congratulations. you are the "you smell like
butt" bunny. your brutally honest and
always say whats on your mind.
which happy bunny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
my favorite time of the year has come. i think jay said it best when he told me how "we always ends up finding other things to do rather than studying for finals." studying is always a last resort. i've already started one movie for the week, checked my email, read everyone's blog, checked everyone's away message, and even tried to fall asleep early so that i can just study in the morning. well before i hit that book another rare time, i've decided to blog b/c blogging kills lots of precious productive time.
this qtr.'s final week schedule is one final everyday from monday-thursday. that means that i've already finished my first one, film. as i was taking my final, i took one last good look at my secret crush but a whole buncha interest just left me. it's not that she looked any different or anything but all that secret crush stuff just suddenly left me without a warning. so unfortunately, i did not get to ask her out to dinner. *shrug* happens all the time. me being the romantic that i am probably would have just bought her in n' out or something anyway.
party in irvine. wednesday. be there, or be square (like jess kim).
Thought of the Day: Aaron is leaving this saturday.
Song of the Day: Boa-My Name
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