpleasant week but i have to stop with the ranting somewhere. don't pity me. instead, pray for me.
Thought of the Day: I really want to throw my car away.
Song of the Day: The Munjees-Adoption Song