June 7, 2003

wednesday was our last ccm meeting for the year. bonfire at corona del mar. another one. it was pretty much like any other bonfire. tossing a football, eating hotdogs, and that time of sharing around the bonfire. it was funny cause i started thinking about how i never have any meaningful conversations with people at ccm. then i started talking to bodin and asked him about his church. then we started discussing reformed theology vs. unreformed faith. it was discouraging in a sense that he was following to such unbiblical beliefs. however, it was very encouraging to see that he was very open to hear about reformed faith and to really be challenged with what the Bible had to say. it's quite surprising to see how some people interpret different parts of the Bible.

but dang, i got a sore throat that night. i had such a difficult time trying to fall asleep the other night too. you know your throat hurts when everytime you swallow, you clench your teeth to avoid some pain, but it's gotten to the point where you've clenched your teeth so much that your teeth hurt too. alex, simone, and jisun got sick too...but i think they were alot sicker. man, i haven't been sick since korea!

so thursday was a big day for me at work. i started answering alot more phone calls and started timing and telling the students when to move on the next section. man, i hate answering phone calls. the conversations i have never go smoothly. there's always a "can you hold on please?" and i put them on hold for 2 min. while i think of the answer to their question. and i started panicking when there's other phone calls on the other line. i think i hung up on this one lady just to answer the other one and she called back with much more aggression. BUT, i am getting somewhat better. man, i never knew scheduling appointments for people could be so hard. everything is booked and you gotta try to squeeze them into the more convenient times. haha. and eugene just sits there and laughs at me.

oh yeah, i got paid too and i'm getting it in cash! woohoo. however, thursday also ended on a bad note...

i went clubbing for the first time with a few of my friends. i was told to dress up pretty nice...no white tennis shoes, dress shirt, no blue jeans, no hat, etc.. when we get there, we see all these guys dressed up all ghetto in their comfortable white shoes and whatnot. the driving was no pleasant experience either. there were seriously so many signs that we shouldn't have gone clubbing...

1. the big lighted cross. lol.
2. traffic. three different times.
3. suspicious phone calls from james and newly.
4. a very very long drive.

we got in line around 10:45 and didn't get in til 12. a slow moving line with lots and lots of cutters. but anyways, we finally enter the place and start dancing. man, clubs are just really dark, really crowded, very hot, and really really loud. the bass was so strong that no one would've noticed an earthquake if there was one. but even dancing wasn't that fun. so many people bump into you and all you see is some nasty dancing. basically, if you're not freaking, you pretty much don't belong. man, some girls get really really freaky. i mean, you just stop and say to yourself, "dang, that's pretty sinful." haha. i kept telling myself that it would've been more fun if more of our friends had come, but i've come to the conclusion that the club scene isn't for me. i can definitely see why some people would have alotta fun (pagans) and why so many others would discourage people from going clubbing (i've joined this group of people). and to make things worse, i just happened to end up at the one club where a good number of my high school mates decided to hang out for the night. man, i've never seen such surprised expressions. "omG!" oh the awkwardness!

cindy: sorry you guys didn't have fun. you guys are just too nice. too good.

a nice way of saying that christians don't belong at clubs.

i was feeling like crap yesterday cause a flu decided to join my sore throat. after taking my korean oral, i went to bio as my last lecture for my freshmen year. pointless! i walk into class, fill out an evaluation sheet, and rest my eyes throughout the whole lecture. haha. isn't it funny when you're sleeping and your body has those short spasms at random intervals. cause everytime, i try to play it off by opening my eyes and shaking my leg as if i were doing it on purpose...which i'm sure makes me appear even more foolish. but dang, my body was aching like crazy and the freshmen banquet was the last thing i wanted to work on yesterday.

after 3 hours of sleep, i shopped, phoned, and prepared for the welcoming night. fortunately, the night turned out pretty decently. gosh, watching dykas dance makes me so happy. tearin' it up with all eyes on him. you know you like dancing in front of everyone. haha. alot of the freshmen came out and we all had a pretty good time with the video and games. i'll only say this once so listen carefully: i am ever so grateful to lisa crawford and her mother who took care of the sandwiches with jess and rachel. you guys seriously saved me alotta time and energy.


allen: i'm looking forward to hanging out with the irvine guys.
irvine guys: YEAH!
aaron: allen, do this (jjot hand motion).
allen: (does jjot with both hands).
irvine guys: YEAH!


but i was seriously giving all of my energy last night with my lack of strength and painful aches. flu's are never kind to you. so afterwards, we decide to crash jisun's place cause i needed some kind of pain reliever for my body.

aaron: dude, monkeys man!


man, the more i visit other people's apts, the more i anticipate next year's living. ugh, only a few more days in the dorms and i'm out of here! i need to start studying today. oh yeah, congratulations mills seniors. sorry i couldn't be there. and to the rest of us college students, let us study hard for the glory of God! don't forget that we can also love God with our minds!

Thought of the Day: Last weekend in the dorms.
Song of the Day: Eugene-Goodbye

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