it's official. Foo Fighters is the greatest secular band that God has created thus far. right now, it's 1:30am and my brother just got out of bed to watch the concert dvd for the third time. i really don't know why i didn't appreciate them until this past month. i think their power comes from their performances. (shaking head) true rockers. haha. i can feel zenia rolling her eyes already.
i really miss so. cal. in fact, i am so excited that i will be driving down tomorrow. you don't know how good it feels to hear people wanting you to come back. i seriously feel like my face brightens up even when just chatting with them online. i miss the warm so. cal winter, the ghetto mexican food, and of course, my church. man, homesick just from being away for less than a week. i guess that just makes your arrival that much sweeter. maybe that's what heaven will be like. as you suffer more and more for Christ in this short-lived world, heaven will taste that much sweeter forever...
Thought of the Day: Jealous Devils.
Song of the Day: Foo Fighters-Generator