professor: yes, phil?
me: it seems like in the video and even from your book, in order to know your identity, you have to presuppose that there is a creator. how does this work for atheists?
professor: i don't know, you tell me....blah blah blah...there isn't a single black person who doesn't believe in a divine being...blah blah blah...good question.
me: (HECK YEAH that was a good question!).
i can't believe i spoke in class.
AzN1283 (12:26:26 AM): hey
Pretzelboi96 (12:26:34 AM): ayo
AzN1283 (12:26:34 AM): john has a gf?
Pretzelboi96 (12:26:41 AM): lol
Pretzelboi96 (12:26:43 AM): i JUST saw that too
Pretzelboi96 (12:26:45 AM): like literally
AzN1283 (12:26:49 AM): freakin a
Pretzelboi96 (12:26:49 AM): i don't think so
AzN1283 (12:26:50 AM): he beat us
these days, that missions pact that danny boy and i made last year doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
Thought of the Day: I hate Bi.
Song of the Day: Voices Of Theory-Say It