from zenia's xanga:
Eugene says, �Hey Susan, do your dance� and then Susan (my small group leader) does this crazy little clickety skipping dance that makes her look like a horse! I wish I could imitate it and show you, but it�s too hard!
Eugene: �oh you know like the half man/half horse? What�s it called?�
Me (totally confident): �Oh! A CENTURION!�
E: �No! That�s like a Roman commander.�
Me: �WHAT!?!?! NONO! Centurion..half man/half horse! Like in the Bible!!�
E: �Don�t you read your Bible!? That is not what a Centurion is.�
So you know that story in the Bible about the Centurion when Jesus says he has not seen such faith? I literally thought this WHOLE TIME that a centurion was a half horse/half man and the reason for him having such great faith was BECAUSE he wasn�t human, but half horse. I thought half man/half horse creatures existed in the time of Jesus.
from our conversation:
t22n22z33n33 (12:03:07 AM): COME ON!!
t22n22z33n33 (12:03:10 AM): half man half horse!
t22n22z33n33 (12:03:18 AM): i even always pictured it in my head whenever i read that specific story
Pretzelboi96 (12:03:30 AM): i really am speechless
Pretzelboi96 (12:03:41 AM): i don't understand how you can believe such a thing
t22n22z33n33 (12:04:47 AM): b/c's Jesus!
t22n22z33n33 (12:04:51 AM): in the time of Jesus!
t22n22z33n33 (12:05:04 AM): half man/half horse centurions roamed the earth!
Pretzelboi96 (12:05:05 AM): hahahahahahaha
t22n22z33n33 (12:05:11 AM): and Jesus liked them for having such great faith!
Pretzelboi96 (12:05:42 AM): i think it's even funnier how you're still trying to convince me
t22n22z33n33 (12:05:57 AM): no, like, really!! i'm not kidding
Pretzelboi96 (12:06:07 AM): neither am i!
t22n22z33n33 (12:06:10 AM): when he told me it was some roman gurad or captain or whatever i was like outraged!
t22n22z33n33 (12:06:21 AM): i was like "EUGENE!!!! CENTURION!! LIKE IN THE BIBLE!!"
t22n22z33n33 (12:06:26 AM): and i emphasized "BIBLE!"
t22n22z33n33 (12:06:31 AM): like "hello how could you NOT know that?!"
i don't think zenia should ever become a Bible study teacher.
for the past 2 months now, i've been watching this anime called Azumanga. today, in episode 17 they were talking about x-mas and santa claus and reindeers. as i was watching that episode, i started getting goosebumps just thinking about x-mas coming up. even with today's change in weather with the rain, it hit me that winter is coming up pretty soon. i really like x-mas time with the winter break, wearing warm sweaters, shopping for gifts, spending time with the family, and even listening to those gay x-mas songs.
i think my most memorable x-mas time was when i was in the dorms. really really good times with shopping for gifts with bunz in Tustin, exchanging gifts during Finals week, and playing cards in the hall instead of studying. man, i thank God for those memories...i'll never have anything like that again. even though i know that christmas is actually about celebrating the birth of Christ, i can't help but enjoy the secular aspect of the holiday as well. i really can't wait!
Thought of the Day: Emotions make a man a woman.
Song of the Day: Mercy Me-Fall Down