me: jordan, leave us alone!
jordan: gosh, philip, don't be such an ass...
me: !!!!!
jordan: -tronaut. ahahahhahahha.
me: ahahahhahaah. i have to admit, that was pretty good.
it is spring qtr, finals week 2005. two down, two more to go. whenever my tests have short answer/essay questions, i always use my LUCKY PEN. this is a very special pen to me for various reasons. first of all, i love how it doesn't release too much ink, but still rolls smoothly and comes out dark enough for everyone to read. second, although i'm missing the cap, the pen has never failed to dry out in the past...three years! basically, when i used to be an officer with monica kim in yg, she left the pen at my house after using it to take notes. i never gave it back to her because it was such a covetous and wonderful item that i could use for college. so to this day, i use it for writing on my calander, making my flashcards, brainstorming my outlines, and of course, taking my tests. i can't tell when the ink is going to run out because the ink stained the inside of the clear tube. i really don't know what i'll do when i can no longer use my LUCKY PEN. no pen will ever be able to replace it.
moral of the story: don't ever leave anything precious at phil's house caues he'll never give it back.
i have come to the conclusion that my favorite slow jam of all time is Ben E. King's "Stand By Me." come to think of it, i think it was the earliest slow jam that i could ever remember hearing as a child. i don't know if it's because it reminds me of the 1986 movie, Stand By Me, or if it's because i love how passionately King sings the song with his unique voice. maybe it's the nice tune or the simple lyrics that can win any girl's heart (i think). sometimes, i even imagine God singing this song to me. there are also times where i imagine myself singing this song to God (without the "DARLIN', DARLIN'..." stuff of course!). haha. singing a secular song to God. that's when you know a song is awesome.
made my day...
(taking out my id card as i turn in my education final).
professor collins: (takes my test w/o id card). i know who are.
me: *grin* oh.
Thought of the Day: No train.
Song of the Day: Jinusean-Phone Number