May 16, 2003

so the idiot decides to cram the night before the midterm again. i sleep at 6:30 in the morning and wake up 2 hours later. i totally got jacked on contraleteral eye processing and corticospinal tracts. man, i was so unhappy with those two questions. so i was thinking about how i told myself and even prayed that i would be content with my efforts. so i was reminded of Job and decided to read...

Job 1:20-22: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.


Job 41:7-9: "Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. "Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his?

man, how humbling.

i finally went to Irvine Spectrum for the first time. it's kinda like a combination of Great Mall and The Block. the only stupid thing about buying Matrix tickets in advance was that the guy wouldn't let me buy multiple tickets b/c i wasn't 21. isn't that so stupid? they're getting really strict on the under 17 thing, trying to prevent underage kids from sliding in. anyways, dykas and i looked around the stores and it was so great cause i bought 100 blank cds for $20! TDK 80 min. and everything. it was a buy one get one free thing. don't you love it when you see stuff with great offers or steep discounts? especially if it's one of those stores where they overprice their stuff.

so we go back in line to buy a ticket for aaron but we see that the same worker is in the booth. so i ask the guys in front of me if they can buy my ticket...

me: excuse me, are you guys buying tickets for Matrix 2?
guy: (looks at his friend). no.
me: oh alright.
guy: why?
me: well, i was wondering if you guys can buy me a ticket cause you're not allowed to buy multiple tickets if you're not 21.
guy: oh really? (looks at friend again).
me: yeah, i'd really appreciate it.
guy: (looks at friend again). wanna buy it for him?
friend: alright.
me: thanks.

dude, people these hesitant to help out strangers with a simple favor. was it b/c i was asian? or was it b/c they were just unwilling jerks who needed a nudge of sympathy? when he was giving me my ticket, i found out that they actually were buying tickets for Matrix 2. (shaking head). some people are so....but those cheap cds seriously turned my frowns upside down. i won't have to buy cds for another year!

after we get back, i'm pretty tired cause i had gotten less than 3 hours of sleep. but how could i turn down pingpong with frank? it was really funny cause as we were playing (we were hitting some really good rallies), this one guy asked him if he wanted to play for money. lol. what the crap right? of all the things, this guy wanted to play pingpong for money. seriously, there are some funny people out there.

so i'm like really really tired by now and i know that if i had decided to sleep, i wouldn't have woken up for a while. so i decide to catch up on my psych. reading and omg, i actually finish! it was especially hard towards the end cause the guys next door were drinking. don't you hate it when you ask people to do a simple favor and they just completely ignore you? is it so hard to just close the door so that you won't disturb others, specifically those that are living right next to you? and it's not like you guys are chilling in the halls. you guys are INSIDE the room, but the bumping music and the annoying laughter is just so loud with your stupid door open. but i mean, what can you do right? you ask, you ask, and you ASK! i just gotta keep telling myself that i only have a few more weeks left in the dorms. i should be able to put up with this stuff for just a little bit longer.

while i was studying, chris gave me a call and encouraged me to come to ccm cause there was this awesome speaker for the night. Mark Eastman, author of "Evidence of Creation?" sure enough, this guy struck me with awe. hardcore science guy, giving evidence for a creator and not evolution. very interesting stuff that i'm sure gave everyone a whole new perspective on science. the only problem i had was that he was trying to prove God using science. this guy was basically an evidentialist. i mean sure, evidentialism may seem more "practical" and "effective," but i think God would be more pleased with apologetics that was more biblical. start with God. end with God. highly debatable issue. but it was cool listening to all the things he had to say.

i had my first day of work today. Elite, a tutoring place for SATS and different placement tests. so i'm like the front desk guy who just answers phone calls, registers people, handles billing, makes copies, and start/end/correct tests. eugene is in the process of training me and i'm still trying to get the hang of things. i really hate the fact that i'm a slow learner. i seriously need people to show me multiple times until i finally get it the first time. but in time, i'm sure i'll be a super worker. man, looking at all that SAT stuff really depresses me, bringing back bad memories of junior year. eugene told me that starting my brother's year, they're gonna change the SAT so that there's like a writing section that's similar to SAT II in the SAT I. harder and longer. poor simon. you're not gonna get into any college.

last night, pho 54 with ccm freshmen. tonight, matrix 2 with ccm freshmen. saturday, 6 Flags with ccm freshmen. i'm meeting alotta cool people but i wonder if these friendships are pleasing to God. so far, it's just been all superficial fun fun fun. i wonder if i could really make some good friendships with these people. friendships that are grounded under Christ.

i was disappointed with Matrix 2. even before i went to go watch it, i talked to some people who had already seen it and they didn't seem too satisfied themselves. just a whole buncha "it's OK." i think alotta people were disappointed too. they were just being nice when people asked them about what they thought. but yeah, too many corny lines, unnecessary scenes, and bad plot? however, i did find alot of the fight scenes entertaining and dude, wasn't that french chick incredibly hot? i mean, i thought she was really attractive in alotta ways...the face, the dress, the accent. good stuff. haha. and yeah, the preview for Matrix 3 looked pretty whack. i'm kinda mad that there's a third one coming out cause then i have to go watch it just to know what happens. they should've just left it with the first one. oh well, french chick was hot. =D

Thought of the Day: "OMELAAAAAAAY!"
Song of the Day: For This Cause

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