October 3, 2003

man, i can't believe i'm blogging right now.

man, i was so productive today. after class, i studied at common's for the first time in my life. i actually went inside and read my stupid history book for 2 hours. yeah i took a nap for 15 min. but the point is, i actually sat there and accomplished my goal.

brandywine really sucks now. eddie swiped me in for dinner so i was really excited to eat some good ol' pasta and phillycheesesteak sandwiches with my caesar salad. *angry sigh* no more salad and no pasta. fries are same as pippin's and common's and the sandwiches aren't even the same. that budget cut is really hurting us students. i mean, the poor freshmen can't even enjoy brandywine like i did. and if they can't enjoy it, that means i can't enjoy it with them. that schwarzenegger better do something about it if he becomes governor. "calilflower." lol.

is it just me or does this season of Friends really suck? i'm seriously only watching it now to see what's going to happen b/w rachel, ross, and joey. the cast is so not funny anymore. you can even hear the audience forcing their laughs. goodness, the writers must be hating it right now.

so as i was saying, i was really productive today. i actually went to go work out at the arc b/c of sean's motivational im. man, it feels SO good to be working out again. my 2 mile time wasn't so bad either-18:23. but gosh, i was seriously hating it on the last half mile. haha. i remember telling myself that i'm never ever going to eat greasy food again. i started thinking about the dorm food i had eaten for dinner, last night's midnight Doritos, and that cheesy pizza from Domino's with my roommates. fiiiiig that was good. haha. but FUDGE i was hating it on the last half mile.

i saw alotta people at the arc today...joyce, joanne, ted, james, joe, simon, gerald, euggie (lol), ashley, joe, eddie, cpc eddie, allan, john, and kris! man, kris changed sooo much...

kris: phil.
me: (looking around).
kris: phil, it's me!
me: (stare).
kris: KRIS!
me: (staring some more)...omg, i didn't even recognize you. you look SO different!
kris: really? how?
me: maybe it's the makeup.
kris: i'm not wearing any makeup. but i did lose 15 pounds.
me: yeah! you got alot skinnier. wow!

man, her face lost like alotta fat. you can see her cheekbones and stuff now. woman, you gotta gain some weight! but she got alot prettier. =D

so i'm all caught up with my reading. i read a good 80 pages on cavemen and food production. cavemen stuff is boring. food production was actually interesting. i think i'm actually going to get alot out of this history course. it's OH SO MUCH READING but i can't deny that i'm learning.

i still can't remember why i decided to blog tonight.

Thought of the Day: "Big L, rest in peace!"
Song of the Day: Gangstar-Full Clip

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