August 13, 2003

i remember a while back, chang would tell me about how so many people in yg reminded him of people from back home. his theory was that there is always another double of everyone somewhere out there in the world. so i've been in so. cal for almost a full year now and i can definitely testify to chang's theory:

arthur = stupid version of frank
jinwoo = albert
crawford = smarter and ugly version of tiffanie
dykas = much quieter version of andrew kim (from up north)
elisa = susannie kim
aaron = sam kwon + gary
chester esther = irene chang from mills
april = hannah lee
jane park = olivia yun
deborah = simon kwon (lol)
5th yr. james from ccm = frank too!
jamie = susan choo
eddie park = allan kim
jonathan singer (my gay writing teacher) = funny version of PJ (lol. no joke)
connie = girl version of sam kwon
janet = old version of this little girl i used to tutor (can't remember her name)

and of course, there was that one chang look-alike. soooooo similar! i was about to go up to him and start talking to him. haha. if you're on this list, you probably think i'm crazy or i just made up a dumb list b/c i have nothing better to write about. first statement false, second statement true. =D but really, you guys don't see what i see so shuttup aite? i mean, i seriously meet lots of people and they say that i remind them of someone they know...physically AND personality! i'm so unoriginal.

last night, i got attacked by some angry spider while i was sleeping. let's see now...fiiiiig. 16 bites! ok i take that back; i was not attacked...i was RAPED by that stupid spider! who knows what i was doing to aggravate the 8 legged bastard. all i remember was scratching my foot over and over and OVER again! then when i woke up, i found a mark on my hand. then my arm. another on my arm. more on my legs! *gasp* is this food poisoning?! (running to the bathroom). *sigh* none on the face. but dude, i was so convinced that i had gotten a rash from food poisoning. my mind started to think of some crazy thoughts:

1. last night's pork probably wasn't cooked well.
2. i might have gotten the rash from arthur. i saw that bastard sleeping with my blanket once and i constantly see that guy scratching himself. hmmmmm...
3. maybe it was a spider. NAH!

i hate spiders.

work is SO routine now. i come in, have my cup of coffee, grade tests, make copies for the next day's lessons, and proctor for 5 1/2 hours. i keep telling myself that this job is the slowest and boringest crap in the world. but i look on the brighter side and remind myself that i'm getting paid to read my nice little christian book every hour. it's really good cause i'm finally catching up on the reading i was supposed to do months ago. like i mentioned before, i finished Easy Chairs, Hard Words by Douglas Wilson. good book. now, i'm reading Attributes of God by Arthur Pink. the material is alot more dense compared to the first book but it's really really good stuff. there's a quote i wanna share with you reader....but i forgot my backpack at work. i'll try to remember to share tomorrow but yeah, don't get too excited now. haha.

Thought of the Day: I should have made a copy.
Song of the Day: Jung Chul-Now And Forever

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