October 25, 2004

AsianXboi56 (7:47:40 PM): i've tried alotta things
AsianXboi56 (7:47:45 PM): even just being straight up blunt
AsianXboi56 (7:47:47 PM): cause i was so mad
AsianXboi56 (7:47:48 PM): hahaha
AsianXboi56 (7:47:53 PM): "you will regret it in the end"
AsianXboi56 (7:47:57 PM): "in hell"
Pretzelboi96 (7:48:01 PM): ahhahahhahhah

hearing about my brother having Christian debates with his athiest friends reminds me of my senior year when i used to be really gung ho in "defending my faith." man, just seeing my brother, just a sophomore in high school already so passionate about theology and serving in church, really encourages me. i can really see God working in his life so much.

so here's the master plan...

Grace Kim (edu's sister)
age: 14
status: single
hobbies: playing volleyball and studying alot.
reformed level: one word. Theophilus.

Simon Chung
age: 15
status: single
hobbies: playing chess, basketball, piano, watching korean dramas, and pretending to study alot.
reformed level: high.

mission: hook up brother with edu's sister.

problems: 1. simon's reluctance. 2. edu's unconditional hatred for boys who associate with grace.

solutions: 1. coercion. 2. much prayer.

sure, simon may be no brad pitt. however, what used to be cute...

may not be so cute anymore...

until you just...

edu and i are going to be brothers!

Thought of the Day: Happy Birthday, Mom.
Song of the Day: Tony An-When You Can't Get Love It's More Beautiful

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