i came down with the flu today. i only had a sore throat yesterday, but after being tempted to play some ball i think i got even sicker. i'm pretty sure i got it from edu after ALMOST drinking out of his can on saturday. well, that ALMOST was just enough to make me physically miserable. but it's crazy how God shows mercy to His people. i was studying for my abnormal psych. midterm (tomorrow), but i was incredibly drowsy and delirious. i knew that if i slept, i wouldn't get up til tomorrow morning and that would only leave me with a few hours to study. so in my desperation, i prayed, took some Thera-flu, and decided to crash. once the drugs starting kicking in, instead of falling asleep, i was feeling so much better...better enough to get out of bed and go back to studying! i just finished studying and even ate the rest of my dinner. praise God!
but with this illness, it got me wondering if God knows what it feels like to be sick. surely, God cannot GET sick b/c He is perfect in nature, but He is also a God who is wise and all-knowing. i suppose God can know and understand w/o having to experience. but then again, i'm sure Christ got sick at least a couple of times while he was here on earth. He experienced what we all experience (except sin). but even if Christ never got the flu, i'm sure He knew what it's like. whatever the case, i have been healed by his grace.
Miracle #2
eugene did the dishes today. that made me really happy. no one even told him to do it. i think this is the first time i've experienced him washing the dishes w/o chris nagging him. i wonder what was so different about today. what motivated or inspired him to do this unusual act? was it b/c i was sick? did it finally occur to him that it was unjust that he loaded up the dishwasher while chris and i had to clean up his mess? was he under the influence of drugs/alcohol? man, eugene actually did the dishes today. i didn't even have to ask God for this one. what grace.
Pretzelboi96 (10:58:56 PM): i like this picture too
Pretzelboi96 (10:58:57 PM): edu and zen
AsianXboi56 (10:59:04 PM): hahaha
AsianXboi56 (10:59:18 PM): edu's the magician and zen's his little helper
Pretzelboi96 (10:59:33 PM): ahahhaahhha
Thought of the Day: Rainy Day Mix.
Song of the Day: Third Day Blind-Motorcycle Driveby