it still boggles my mind today. dinko and i are friends. how did this happen? i mean, the two of us weren't too fond of each other in the beginning. i really didn't have a good first impression of him. during friday night bible studies, i'd always think to myself: who is that guy? why does he talk so much? who does he think he is?
it made me really upset how he never greeted me either. i was also shocked when i found out that he was a freshmen just like me. but he talks so openly and so much in front of everyone! freshmen don't act like that! who does he think he is?!
i'd always hear about how he used to be some gangster too. he used to be some badboy but he was different now. i totally couldn't see it. he was just some annoying guy with a dumb nickname to me. but thinking about it now, i think our pasts actually brought us together. at the time, if there was one person who i felt could relate to me, it was dinkas. pretty sad huh? i was really desperate for ANY kind of accountability...and lo and behold, God led me to dinky-winky.
we're really different, him and i. as zenia likes to put it, he's Scarface and i'm Amadeus. he's more ghetto. i'm more koreanized. he snores. i wear earplugs. he takes forever to eat. i'm done in 5 min. he's small. i'm tall. he sins. i'm holy. just kidding.
isn't it crazy how two opposites can come together and become chingoos? only the fellowship of Christ can do that.
Pretzelboi96 (6:53:59 PM): man, this was just a good weekend
Pretzelboi96 (6:54:02 PM): good lovefest
Pretzelboi96 (6:54:05 PM): and good Sunday
Pretzelboi96 (6:54:12 PM): what more can anyone POSSIBLY ask for?
dinko816 (6:57:02 PM): heaven
dinko816 (6:57:05 PM): that's about it
Thought of the Day: Stupid auditory pathway!
Song of the Day: Third Day-Blind