August 8, 2003

college retreat was awesome! our theme for the retreat was Between Two Worlds. i actually thought that the theme was talking about how christians struggle with living in a secular world. BUT, the theme was actually talking about THIS world and Heaven! this was probably one of the reasons why i didn't like the speaker at first cause i thought his sermons were garbage. lol. i was like, "what the heck does this have to do with the theme of the retreat?" while everyone else thought he was a great speaker.

it was really encouraging to see alotta the freshmen come out to the retreat. i got to know each of them a little better, even if it meant just using their toothpaste or canoeing in the same boat. i was really surprised to meet such a mature group of kids who were so hungry for knowledge and scripture! well, there were obviously times where they acted really stupid and immature but we're all like that growing up right?

i felt like i discovered some new things about myself, especially during the times of personal reflection. i thought the idea of being alone to yourself for an hour was brilliant! i mean, how often do we spend some time to be silent to ourselves out in God's creation just to reflect on our own lives? NEVER! even if you're driving alone, you turn that music on. if you're walking to class, there's still noise coming from other students. when you're home alone, you sign on to your AIM and chat away. we seriously do no make any time to just sit there and reflect. man, i had some startling revelations, just writing and thinking about my life. my hope is that i'd complain (alot) less and start using my blessings to bless others.

even though this was the first time i had gone to a retreat that had no skits, we did have alotta fun with the different games and activities prepared by sean and sarah. man, body worship was just an ingenius idea. scavenger hunt was very well organized. and of course, the relay race was fun fun fun! praise was just like ben said it would be. a rock concert. haha. free time was straight up GUMPCH time! and yes, lori and i continue to stay undefeated.

and of course, there was the final night with the bonfire. so many of the younger students actually took the opportunity to share different things to the whole college group. and we all can't forget how dennis actually opened up to us for the first time. that's definitely going in the cpc memory log. haha. praise God for such convictions!
the night was young so a good number of us stayed up. i really like the fact how college retreats don't really enforce curfews on the students. and even though we all stay up really late, we're still ready to have worship and stay awake. man, it was fun playing all those games...memory, " it dead?", crawford's stupid bus and Who Am I game, and concluding with CUPS!

it was really good seeing dinko's friends coming out too. at first, they came off as being all gangster and whatnot, but they're really cool people...really have a heart for God. man, it was SO encouraging to see some of my discussion group members wanting to know some good things to read in the Bible. i mean, how often do you hear, "hey, can you reccomend any good things in the Bible that can help me when i'm struggling?" ENCOURAGING up the butt! it really pays off to read scripture and remember the different passages that God has used in your life.

oh and i got to spend time with my favorite senior girl (no sarcasm), prisicilla! i think she is one of the funniest girls i've ever met in my life. her mannerisms, her reactions, her speech, her laugh! what a wonderful person! i know she thinks i'm full of crap but i really really enjoy her company. man, she was telling me the funniest things in the car...

priscilla: i hated barbies growing up. like i would look at it and i was like, "what the crazy is this?!" and i'd rip the head off and burn the parts.

she told me and jimmy alotta embarrassing stories and i wouldn't be able to do justice if i were to repeat it with my spoiled memory. gosh, she makes me so happy. i even like the way she talks like a valley girl. "um, like Chipotle right?" lol.

and here i am, back in irvine. i already sense the difficulty of trying to stay passionate for God. but anyways, i feel like i learned more from spending time with people rather than the discussion groups and sermons. kinda sad no? but i guess it's alrite. God uses different things to reveal His glory to us and i praise Him for showing me so many things at this retreat...about me and different people. may this retreat have been pleasing to God...all glory to Him!

Thought of the Day: I am SO arrogant.
Song of the Day: Tim Hughes & Paul Oakley-Jesus, You Alone

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