Thought of the Day: Did you know that guys have periods too?
Song of the Day: NWA-Gangsta Gangsta
May 31, 2002
May 30, 2002
and my senior quote comments continue...
wes: phil. you're quote's the best!
me: hehe. thanks.
wes: it's so true man! ahahhahahah.
char: "if God is so evil, then why did he make me so cool?" ahahahaahhahaha. allan look at this!
gosh, i never get this much attention. i have every right to brag and you know it!
Song of the Day: Daniel Beddingfield-Gotta Get Thru This (this was the song i was talking about!)
Thought of the Day: 3 Plad Shirts + 1 Speed Stick=50 bucks. Not bad.
wes: phil. you're quote's the best!
me: hehe. thanks.
wes: it's so true man! ahahhahahah.
char: "if God is so evil, then why did he make me so cool?" ahahahaahhahaha. allan look at this!
gosh, i never get this much attention. i have every right to brag and you know it!
Song of the Day: Daniel Beddingfield-Gotta Get Thru This (this was the song i was talking about!)
Thought of the Day: 3 Plad Shirts + 1 Speed Stick=50 bucks. Not bad.
May 29, 2002
Man, what a weekend! Just so many different things happened. Hmmmm, lemme figure out my master plan. (thinking). Ok, let�s take it one step at a time. This is one long ride so if you�re not ready, step out. If you�re ready, fasten your seatbelts cause here we go�
Senior Picnic: I really enjoyed my senior picnic. We got to go to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for the whole day�all day pass and food for only $35. dude, the weather was awesome! You know how you watch those movies with people having a great time on the beach�kinda like the britney spears pepsi commercial!? Well, it was ALOT like that. This was the first time in my life where I went to a sunny beach! I can�t explain how gay I felt that day�remember, phil LOVES the sun! anyways, it was just a great day full of Ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, catching up with old friends, and a whole buncha rides! Man, talk about relaxation!
Contact: we watched Contact for ficy for our movie nite. That movie was one looooong mother that just wouldn�t get to the point. However, the end made the whole movie worthwhile�wormholes are hecka cool. Haha. More and more, I�m coming to appreciate Jodie Foster. She�s a pretty cool chick.
Friday Night�s Dinner: so chang and I decided to try the new Korean restaurant on Fillmore. This is the first Korean restaurant in SF that�s ALMOST 24 hours�it�s open from 11am to 4am. Not bad. Chang has this theory that SF is becoming more and more like LA. He thinks it�ll be REALLY similar in 20 years or something. *shrug* perhaps. dang, the customer service was pitiful but the food was great! Man, that kimchee was one bloody red mother! Haha. Chang and I had VERY unhappy stomachs throughout the night�which reminds me: �it feels soooooo good! But it�s sooooo bad!� ahahahahahaha. Hilarious!
The Journey: chang and I left SF at midnight! This trip was FULL of sermon tapes! Gosh, I had some great discussions with chang. I loved it! We talked about the Holiness of Christ, the notorious Dan Barker, and Quietism vs. Pietism. Haha. just so much! It was great! Man, I seriously fell in love with Young�s camry. That is one sweeeeeet car! I have never ridden/driven in such a smooth ride! That crap can accelerate hecka fast too�afterall, it DOES have 240 horsepower! Anyways, we arrived at the motel at 6:30am. *yawn*
The Motel: this was my first time staying at a motel. To my surprise, they had decent beds, a shower, and HBO for 50 bucks! Our plan was to lie down on the bed for exactly one minute, wash up, and take off for PJ�s graduation. lol. How unfortunate�
(on our beds).
Me: chang, want me to set the alarm?
Chang: no, I�m going to get up now.
(what seemed like 1 minute later�)
me: chang, it�s been 4 hours! PJ�s graduation just ended dude.
Chang: WHAT?!
Journey #2: traffic was a bastard! We were stuck in that crap for 2 hours! We finally found PJ�s place in Escondido, which is like 30 miles from San Diego, and met up with terrance. We all went to this big mall which looked hecka cool. It was like tanforan, only it had 3 stories, and it obviously had great stores! To my surprise, I realized that weren�t too many Asians�something I�m not so used to about malls. Anyways, we had this GREAT meal from this store called Great Khan�s Mongolian Festival! lol. isn�t that the tightest store name you�re ever heard of? Well, you basically put as much frozen meat and vegetables into your bowl by punching it in and squeezing it all in. then you hand your bowl to the cook and he drops it all in this monster pan with some noodles and just cooks it all up for you nice and fresh! It�s amazing! I enjoyed my meal very much. I know chang did!
Riverside: riverside is the smelliest campus I�ve been to.
Terrance: yeah, you eventually get used to it.
However, I got a chance to look inside terrance�s room and got a glimpse of what dormlife is like. Man, I was so happy to find out what most UC dorms already provide such as a mirror, bed, desk, shelf, and a closet! And remember guys, this was RIVERSIDE! Just imagine how much better Irvine is going to be (no offense terrance). Anyways, I�m really looking forward to my dorm�and I�m sure it�s looking forward to meeting me. Hehe.
Caf� #1: so after another amazing Korean restaurant, chang took me to this 24 hour caf� called Inter Crew. Omg it was sooooo cool! It�s like really dark, they have these cool fluorescent electric lights all along the walls, a whole buncha tables and sofas, a few tvs at the top playing Korean music shows, and there�s constant music that�s just blasting with high energy and remixes! Oh and of course they serve all kinds of food. Haha. It just wouldn�t be right eating gal-bee in that place though. Anyways, chang and I had this HECKA pretty Korean waitress�dang, she was so nice (but what�s more important was that she was HECKA pretty). *sigh* I�m definitely going to struggle in Irvine. Chang knows it too.
Caf� #2: well, since I was craving for some pat-bing-soo and the other caf� ran out, chang took me to this other place�much more mature and quiet. You know, like for adults and crap. Anyways, I had the biggest pat-bing-soo just overflowing with fruit! It had rows of bananas, strawberries, watermelons, melons, and a nice cherry on top! =D man, I love listening to chang�s high school stories. They�re just full of non-sense, irony, and laughs�most of chang�s of course! Daaaaaaaang, that was some GREAT desert! Praise God!
Journey #3: so we left LA at 12:30am! I obviously wasn�t so excited about leaving this fun city just yet. Driving up just had to kill the mood. But once again, we listened to a few more sermon tapes and had even greater discussions! Dang, I really learned a lot on that trip. However, by the time we entered the Pleasanton area, we were both falling asleep. It was really scary for me cause I was the driver. I was so tired that I think I was hallucinating. The freeway signs would like green men, and it seemed like there were no bridges until I actually went under them. I was talking to myself the whole time just to stay awake since chang ran outta gas. �c�mon phil, you�re almost there! C�mon, you can do it!� I know it sounds dumb, but I�m sure it was the only thing that prevented me from crashing. But yeah, praise God we got home safely! 5:30am yo!
Elections: so Marshall won President, B won VP, Lauri won Secretary, and Olivia won Treasurer. Wow. This was totally unexpected. I mean, I didn�t know exactly what to expect but it was very surprising I think. I am very happy with next year�s officers. It is very diverse and I think somewhat balanced. If moe won Pres, B would be the only guy and this would definitely be difficult for the poor thing. In a sense, I�m kinda sad that I will no longer be yg president. It really was a difficult job, but it came with soooooo much blessing! I had alotta fun and definitely grew from the experience. But of course at the same time, I am relieved that I have a heavy burden off my back. No more serious responsibilities! Woohoo! Wow, the new officers have so much potential�may God be with you guys!
Pho: after church, me, chang, simon, and Justin went to go eat pho in Millbrae. I heard about chang not being able to finish the extra-large bowl from that restaurant and I was convicted that he was just being weak sauce. I decided to take up the challenge and finish this sucker�noodles, meat, and allllll the soup! When the pho came out, everyone was shocked!
Justin: WHAT THE?!
Simon: that�s hecka big!
Chang: (smile).
Me: woah.
I was shocked! This thing was like no other! Lol. This was like the first I�ve ever been scared of food. I was so convinced that the bowl was alive, daring me to take my first bite. However, I knew what I had to do. They all knew what I had to do. 15 min. later, the bowl was empty. As I was eating, I realized that there was just alotta soup. It was like eating a large bowl, only there was more soup you know? However, Justin and Chang were convinced that there were a TON of noodles and I was just speaking crazy. No matter, it was finished. I wasn�t too happy afterwards, but it was finished. *shudder* No more pho for a good few months�
Movies: I really enjoyed American Beauty. I thought it was really weird but the end made it worthwhile. I hecka like Kevin Spacey�he�s like one of my favorite actors. He always plays the weirdo in almost all of his movies, but he�s dang good at it! I liked this movie. I�m still curious why it won so many awards but I did enjoy it. Top Gun was pretty cool too! After the movie, I felt like flying a jet! Dude, that�d be sooo cool, flying a jet hecka fast while bumping some Korean techno. �Great balls of fire!�
Frustration: *sigh* pitiful. I lost miserably. It was almost as bad as that time I was pissed at simon whenever I lost in chess. I�m telling you�that�s some mean anger. *sigh* I am no longer champion. I just suck. Good job, I hate you with 49% of my heart.
Berkeley: so Justin and I slept over chang�s place that night to go to his graduation. He got him a car shirt as a gift. I got him a Shaq jersey. Lol. It looked sooooo perfect on him! We were all cracking up. We also met chang�s best friend, jeff, cause he was visting. Well, I actually met him before but it was good seeing him again. I actually got to hang out with him this time. We all went to this burrito place next to Durant Square. Dude, that is some gooooood burrito! I had this philly cheesesteak burrito. It was the best burrito I ever had in my life! Very pleased dude. Later that night, I was introduced to Text Twist, an anagram game on computer.
Text Twist
That game was so cool! I recommend it to all of you guys�fun, educational, and addicting of course. We also watched K-pax on dvd that night. It was kinda cool in the beginning but I didn�t appreciate it in the end. Justin and chang loved it, but I thought it was just simply ok. So yeah, don�t watch it.
Chang�s Graduation: I went to chang�s graduation the next morning. This was my very first college graduation. It was supposedly a small graduation because it was only for math majors. Nevertheless, it was still unexciting and seemed too long. I noticed that half of the students didn�t look �normal.� Alotta them looked unhappy or lost you know, kinda like when you can�t solve a math problem. Haha. Chang seemed to be the only one smiling�well, the only one that seemed genuinely happy. Sidenote: there was a student with a quadruple major! Ugh, freaks!
My 3rd Korean Restaurant: ok by now, I was pretty sick of Korean food. It was really getting out of hand. Haha. Jomo got all mad when I told him I didn�t feel like eating gal-bee. I guess I should watch what I say around these mad hedonists. But yeah, I ate and ate and ate. Everyone was amazed, blah blah blah. Man, I don�t want to eat this stuff until I move down to Irvine.
Basketball: so chang challenged to play 2 on 2 with jeff against me and Justin. We laughed at the idea but agreed. Throughout the day, Justin and I were bagging on chang soooo much! We told him things like, �if you suck at basketball, I�m going to take that shaq jersey away from you and return it. Just leave the tag on.� Haha. He told us he was going to do some mad hap-ki-do on us. Dang, Justin and I were pretty outta shape and played pitifully. Dang, Chang shocked the world when he started to play like Shaq. He�d just hold the ball in the key, move around, throw it up, and it�d go in! it was a sad yet funny site. Chang, I think it�s time to work out buddy�don�t worry, you�re not alone. Oh by the way, Justin and I won both games we played. Hehe.
Yearbook: so this finally brings me to today. I finally got my yearbook during lunch and I was VERY satisfied with this year�s work! It is definitely the best yet! It actually looks like a regular yearbook full of detailed comments and articles on the sides and bottoms of pages. =D this one�s a keeper. The only flaw that I found was that there were only 6 pages for your friends to sign in. Lauri said that they messed up with the border or something�geez, what an unforgivable sin! Last year�s books had 13 pages! This is going to be a problem for many people. Good one lauri! J/k. anyways, everyone�s been commenting on my Senior Quote: �if God is so evil, then why did he make me so cool?� everywhere I go, �hey phil. Nice quote.� �hey phil, your quote�s the best!� and so on. It�s weird b/c people I don�t even know talk to me and stuff. I can�t tell if they�re being sarcastic or nice�no matter, God made me so cool. Haha.
Work: I had a very pleasant day at work:
Me: allan, so just to make sure�tomorrow�s my last day right?
Allan: well, did you find a job yet?
Me: nope.
Allan: well, you can work here until you find one. (smile).
Me: wow. Thanks!
This guy is just so incredibly nice!
As I was folding some papers, char comes up to me and hands me a box.
Me: what�s this?
Char: It�s a model airplane. I want you to make it for me.
Me: why?
Char: well, one of our members saw that we didn�t have one so he brought one in. make it!
Me: um, sure thing!
Ahahahahahah. Isn�t that tight? I got paid to make a model airplane for the workers. I love my job, but I love the people even more!
Car: so I found out that we won�t be selling my car anymore. It just doesn�t seem like a wise thing to do cause we can�t get much money. We�re better off just keeping it for as long as possible. Well, we got everything fixed but after I drove today, I saw another leak in our car. All this green liquid was leaking out of the engine. So gay. What�s wrong with our car?
Random Thought: Justin�s dad and my dad are coming for our graduations!
so this concludes may 24-may awesome weekend. if you've read this far, you seriously have no life ok? i pity the fool who read about my looooong weekend. i don't care how bored you were. well, get outta the car. this ride's over!
Thought of the Day: I hope Justin and I can work at Blockbuster.
Song of the Day: Creation Calls (thanks chang).
Senior Picnic: I really enjoyed my senior picnic. We got to go to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for the whole day�all day pass and food for only $35. dude, the weather was awesome! You know how you watch those movies with people having a great time on the beach�kinda like the britney spears pepsi commercial!? Well, it was ALOT like that. This was the first time in my life where I went to a sunny beach! I can�t explain how gay I felt that day�remember, phil LOVES the sun! anyways, it was just a great day full of Ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, catching up with old friends, and a whole buncha rides! Man, talk about relaxation!
Contact: we watched Contact for ficy for our movie nite. That movie was one looooong mother that just wouldn�t get to the point. However, the end made the whole movie worthwhile�wormholes are hecka cool. Haha. More and more, I�m coming to appreciate Jodie Foster. She�s a pretty cool chick.
Friday Night�s Dinner: so chang and I decided to try the new Korean restaurant on Fillmore. This is the first Korean restaurant in SF that�s ALMOST 24 hours�it�s open from 11am to 4am. Not bad. Chang has this theory that SF is becoming more and more like LA. He thinks it�ll be REALLY similar in 20 years or something. *shrug* perhaps. dang, the customer service was pitiful but the food was great! Man, that kimchee was one bloody red mother! Haha. Chang and I had VERY unhappy stomachs throughout the night�which reminds me: �it feels soooooo good! But it�s sooooo bad!� ahahahahahaha. Hilarious!
The Journey: chang and I left SF at midnight! This trip was FULL of sermon tapes! Gosh, I had some great discussions with chang. I loved it! We talked about the Holiness of Christ, the notorious Dan Barker, and Quietism vs. Pietism. Haha. just so much! It was great! Man, I seriously fell in love with Young�s camry. That is one sweeeeeet car! I have never ridden/driven in such a smooth ride! That crap can accelerate hecka fast too�afterall, it DOES have 240 horsepower! Anyways, we arrived at the motel at 6:30am. *yawn*
The Motel: this was my first time staying at a motel. To my surprise, they had decent beds, a shower, and HBO for 50 bucks! Our plan was to lie down on the bed for exactly one minute, wash up, and take off for PJ�s graduation. lol. How unfortunate�
(on our beds).
Me: chang, want me to set the alarm?
Chang: no, I�m going to get up now.
(what seemed like 1 minute later�)
me: chang, it�s been 4 hours! PJ�s graduation just ended dude.
Chang: WHAT?!
Journey #2: traffic was a bastard! We were stuck in that crap for 2 hours! We finally found PJ�s place in Escondido, which is like 30 miles from San Diego, and met up with terrance. We all went to this big mall which looked hecka cool. It was like tanforan, only it had 3 stories, and it obviously had great stores! To my surprise, I realized that weren�t too many Asians�something I�m not so used to about malls. Anyways, we had this GREAT meal from this store called Great Khan�s Mongolian Festival! lol. isn�t that the tightest store name you�re ever heard of? Well, you basically put as much frozen meat and vegetables into your bowl by punching it in and squeezing it all in. then you hand your bowl to the cook and he drops it all in this monster pan with some noodles and just cooks it all up for you nice and fresh! It�s amazing! I enjoyed my meal very much. I know chang did!
Riverside: riverside is the smelliest campus I�ve been to.
Terrance: yeah, you eventually get used to it.
However, I got a chance to look inside terrance�s room and got a glimpse of what dormlife is like. Man, I was so happy to find out what most UC dorms already provide such as a mirror, bed, desk, shelf, and a closet! And remember guys, this was RIVERSIDE! Just imagine how much better Irvine is going to be (no offense terrance). Anyways, I�m really looking forward to my dorm�and I�m sure it�s looking forward to meeting me. Hehe.
Caf� #1: so after another amazing Korean restaurant, chang took me to this 24 hour caf� called Inter Crew. Omg it was sooooo cool! It�s like really dark, they have these cool fluorescent electric lights all along the walls, a whole buncha tables and sofas, a few tvs at the top playing Korean music shows, and there�s constant music that�s just blasting with high energy and remixes! Oh and of course they serve all kinds of food. Haha. It just wouldn�t be right eating gal-bee in that place though. Anyways, chang and I had this HECKA pretty Korean waitress�dang, she was so nice (but what�s more important was that she was HECKA pretty). *sigh* I�m definitely going to struggle in Irvine. Chang knows it too.
Caf� #2: well, since I was craving for some pat-bing-soo and the other caf� ran out, chang took me to this other place�much more mature and quiet. You know, like for adults and crap. Anyways, I had the biggest pat-bing-soo just overflowing with fruit! It had rows of bananas, strawberries, watermelons, melons, and a nice cherry on top! =D man, I love listening to chang�s high school stories. They�re just full of non-sense, irony, and laughs�most of chang�s of course! Daaaaaaaang, that was some GREAT desert! Praise God!
Journey #3: so we left LA at 12:30am! I obviously wasn�t so excited about leaving this fun city just yet. Driving up just had to kill the mood. But once again, we listened to a few more sermon tapes and had even greater discussions! Dang, I really learned a lot on that trip. However, by the time we entered the Pleasanton area, we were both falling asleep. It was really scary for me cause I was the driver. I was so tired that I think I was hallucinating. The freeway signs would like green men, and it seemed like there were no bridges until I actually went under them. I was talking to myself the whole time just to stay awake since chang ran outta gas. �c�mon phil, you�re almost there! C�mon, you can do it!� I know it sounds dumb, but I�m sure it was the only thing that prevented me from crashing. But yeah, praise God we got home safely! 5:30am yo!
Elections: so Marshall won President, B won VP, Lauri won Secretary, and Olivia won Treasurer. Wow. This was totally unexpected. I mean, I didn�t know exactly what to expect but it was very surprising I think. I am very happy with next year�s officers. It is very diverse and I think somewhat balanced. If moe won Pres, B would be the only guy and this would definitely be difficult for the poor thing. In a sense, I�m kinda sad that I will no longer be yg president. It really was a difficult job, but it came with soooooo much blessing! I had alotta fun and definitely grew from the experience. But of course at the same time, I am relieved that I have a heavy burden off my back. No more serious responsibilities! Woohoo! Wow, the new officers have so much potential�may God be with you guys!
Pho: after church, me, chang, simon, and Justin went to go eat pho in Millbrae. I heard about chang not being able to finish the extra-large bowl from that restaurant and I was convicted that he was just being weak sauce. I decided to take up the challenge and finish this sucker�noodles, meat, and allllll the soup! When the pho came out, everyone was shocked!
Justin: WHAT THE?!
Simon: that�s hecka big!
Chang: (smile).
Me: woah.
I was shocked! This thing was like no other! Lol. This was like the first I�ve ever been scared of food. I was so convinced that the bowl was alive, daring me to take my first bite. However, I knew what I had to do. They all knew what I had to do. 15 min. later, the bowl was empty. As I was eating, I realized that there was just alotta soup. It was like eating a large bowl, only there was more soup you know? However, Justin and Chang were convinced that there were a TON of noodles and I was just speaking crazy. No matter, it was finished. I wasn�t too happy afterwards, but it was finished. *shudder* No more pho for a good few months�
Movies: I really enjoyed American Beauty. I thought it was really weird but the end made it worthwhile. I hecka like Kevin Spacey�he�s like one of my favorite actors. He always plays the weirdo in almost all of his movies, but he�s dang good at it! I liked this movie. I�m still curious why it won so many awards but I did enjoy it. Top Gun was pretty cool too! After the movie, I felt like flying a jet! Dude, that�d be sooo cool, flying a jet hecka fast while bumping some Korean techno. �Great balls of fire!�
Frustration: *sigh* pitiful. I lost miserably. It was almost as bad as that time I was pissed at simon whenever I lost in chess. I�m telling you�that�s some mean anger. *sigh* I am no longer champion. I just suck. Good job, I hate you with 49% of my heart.
Berkeley: so Justin and I slept over chang�s place that night to go to his graduation. He got him a car shirt as a gift. I got him a Shaq jersey. Lol. It looked sooooo perfect on him! We were all cracking up. We also met chang�s best friend, jeff, cause he was visting. Well, I actually met him before but it was good seeing him again. I actually got to hang out with him this time. We all went to this burrito place next to Durant Square. Dude, that is some gooooood burrito! I had this philly cheesesteak burrito. It was the best burrito I ever had in my life! Very pleased dude. Later that night, I was introduced to Text Twist, an anagram game on computer.
Text Twist
That game was so cool! I recommend it to all of you guys�fun, educational, and addicting of course. We also watched K-pax on dvd that night. It was kinda cool in the beginning but I didn�t appreciate it in the end. Justin and chang loved it, but I thought it was just simply ok. So yeah, don�t watch it.
Chang�s Graduation: I went to chang�s graduation the next morning. This was my very first college graduation. It was supposedly a small graduation because it was only for math majors. Nevertheless, it was still unexciting and seemed too long. I noticed that half of the students didn�t look �normal.� Alotta them looked unhappy or lost you know, kinda like when you can�t solve a math problem. Haha. Chang seemed to be the only one smiling�well, the only one that seemed genuinely happy. Sidenote: there was a student with a quadruple major! Ugh, freaks!
My 3rd Korean Restaurant: ok by now, I was pretty sick of Korean food. It was really getting out of hand. Haha. Jomo got all mad when I told him I didn�t feel like eating gal-bee. I guess I should watch what I say around these mad hedonists. But yeah, I ate and ate and ate. Everyone was amazed, blah blah blah. Man, I don�t want to eat this stuff until I move down to Irvine.
Basketball: so chang challenged to play 2 on 2 with jeff against me and Justin. We laughed at the idea but agreed. Throughout the day, Justin and I were bagging on chang soooo much! We told him things like, �if you suck at basketball, I�m going to take that shaq jersey away from you and return it. Just leave the tag on.� Haha. He told us he was going to do some mad hap-ki-do on us. Dang, Justin and I were pretty outta shape and played pitifully. Dang, Chang shocked the world when he started to play like Shaq. He�d just hold the ball in the key, move around, throw it up, and it�d go in! it was a sad yet funny site. Chang, I think it�s time to work out buddy�don�t worry, you�re not alone. Oh by the way, Justin and I won both games we played. Hehe.
Yearbook: so this finally brings me to today. I finally got my yearbook during lunch and I was VERY satisfied with this year�s work! It is definitely the best yet! It actually looks like a regular yearbook full of detailed comments and articles on the sides and bottoms of pages. =D this one�s a keeper. The only flaw that I found was that there were only 6 pages for your friends to sign in. Lauri said that they messed up with the border or something�geez, what an unforgivable sin! Last year�s books had 13 pages! This is going to be a problem for many people. Good one lauri! J/k. anyways, everyone�s been commenting on my Senior Quote: �if God is so evil, then why did he make me so cool?� everywhere I go, �hey phil. Nice quote.� �hey phil, your quote�s the best!� and so on. It�s weird b/c people I don�t even know talk to me and stuff. I can�t tell if they�re being sarcastic or nice�no matter, God made me so cool. Haha.
Work: I had a very pleasant day at work:
Me: allan, so just to make sure�tomorrow�s my last day right?
Allan: well, did you find a job yet?
Me: nope.
Allan: well, you can work here until you find one. (smile).
Me: wow. Thanks!
This guy is just so incredibly nice!
As I was folding some papers, char comes up to me and hands me a box.
Me: what�s this?
Char: It�s a model airplane. I want you to make it for me.
Me: why?
Char: well, one of our members saw that we didn�t have one so he brought one in. make it!
Me: um, sure thing!
Ahahahahahah. Isn�t that tight? I got paid to make a model airplane for the workers. I love my job, but I love the people even more!
Car: so I found out that we won�t be selling my car anymore. It just doesn�t seem like a wise thing to do cause we can�t get much money. We�re better off just keeping it for as long as possible. Well, we got everything fixed but after I drove today, I saw another leak in our car. All this green liquid was leaking out of the engine. So gay. What�s wrong with our car?
Random Thought: Justin�s dad and my dad are coming for our graduations!
so this concludes may 24-may awesome weekend. if you've read this far, you seriously have no life ok? i pity the fool who read about my looooong weekend. i don't care how bored you were. well, get outta the car. this ride's over!
Thought of the Day: I hope Justin and I can work at Blockbuster.
Song of the Day: Creation Calls (thanks chang).
May 26, 2002
May 22, 2002
what?! only $8000?! my volvo deserves more money than that! well, i'm going to try and sell my volvo to a dealer tomorrow. this car is getting old and we want to hurry up sell it before it gets any older. i'm sad and happy we're selling the wagon. for one, i'll finally be able to drive a small car with a normal looking trunk. however, that vehicle is just full of memories! omg...too many things went on in that car...good and bad. wow, so many flashbacks. so many emotions. well, time to start new ones. God, would you not provide with decent prices! i never knew selling your car could be so stressful.
Senior Awards Night...waste of time. i KNEW i shouldn't have gone! i want to blame a specific person, but i promised i wouldn't. the only cool thing that happened was...
speaker: you students may remember Mr. Froomin as being a hard teacher...
everyone: ahahahahahhahahah.
chang-happy birthday!
Thought of the Day: Car dealers are gay.
Song of the Day: Dr. Dre & Eminem-Forgot About Dre
Senior Awards Night...waste of time. i KNEW i shouldn't have gone! i want to blame a specific person, but i promised i wouldn't. the only cool thing that happened was...
speaker: you students may remember Mr. Froomin as being a hard teacher...
everyone: ahahahahahhahahah.
chang-happy birthday!
Thought of the Day: Car dealers are gay.
Song of the Day: Dr. Dre & Eminem-Forgot About Dre
May 20, 2002
those gom-tang restaurants in berkeley weren't THAT great. all it did was burn my tongue and make me incredibly full for 6 bucks. i mean, it was alrite but not good enough to appreciate. in fact, i would've been much happier with a "#25 LAH!" at Vietnam village. geez, i haven't had pho in like 3 months now? the last time i can clearly remember eating pho was the time i had to finish simon's bowl...which was in february? ouch! that's just way too long. however, i do not have any desire or craving to eat vietnamise noodles these days. i guess this could be a good thing cause the stuff isn't necessarily good for you and every bowl costs 6 bucks. but of course, i substitute pho with other things like Burger King or In N' Out...gourmet i tell ya!
AMC 20 is the best movie theatre in the world! it's inside a nice plaza that has Jamba Juice and Tomatina's. the weather always seems to be very nice in that city too. i got a chance to watch Episode 2 and About A Boy. Star Wars had alotta cool graphics...i loved the spaceships and the cool looking monsters. oh, i also think natalie portman (that's her name right?) was really pretty too. i don't think the guy was all that great...he could really work on his acting. but yeah, Yoda really made the movie worthwhile...all who saw it know what i mean. About A Boy was pretty funny. i have much more respect for British people now, especially Hugh Grant. that guy is one witty mother!
Boy: look! a tamborine!
Hugh Grant: yeah, that'll come in handy!
knocked off Boyz in the Hood and Little Man Tate off my list. i still have 8 mm, Pulp Fiction, and Top Gun. i have never been on such a movie craze in my life. man, i'm going to be a freak in college! now, i understand how chang's friend, jeff, got the Gold Blockbuster Rewards Card. lol. i won't go that far though...right?
so today, we went to the museum in SF for our biology field trip. man, that crap was pretty cool! we got to see ugly looking fish and scary looking sharks. we went through the fossils and got to see the Far Side exibits too! haha. that thing was new. dang, looking at all the animals and stuff just left me in awe. pat and i discussed how great our God is, the God who created ALL of the animals in the world! how amazing and beautiful! each creature, so specific and unique in its own way! however, all of my appreciaton for the museum immediately disappeared as soon as i saw the Evolution stuff coming up. they showed all these fossils and attempted to show connections between different insects. dang, i felt like everyone in the room was ignorant except for me. everyone was OOOOOing and AHHHHing at all those stupid "proofs." *sigh* i am left in even more disgust after reading Philp Johnson's book. according to chang, i guess i DID get alotta out of his book. i already wrote up my evolution speech and it's almost near it's masterpiece. haha. it's not THAT great, but chang made me feel all special. geez, that guy can really encourage you in some ways (Bible stuff) and REALLY discourage you in other ways (chess stuff). inconsistent crap.
i had a very fortunate day tutoring my student, julia, today. as we were tutoring, i commented on her led pencil and she asked me if i wanted it. i laughed and said no thanks. as i was about to leave, she gave me the pencil, emptied her other led pencils, and game me some more led. lol. how cute. why can't we have more people like my student? so giving. so generous. or perhaps so weird? =D anyways, i also asked her mom if she knew any other kids i might be able to tutor. she said she knew this one girl and she said she'd ask. and since today was pay day, she gave me a twenty and....ahahahahaha...gave me two extra bucks as a tip. "you need a little extra from time to time." lol. what a cool mom! the thing i like about them is that they're very consistent in their schedule. it's monday at 7:00 EVERY time! i don't have to worry about changing a thing! john, you could learn a thing or two from them dawg! j/k. you're not THAT bad...*sigh* THAT bad.
i am so happy! DYKAS got into irvine through appeal! that boy was trippin over getting in and crap but i KNEW he'd be able to get in! i'm so happy i'll be having at least ONE friend going down to irvine with me. i also found out that Naomi Yeh got in...surprise surprise! i guess i'm happy for her too. i can't say we'll be hecka tight but eh!
AzN1283 (10:59:00 PM): haha yes!!!
AzN1283 (10:59:07 PM): i was so frekain happy when i saw it
AzN1283 (10:59:10 PM): i couldnt' sit still
AzN1283 (10:59:21 PM): and i jus freakin sang hella loud and walked aoround like a baboon
dang, i have so much on mind right now. i could write all night! but of course sleep is a valuable thing. such a valuable thing. reader, did you know that you need 9 hours and 15 min. of sleep to be alert throughout the whole day? yeah, i never knew either. nite!
Thought of the Day: Dang, i couldn't even break one week!
Song of the Day: Everlasting Grace (i looooove this song!)
AMC 20 is the best movie theatre in the world! it's inside a nice plaza that has Jamba Juice and Tomatina's. the weather always seems to be very nice in that city too. i got a chance to watch Episode 2 and About A Boy. Star Wars had alotta cool graphics...i loved the spaceships and the cool looking monsters. oh, i also think natalie portman (that's her name right?) was really pretty too. i don't think the guy was all that great...he could really work on his acting. but yeah, Yoda really made the movie worthwhile...all who saw it know what i mean. About A Boy was pretty funny. i have much more respect for British people now, especially Hugh Grant. that guy is one witty mother!
Boy: look! a tamborine!
Hugh Grant: yeah, that'll come in handy!
knocked off Boyz in the Hood and Little Man Tate off my list. i still have 8 mm, Pulp Fiction, and Top Gun. i have never been on such a movie craze in my life. man, i'm going to be a freak in college! now, i understand how chang's friend, jeff, got the Gold Blockbuster Rewards Card. lol. i won't go that far though...right?
so today, we went to the museum in SF for our biology field trip. man, that crap was pretty cool! we got to see ugly looking fish and scary looking sharks. we went through the fossils and got to see the Far Side exibits too! haha. that thing was new. dang, looking at all the animals and stuff just left me in awe. pat and i discussed how great our God is, the God who created ALL of the animals in the world! how amazing and beautiful! each creature, so specific and unique in its own way! however, all of my appreciaton for the museum immediately disappeared as soon as i saw the Evolution stuff coming up. they showed all these fossils and attempted to show connections between different insects. dang, i felt like everyone in the room was ignorant except for me. everyone was OOOOOing and AHHHHing at all those stupid "proofs." *sigh* i am left in even more disgust after reading Philp Johnson's book. according to chang, i guess i DID get alotta out of his book. i already wrote up my evolution speech and it's almost near it's masterpiece. haha. it's not THAT great, but chang made me feel all special. geez, that guy can really encourage you in some ways (Bible stuff) and REALLY discourage you in other ways (chess stuff). inconsistent crap.
i had a very fortunate day tutoring my student, julia, today. as we were tutoring, i commented on her led pencil and she asked me if i wanted it. i laughed and said no thanks. as i was about to leave, she gave me the pencil, emptied her other led pencils, and game me some more led. lol. how cute. why can't we have more people like my student? so giving. so generous. or perhaps so weird? =D anyways, i also asked her mom if she knew any other kids i might be able to tutor. she said she knew this one girl and she said she'd ask. and since today was pay day, she gave me a twenty and....ahahahahaha...gave me two extra bucks as a tip. "you need a little extra from time to time." lol. what a cool mom! the thing i like about them is that they're very consistent in their schedule. it's monday at 7:00 EVERY time! i don't have to worry about changing a thing! john, you could learn a thing or two from them dawg! j/k. you're not THAT bad...*sigh* THAT bad.
i am so happy! DYKAS got into irvine through appeal! that boy was trippin over getting in and crap but i KNEW he'd be able to get in! i'm so happy i'll be having at least ONE friend going down to irvine with me. i also found out that Naomi Yeh got in...surprise surprise! i guess i'm happy for her too. i can't say we'll be hecka tight but eh!
AzN1283 (10:59:00 PM): haha yes!!!
AzN1283 (10:59:07 PM): i was so frekain happy when i saw it
AzN1283 (10:59:10 PM): i couldnt' sit still
AzN1283 (10:59:21 PM): and i jus freakin sang hella loud and walked aoround like a baboon
dang, i have so much on mind right now. i could write all night! but of course sleep is a valuable thing. such a valuable thing. reader, did you know that you need 9 hours and 15 min. of sleep to be alert throughout the whole day? yeah, i never knew either. nite!
Thought of the Day: Dang, i couldn't even break one week!
Song of the Day: Everlasting Grace (i looooove this song!)
May 18, 2002
May 17, 2002
geez, i got ALOT better yesterday. i actually sound like a regular person now! no more of this deep, low, demonic voice crap. no more aching at all. i'm just coughing up alotta phlegm...lots of it. but i heard that means your body is getting better cause you're coughing up dead germs or something. but yes, i thank those of you who have been praying for me. but above all else, i thank our gracious Lord, who gave me a good slap on the butt. He'll definitely discipline you when you need it, and bring you back into His arms when you call for Him.
today is our last dance of the school year...the last high school dance ever for me. however, because of unfavorable conditions such as my illness, i will not be attending this joyous festival. i'm really sad that i won't be dancing tonight...i wasn't really looking forward to it, but now i wish i wasn't so sick. after seeing all the decorations and hearing people talk about the dance, my desire to dance just went up a good 10 points. fudge! why oh why? *cough cough*
i was looking at some blog templates yesterday cause i was really bored. dude, some people really know their HTML garbage! they have really cool features like a sidebar for people to comment on. it's like other people could post on your blog. i really liked some of the graphics that i saw too. one blog made your mouse cursor thingy change and the scrollbars were really different. i get so jealous when i see such creative things. philip chung was not born with a sense of creativity. he likes it. he sees it. he touches it. but when he tries to make it, it all falls apart.
hmmmm, that reminds me. i also have very bad penmanship. my friend says that he could write more legibly with his feet! haha. i don't know what's wrong with me. i usually start off pretty good. but after about the first sentence, i just get kinda lazy and i don't feel like lifting the pencil off the paper...and i tend to write fast. so basically, my handwriting looks like capital letters with a cursive twist. haha. that's the best way to put it. my handwriting is so bad that every time i'm writing a card, i always consider the option of just typing it out on the computer. sad no? i've been advised to slow down, write in lower case letters, or hold my pencil differently. however, through all of my attempts at legibility, i have come to the conclusion that i was destined to be a messy writer. geez, sometimes i can't even read my own crap!
well, TGIF! these weeks seem like they're getting longer all the time. weather has been awesome these past few days. but i do smell an uneventful saturday coming up. hmmmm...
Thought of the Day: *cough* *spit* gross.
Song of the Day: Aha-Take On Me Trance Mix
today is our last dance of the school year...the last high school dance ever for me. however, because of unfavorable conditions such as my illness, i will not be attending this joyous festival. i'm really sad that i won't be dancing tonight...i wasn't really looking forward to it, but now i wish i wasn't so sick. after seeing all the decorations and hearing people talk about the dance, my desire to dance just went up a good 10 points. fudge! why oh why? *cough cough*
i was looking at some blog templates yesterday cause i was really bored. dude, some people really know their HTML garbage! they have really cool features like a sidebar for people to comment on. it's like other people could post on your blog. i really liked some of the graphics that i saw too. one blog made your mouse cursor thingy change and the scrollbars were really different. i get so jealous when i see such creative things. philip chung was not born with a sense of creativity. he likes it. he sees it. he touches it. but when he tries to make it, it all falls apart.
hmmmm, that reminds me. i also have very bad penmanship. my friend says that he could write more legibly with his feet! haha. i don't know what's wrong with me. i usually start off pretty good. but after about the first sentence, i just get kinda lazy and i don't feel like lifting the pencil off the paper...and i tend to write fast. so basically, my handwriting looks like capital letters with a cursive twist. haha. that's the best way to put it. my handwriting is so bad that every time i'm writing a card, i always consider the option of just typing it out on the computer. sad no? i've been advised to slow down, write in lower case letters, or hold my pencil differently. however, through all of my attempts at legibility, i have come to the conclusion that i was destined to be a messy writer. geez, sometimes i can't even read my own crap!
well, TGIF! these weeks seem like they're getting longer all the time. weather has been awesome these past few days. but i do smell an uneventful saturday coming up. hmmmm...
Thought of the Day: *cough* *spit* gross.
Song of the Day: Aha-Take On Me Trance Mix
May 16, 2002
phil is sick again. he is in a state of humility b/c his body is being attacked by some gay bacteria. right now, he has a sore throat, his chest feels slightly congested, and he is full of aches. he is in no mood to do anything. he just wants to feel better. alot better. please pray for this pitiful boy. please.
but as i am sick, i can't help but thank God for once again humbling me. i definitely feel like he's discipling me for my disobedience. right when i feel sick, i am reminded of my sinfulness and how much i really deserve this illness...actually, i deserve alot worse. anyways, right now i am struggling in my time of repentance. it's tough. you're trying to get better spritually AND physically. however, colossians 3 was really encouraging. i am born again in Christ. therefore i must give up my old sinful habits and clothe myself with compassion, patience, kindness, gentleness, and most of all LOVE! it is not a suggestion, it is a duty. please pray for this pitiful boy. please.
yesterday, i finished reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. i really enjoyed this book. it was kinda long but it wasn't too boring. the ending really makes you think about life and society. crazy people are "different." they see things differently. they think differently. i don't know, it's kinda confusing. there's alotta symbolism and crap, and i'm not too good at interpreting these things. anyways, it was my favorite book of this year. i think you guys should read it.
in health, we did this worksheet on what kinda characteristics you're attracted to in the opposite sex. after i finished the worksheet, i realized that i am attracted to someone who is similar to me. everything that i liked or disliked was very closely related to the type of person i was. i found that to be very interesting b/c i thought opposites were attracted to each other. i suppose this is different for all people. i just happen to like the characteristics that i possess....which by the way are quite excellent. =D
next week is going to be tight! on monday, i have a field trip to a museum. on friday, i have my senior picnic. the following monday is memorial day. the day after that is senior cut day! so basically, i'll only be going to school 3 days a week starting next week. after those weeks, i have finals...and then GRADUATION!
pat: dude, i am sooooo thankful for the guy who started Senior Cut Day!
me: yeah, God bless that guy. hey, we should start something! how about Senior Cut Week?
pat: ahahhahahah. that'd be tight.
me: yeah. haha.
yesterday in calculus...
teacher: oh philip. you did really well on your calculus quiz!
me: oh really?!
teacher: yeah, you got a 15.
me: out of 15?
teacher: no, out of 18.
me: oh. thanks.
i don't remember the last time i got a B on a calculus quiz. PRAISE GOD!
Thought of the Day: *swallow* ouch!
Song of the Day: That Cat Song (sounds very Japanese)
but as i am sick, i can't help but thank God for once again humbling me. i definitely feel like he's discipling me for my disobedience. right when i feel sick, i am reminded of my sinfulness and how much i really deserve this illness...actually, i deserve alot worse. anyways, right now i am struggling in my time of repentance. it's tough. you're trying to get better spritually AND physically. however, colossians 3 was really encouraging. i am born again in Christ. therefore i must give up my old sinful habits and clothe myself with compassion, patience, kindness, gentleness, and most of all LOVE! it is not a suggestion, it is a duty. please pray for this pitiful boy. please.
yesterday, i finished reading One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. i really enjoyed this book. it was kinda long but it wasn't too boring. the ending really makes you think about life and society. crazy people are "different." they see things differently. they think differently. i don't know, it's kinda confusing. there's alotta symbolism and crap, and i'm not too good at interpreting these things. anyways, it was my favorite book of this year. i think you guys should read it.
in health, we did this worksheet on what kinda characteristics you're attracted to in the opposite sex. after i finished the worksheet, i realized that i am attracted to someone who is similar to me. everything that i liked or disliked was very closely related to the type of person i was. i found that to be very interesting b/c i thought opposites were attracted to each other. i suppose this is different for all people. i just happen to like the characteristics that i possess....which by the way are quite excellent. =D
next week is going to be tight! on monday, i have a field trip to a museum. on friday, i have my senior picnic. the following monday is memorial day. the day after that is senior cut day! so basically, i'll only be going to school 3 days a week starting next week. after those weeks, i have finals...and then GRADUATION!
pat: dude, i am sooooo thankful for the guy who started Senior Cut Day!
me: yeah, God bless that guy. hey, we should start something! how about Senior Cut Week?
pat: ahahhahahah. that'd be tight.
me: yeah. haha.
yesterday in calculus...
teacher: oh philip. you did really well on your calculus quiz!
me: oh really?!
teacher: yeah, you got a 15.
me: out of 15?
teacher: no, out of 18.
me: oh. thanks.
i don't remember the last time i got a B on a calculus quiz. PRAISE GOD!
Thought of the Day: *swallow* ouch!
Song of the Day: That Cat Song (sounds very Japanese)
May 14, 2002
i found out today that this guy named Doug Radtky (i don't know how to spell that crap) became a christian a few weeks ago! ok, let's rewind a bit. Doug won the senior poll for class clown this year. he is known as the most perverted, inappropriate, rude, and sarcastic guy in our school. this guy is basically my hero. lol. he is seriously one of the FUNNIEST guys i know in my life. i would give examples of his brilliance but i'd get bad responses. anyways, this is what happened today during brunch...
matt: (talking to someone behind me) hey nice shirt!
doug: yeah, nice shirt! (they're wearing the same shirt).
me: hey, you're wearing a Take Up the Cross T-shirt! why is doug wearing one?!
matt: oh, he got saved a day before the Take Up The Cross rally!
me: what?! are you serious?
matt: yeah, pretty weird huh?
me: what?! are you seroius?
matt: yeah.
me: what?! are you serious?
i am still shocked and cannot believe doug is a christian. i mean, he's like one of those people who you thought were destined to go to hell you know? i know, that sounded kinda bad but i'm being honest. but as i am still surprised, i cannot help but praise God! this hit me pretty hard, almost like a miracle! God seriously does wonders! haha. as my friend matt would put it, "if Doug accepted God, ANYONE can accept God!" geez, amen to that!
ok, i got alotta things done today. pat bought me Burger King for lunch today...what a nice guy. i applied to Blockbuster and Jamba Juice. i just need to wait for their calls. i got paid from tutoring and my job. i finished reading Defeating Darwinism. i am ALMOST done with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which i think is a great piece of literature. gosh, i even made time to work out today as well! today was a great day of productivity. praise God! i love it when i have these days. ah yes, i also received my dad's tax forms so i sent those out for my final check up on FAFSA! *sigh* i've been so busy that i haven't played chess for the past two days! let's hope for the best phil, let's hope for the best.
for my english final, we are to do give a 4-5 minute speech on a controversial issue. well, since i finished reading Defeating Darwinism, i decided to choose my topic on evolution. i think it's going to be great! while other students will be debating over legalizing marijuana or binge drinking, i'll be sharing the fallacies of evolution! not only will i be doing my assignment...i'll also be teaching the students a little bit about creationism! isn't that great?! haha. i'm kinda excited. not a whole lot, but kinda. i mean, it's alot better than pat's topic...Why Playing Sports is Better Than Staying Indoors. lol. what a fool!
you are gay.
tiff-i like my poem better. alot better. lol.
jomo-dang, borderline grades suck. good luck yo.
judy-thanks for changing your template. i am very pleased with your choice.
Thought of the Day: Thank you Lord for such a beautiful day!
Song of the Day: Salt N' Pepa-Push It Trance Mix
matt: (talking to someone behind me) hey nice shirt!
doug: yeah, nice shirt! (they're wearing the same shirt).
me: hey, you're wearing a Take Up the Cross T-shirt! why is doug wearing one?!
matt: oh, he got saved a day before the Take Up The Cross rally!
me: what?! are you serious?
matt: yeah, pretty weird huh?
me: what?! are you seroius?
matt: yeah.
me: what?! are you serious?
i am still shocked and cannot believe doug is a christian. i mean, he's like one of those people who you thought were destined to go to hell you know? i know, that sounded kinda bad but i'm being honest. but as i am still surprised, i cannot help but praise God! this hit me pretty hard, almost like a miracle! God seriously does wonders! haha. as my friend matt would put it, "if Doug accepted God, ANYONE can accept God!" geez, amen to that!
ok, i got alotta things done today. pat bought me Burger King for lunch today...what a nice guy. i applied to Blockbuster and Jamba Juice. i just need to wait for their calls. i got paid from tutoring and my job. i finished reading Defeating Darwinism. i am ALMOST done with One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which i think is a great piece of literature. gosh, i even made time to work out today as well! today was a great day of productivity. praise God! i love it when i have these days. ah yes, i also received my dad's tax forms so i sent those out for my final check up on FAFSA! *sigh* i've been so busy that i haven't played chess for the past two days! let's hope for the best phil, let's hope for the best.
for my english final, we are to do give a 4-5 minute speech on a controversial issue. well, since i finished reading Defeating Darwinism, i decided to choose my topic on evolution. i think it's going to be great! while other students will be debating over legalizing marijuana or binge drinking, i'll be sharing the fallacies of evolution! not only will i be doing my assignment...i'll also be teaching the students a little bit about creationism! isn't that great?! haha. i'm kinda excited. not a whole lot, but kinda. i mean, it's alot better than pat's topic...Why Playing Sports is Better Than Staying Indoors. lol. what a fool!
you are gay.
tiff-i like my poem better. alot better. lol.
jomo-dang, borderline grades suck. good luck yo.
judy-thanks for changing your template. i am very pleased with your choice.
Thought of the Day: Thank you Lord for such a beautiful day!
Song of the Day: Salt N' Pepa-Push It Trance Mix
May 13, 2002
so here's the master plan. i'm going to apply at Blockbuster and Jamba Juice. i'm estimating a starting pay of 7-9 dollars, which is kinda low compared to what i'm making right now. however, i'm planning on working maybe 8 hours a day, 5 days a week? but anyways, if i get favorable conditions for this summer, i'm good to stay for the whole vacation. however, if things are looking ugly with earning money, Korea, here i come! gosh, i hope i don't get into some crap i'm going to regret...something like Wetzel's Pretzels *shudder*
ok, this sucks. i'm at a loss of words right now. while i was tutoring today, i was thinking about all of the wonderful things i was going to share with my readers. haha. and here i am, staring at my white wall. there's nothing. just nothing...
ok, i just felt the earthquake. for the first time, i was not scared of the shaking and rattling of my house. it's weird, i was just kinda sitting on my chair and smiling at simon. haha. for some reason, i was kinda hoping that it would get worse. you know, bad enough so that we wouldn't have to go to school, but not so bad that i would have a hole in the middle of my room. anyways, i'm an idiot and i have nothing to write about. nite folks.
Thought of the Day: Make it a Blockbuster night.
Song of the Day: Green Day-When I Come Around (this fit so perfectly today!)
ok, this sucks. i'm at a loss of words right now. while i was tutoring today, i was thinking about all of the wonderful things i was going to share with my readers. haha. and here i am, staring at my white wall. there's nothing. just nothing...
ok, i just felt the earthquake. for the first time, i was not scared of the shaking and rattling of my house. it's weird, i was just kinda sitting on my chair and smiling at simon. haha. for some reason, i was kinda hoping that it would get worse. you know, bad enough so that we wouldn't have to go to school, but not so bad that i would have a hole in the middle of my room. anyways, i'm an idiot and i have nothing to write about. nite folks.
Thought of the Day: Make it a Blockbuster night.
Song of the Day: Green Day-When I Come Around (this fit so perfectly today!)
May 12, 2002
i wasn't doing so well in my last entry. that day was just pure BAD. everything was going wrong. i was so upset that i actually had to go to my "park" and pray in the cold night. but yes, i thank God for answering me. He truly brought MUCH comfort to my soul...MUCH comfort! i also want to thank those who even cared about my bad guys just overwhelmed me with encouragement, really.
the talent show wasn't that great. i kinda appreciated it cause i got to see some cool stuff from unexpected students but yeah, it still wasn't that great. just ok. man, if only i had some friends who could really dance. i think We Are The Future would've been acceptable. hehe, that's always been a fantasy. i don't know what we'd do during the singing parts but i think we could've pulled something off. oh well, i can always be a star in my thoughts! WE ARE THE FUTUUUUUUUUURE!
Deuces Wild was wasn't that great either. i enjoyed The Outsiders a whole lot better. i think i need to stop watching these stupid gangster movies. it's all b/c of Godfather. that's what got me started cause i fell in love with the gangster suits and the italian accents. however, these morons that call themselves directors really can't make good movies. God bless Al Pacino and Andy Garcia but the scripts have got to go! ok, this had nothing to do with Deuces Wild but don't watch it anyway. i added 8 mm and Pulp Fiction to my movie list.
ah yes, i also got a chance to watch Rose Red, which wasted 4 unfortunate hours of my life...don't watch it when it's availabe for rent. i liked the thought of having a house that builds on its own but the whole ghost thing was just kinda gay. the legends behind the real house are kinda cool though...kinda makes you wonder about all those who disappeared and crap. anyways, this weekend was just full of movies movies movies! ugh, summer's going to be hardcore.
i really like our new sanctuary! it's very "churchlike." haha. it really struck me when PJ said that he was glad to see sunlight come through our windows. oh, there's also no need for setting up chairs every sunday b/c we have pews...that's a fat plus for the worship committee. well, i know there's a few cons about the new place but i think we moved for the best. it's all about making the best of what you have...and so far, i am grateful for God's provisions.
i am very proud to say that i am the champion at Frustration. i have yet to meet anyone who can beat me consistently...ehehehehehhe. this game really IS frustrating but that's only if you're losing of course. if you're winning, you're just full of smiles and arrogance. speaking of cards, the rat and i are still the champions at Gumpch! we can cut left to right. we can Gumpch just about every other game. we are sly. we are sneaky. we are slick! ok, we're not THAT great, but i think we're pretty good. lol.
me: number 1 or number 2?
matt: number 2!!! oh shoot! (smiles at his cards).
me: ahahahahaha. alright! (we got this one!)
we won 15 games tonight folks. enough said.
after much counciling from mr. jang, i am really reconsidering my plans for this summer. i am now thinking about getting a job and just working all summer. i mean, i DO need money in college right? and plus, i want to enjoy my summer with my cool American fellows, despite the fact that i'll be missing yet another fantastic time in korea. i mean, seoul is definitely a place like no other. i almost see it as paradise...seriously NO WORRIES for me! anyways, i know i'll be so much more productive if i stay here this summer. my decision is not definite but yeah, reconsidering is a must. mr. jang, thank you once again so very much. i'll be praying about your decisions as well.
now that i think about it, i haven't been trippin about calculus that much lately. it's been on my mind but it hasn't been a burden. i'm almost confident that i'll be able to pull of a C in that class. i don't know, the next 3 weeks of school just seem like weeks that i need to hurry up and biggie. that's good though. worrying does not get you anywhere, it seriously does not. well, i have another calc quiz tomorrow. i really tried to pay attention this time. hopefully, my efforts will be shown on this quiz. God, may you be glorified!
Friday's Thought of the Day: A bag of candy has definitely made my day...definitely.
Friday's Song of the Day: BBMAK-More Than Words
Saturday's Thoughts of the Day: 1. "where's my emery?!" 2. terrance eats like there's no tomorrow. 3. terrance knows exactly how to crack me up (Walgreen's. ahahahaahhahahahaha).
Saturday's Song of the Day: Ginny Owens-If You Want Me To
Thought of the Day: justin=homosexual=forgiveness=friendship.
Song of the Day: Space A-Betrayal
the talent show wasn't that great. i kinda appreciated it cause i got to see some cool stuff from unexpected students but yeah, it still wasn't that great. just ok. man, if only i had some friends who could really dance. i think We Are The Future would've been acceptable. hehe, that's always been a fantasy. i don't know what we'd do during the singing parts but i think we could've pulled something off. oh well, i can always be a star in my thoughts! WE ARE THE FUTUUUUUUUUURE!
Deuces Wild was wasn't that great either. i enjoyed The Outsiders a whole lot better. i think i need to stop watching these stupid gangster movies. it's all b/c of Godfather. that's what got me started cause i fell in love with the gangster suits and the italian accents. however, these morons that call themselves directors really can't make good movies. God bless Al Pacino and Andy Garcia but the scripts have got to go! ok, this had nothing to do with Deuces Wild but don't watch it anyway. i added 8 mm and Pulp Fiction to my movie list.
ah yes, i also got a chance to watch Rose Red, which wasted 4 unfortunate hours of my life...don't watch it when it's availabe for rent. i liked the thought of having a house that builds on its own but the whole ghost thing was just kinda gay. the legends behind the real house are kinda cool though...kinda makes you wonder about all those who disappeared and crap. anyways, this weekend was just full of movies movies movies! ugh, summer's going to be hardcore.
i really like our new sanctuary! it's very "churchlike." haha. it really struck me when PJ said that he was glad to see sunlight come through our windows. oh, there's also no need for setting up chairs every sunday b/c we have pews...that's a fat plus for the worship committee. well, i know there's a few cons about the new place but i think we moved for the best. it's all about making the best of what you have...and so far, i am grateful for God's provisions.
i am very proud to say that i am the champion at Frustration. i have yet to meet anyone who can beat me consistently...ehehehehehhe. this game really IS frustrating but that's only if you're losing of course. if you're winning, you're just full of smiles and arrogance. speaking of cards, the rat and i are still the champions at Gumpch! we can cut left to right. we can Gumpch just about every other game. we are sly. we are sneaky. we are slick! ok, we're not THAT great, but i think we're pretty good. lol.
me: number 1 or number 2?
matt: number 2!!! oh shoot! (smiles at his cards).
me: ahahahahaha. alright! (we got this one!)
we won 15 games tonight folks. enough said.
after much counciling from mr. jang, i am really reconsidering my plans for this summer. i am now thinking about getting a job and just working all summer. i mean, i DO need money in college right? and plus, i want to enjoy my summer with my cool American fellows, despite the fact that i'll be missing yet another fantastic time in korea. i mean, seoul is definitely a place like no other. i almost see it as paradise...seriously NO WORRIES for me! anyways, i know i'll be so much more productive if i stay here this summer. my decision is not definite but yeah, reconsidering is a must. mr. jang, thank you once again so very much. i'll be praying about your decisions as well.
now that i think about it, i haven't been trippin about calculus that much lately. it's been on my mind but it hasn't been a burden. i'm almost confident that i'll be able to pull of a C in that class. i don't know, the next 3 weeks of school just seem like weeks that i need to hurry up and biggie. that's good though. worrying does not get you anywhere, it seriously does not. well, i have another calc quiz tomorrow. i really tried to pay attention this time. hopefully, my efforts will be shown on this quiz. God, may you be glorified!
Friday's Thought of the Day: A bag of candy has definitely made my day...definitely.
Friday's Song of the Day: BBMAK-More Than Words
Saturday's Thoughts of the Day: 1. "where's my emery?!" 2. terrance eats like there's no tomorrow. 3. terrance knows exactly how to crack me up (Walgreen's. ahahahaahhahahahaha).
Saturday's Song of the Day: Ginny Owens-If You Want Me To
Thought of the Day: justin=homosexual=forgiveness=friendship.
Song of the Day: Space A-Betrayal
May 9, 2002
laid off from job...FAFSA...Subject A money...calculus.
tired...hungry...emotionally unstable.
i'm stressed out beyond imagination.
Hebrews 12:7-Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?
Thought of the Day: "because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
Song of the Day: Drunken Tiger-Return of the Tiger
tired...hungry...emotionally unstable.
i'm stressed out beyond imagination.
Hebrews 12:7-Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?
Thought of the Day: "because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."
Song of the Day: Drunken Tiger-Return of the Tiger
May 8, 2002
the day that i thought would never come finally came today. i'm gonna get laid off from my job and i got my one month notice today. i was so sad when i received the news. "we just don't have enough work for you to do." man, i mean i really appreciated how allan told me really early in advance so that i can have some time to find another job. *sniff* it was the perfect job. right now, i'm considering Blockbuster, but it doesn't seem realistic. *sigh* i love this job...
allan: yeah, you have to watch out in irvine...blah blah blah...lots of girls...blah blah'll get into trouble...blah blah blah...the best part time job is waitering...blah blah daughter had 3 jobs!...blah blah blah...i was in the Navy for 28 years!...blah blah blah...5000 people on a &#@$%^ ship!...blah blah blah...they finally kicked me out...blah blah blah...i'm already retired...blah blah blah...waitering is the best part time job!
me: *sigh* thanks.
so my bio teacher recommended the movie, "y tu mama tambien," to the class today. she said there'd be alotta crazy scenes and stuff...a very extreme type of teenager boy movie. well, i was curious about the movie and i had nothing to do today so i asked pat if he felt like watching it. it turns out that the spanish movie was VERY explicit. it made American Pie look like a PG movie! i mean, this was some hardcore material! i have to admit there were a few funny parts (mexican people are hilarious!) but waaaaaay too many "scenes." ugh, what an "unchristian" movie!
justin-spanish ap *sigh* poor guy. lol.
lois-well, at least you're thinking about it.
simon-it's been a while...your blog finally cracked a smile.
tiff-i figured out how to make my font look normal (only took me one cursed hour!).
Thought of the Day: It was going to come sooner or later.
Song of the Day: Aha-Take On Me Techno Mix
allan: yeah, you have to watch out in irvine...blah blah blah...lots of girls...blah blah'll get into trouble...blah blah blah...the best part time job is waitering...blah blah daughter had 3 jobs!...blah blah blah...i was in the Navy for 28 years!...blah blah blah...5000 people on a &#@$%^ ship!...blah blah blah...they finally kicked me out...blah blah blah...i'm already retired...blah blah blah...waitering is the best part time job!
me: *sigh* thanks.
so my bio teacher recommended the movie, "y tu mama tambien," to the class today. she said there'd be alotta crazy scenes and stuff...a very extreme type of teenager boy movie. well, i was curious about the movie and i had nothing to do today so i asked pat if he felt like watching it. it turns out that the spanish movie was VERY explicit. it made American Pie look like a PG movie! i mean, this was some hardcore material! i have to admit there were a few funny parts (mexican people are hilarious!) but waaaaaay too many "scenes." ugh, what an "unchristian" movie!
justin-spanish ap *sigh* poor guy. lol.
lois-well, at least you're thinking about it.
simon-it's been a while...your blog finally cracked a smile.
tiff-i figured out how to make my font look normal (only took me one cursed hour!).
Thought of the Day: It was going to come sooner or later.
Song of the Day: Aha-Take On Me Techno Mix
May 7, 2002
another taco bell adventure...
(on the way to taco bell listening to Swi-T)
me: dude, this group sucks!
pat: yeah, i know.
me: then why'd you buy it?
pat: dude, i gotta support YG FAMILY dawg!
me: ahahahahaha. you're so stupid.
pat: they need my support alright? what if they go broke?
me: ahahahahahah.
me: can i get a small drink?
pat: can i get a water? (gets a small cup and starts filling it up with my soda).
me: omg! you're so cheap!
pat: dude, shuttup.
me: man, you're sucha korean!
pat: yeahyeah! fa sho! KP dawg!
me: ahahahahahahaha.
The End.
today, i just got an email from irvine saying that i didn't send in my State Legal Residence that was due by May 1. *sigh* i didn't even get a stupid form in my package! so now, i have to fill out this crap online and print out this thing that shows me the required documents that i need to send in. argh! now i have to go make copies of tax returns and bank statements and crap. this college stuff never ends. it's like a crazy dog that you're trying to hunt in the woods. once you think the coast is clear, the dog comes out of no where and takes a good bite at your groin. i'm screaming in pain...somebody shoot the dog quick!
ifang-man, that IS disturbing!
fruitcake-thanks for the clarification.
jomo-yes, food is ALWAYS the answer!
judy-now that i think about it, your template is almost as ugly as chang's!
thomas-davis. good choice.
Thought of the Day: Sloth. Yuck!
Song of the Day: 1Tym-Hello!
(on the way to taco bell listening to Swi-T)
me: dude, this group sucks!
pat: yeah, i know.
me: then why'd you buy it?
pat: dude, i gotta support YG FAMILY dawg!
me: ahahahahaha. you're so stupid.
pat: they need my support alright? what if they go broke?
me: ahahahahahah.
me: can i get a small drink?
pat: can i get a water? (gets a small cup and starts filling it up with my soda).
me: omg! you're so cheap!
pat: dude, shuttup.
me: man, you're sucha korean!
pat: yeahyeah! fa sho! KP dawg!
me: ahahahahahahaha.
The End.
today, i just got an email from irvine saying that i didn't send in my State Legal Residence that was due by May 1. *sigh* i didn't even get a stupid form in my package! so now, i have to fill out this crap online and print out this thing that shows me the required documents that i need to send in. argh! now i have to go make copies of tax returns and bank statements and crap. this college stuff never ends. it's like a crazy dog that you're trying to hunt in the woods. once you think the coast is clear, the dog comes out of no where and takes a good bite at your groin. i'm screaming in pain...somebody shoot the dog quick!
ifang-man, that IS disturbing!
fruitcake-thanks for the clarification.
jomo-yes, food is ALWAYS the answer!
judy-now that i think about it, your template is almost as ugly as chang's!
thomas-davis. good choice.
Thought of the Day: Sloth. Yuck!
Song of the Day: 1Tym-Hello!
May 6, 2002
so in bio, our teacher tells us that she's dyslectic and her son inherited it from her. her son, robert, had alotta trouble learning how to read and write essays as a kid. she told us a story about it...
robert: mom, i had a dream that Gray Davis came to me and said that i failed the State Test.
teacher: robert, i know that you failed the test. but the important thing is that you got to see Gray Davis!
me: ahahahahahahaha!
i STILL think that crap is funny! lol.
we also did this heart rate lab in class. it was pretty funny cause Pat kept tickling Dykas while i was trying to measure his blood pressure, and i kept getting these retarded results. we had to do it like 3 times! and every time, i got Error. immaturity at its best! *sigh* i'm going to miss pat.
man, i've been kinda depressed about school stuff lately. i keep worrying about getting a D in calculus and my financial aid stuff for college. it's ALWAYS on my mind. it's preventing me from enjoying my last month of high school. but as i was walking home from work today, i thought about how Jesus said that we should not worry. worrying does not get us anywhere. i also thought about how much worse things could be. i should be grateful for my current state of things. i mean, it's not like i'm in any danger. no diease. i have a loving family. i have a great church. i get to eat more than enough every single day. i live in a peaceful neighborhood. the list goes on and on. even if i DO get a D or not get my FAFSA thing done on time, it's not the end of the world. God always provides...and besides, everything is according to His plan, not mine. ugh, comfort me oh God!
Thought of the Day: Lust. Pride. Wrath. Envy. ugh, now Worrying?!
Song of the Day: Enrique Iglesias-Escape
robert: mom, i had a dream that Gray Davis came to me and said that i failed the State Test.
teacher: robert, i know that you failed the test. but the important thing is that you got to see Gray Davis!
me: ahahahahahahaha!
i STILL think that crap is funny! lol.
we also did this heart rate lab in class. it was pretty funny cause Pat kept tickling Dykas while i was trying to measure his blood pressure, and i kept getting these retarded results. we had to do it like 3 times! and every time, i got Error. immaturity at its best! *sigh* i'm going to miss pat.
man, i've been kinda depressed about school stuff lately. i keep worrying about getting a D in calculus and my financial aid stuff for college. it's ALWAYS on my mind. it's preventing me from enjoying my last month of high school. but as i was walking home from work today, i thought about how Jesus said that we should not worry. worrying does not get us anywhere. i also thought about how much worse things could be. i should be grateful for my current state of things. i mean, it's not like i'm in any danger. no diease. i have a loving family. i have a great church. i get to eat more than enough every single day. i live in a peaceful neighborhood. the list goes on and on. even if i DO get a D or not get my FAFSA thing done on time, it's not the end of the world. God always provides...and besides, everything is according to His plan, not mine. ugh, comfort me oh God!
Thought of the Day: Lust. Pride. Wrath. Envy. ugh, now Worrying?!
Song of the Day: Enrique Iglesias-Escape
May 5, 2002
man, tiffanie's mom is so cool! today, she made us hecka popcorn and gave us a whole buncha snacks. and after that, she made us california rolls! dude, that lady is an A+ mom! haha. i was like saying thank you to her and everything and she responded with a thank you for keeping her daughter safe. ok, i'm not exactly sure how i keep that little girl "safe" but if it's going to feed me california rolls, i guess i'll just have to accept her gratitude...with much pleasure of course. anyways, we need to stop going to that house guys. i feel bad. you guys feel bad. kapeesh?!
ok, i only have 2 more movies to watch on my movie list (sorry B, i just don't want to watch your recommendations):
1. Boys in the Hood ("In the Neighborhood" haha."
2. Little Man Tate
hmmm, i still need to watch Deuces Wild as well. friday sounds good...what do you say guys?
dang, lauri WAS right! we only have 23 days of school left! man, that sounds like a little but we are forgetting that those 23 days will be crammed with last minute projects, quizzes, and tests. ugh, i am REALLY afraid i am going to get a D in calculus. that would just jack up everything. i'd have to write a letter to the college and my acceptance stuff would get all complicated. guys, please pray that i will persevere til the end...i'm lacking focus and diligence, lots of it.
terrance-i really like the AIM+ thing! it's really convenient and has cool features. oh, i still need your new blog address.
i-fang-that tangerine was small, sour, and full of seeds. however, i am grateful for it b/c it's the thought that counts!
judy-you had the funniest face when you tried that cake today. it was like 10 emotions of disgust all put into one. haha!
Thought of the Day: *sniff sniff* Yep, summer is definitely coming!
Song of the Day: Jinusean-A-yo (you two are so cute! lol. yeahyeah, that's hecka cool.)
ok, i only have 2 more movies to watch on my movie list (sorry B, i just don't want to watch your recommendations):
1. Boys in the Hood ("In the Neighborhood" haha."
2. Little Man Tate
hmmm, i still need to watch Deuces Wild as well. friday sounds good...what do you say guys?
dang, lauri WAS right! we only have 23 days of school left! man, that sounds like a little but we are forgetting that those 23 days will be crammed with last minute projects, quizzes, and tests. ugh, i am REALLY afraid i am going to get a D in calculus. that would just jack up everything. i'd have to write a letter to the college and my acceptance stuff would get all complicated. guys, please pray that i will persevere til the end...i'm lacking focus and diligence, lots of it.
terrance-i really like the AIM+ thing! it's really convenient and has cool features. oh, i still need your new blog address.
i-fang-that tangerine was small, sour, and full of seeds. however, i am grateful for it b/c it's the thought that counts!
judy-you had the funniest face when you tried that cake today. it was like 10 emotions of disgust all put into one. haha!
Thought of the Day: *sniff sniff* Yep, summer is definitely coming!
Song of the Day: Jinusean-A-yo (you two are so cute! lol. yeahyeah, that's hecka cool.)
May 4, 2002
i enjoyed Cast Away. i know it's kinda old but i just felt that i had to watch it. dang, Tom Hanks is a really good actor. he did a great job of portraying a man who was stranded on an island. as you're watching the movie, you feel like you're on the island with him. when he makes the fire, you share in his happiness. when he loses Wilson, you share in his depression. when he comes back to Memphis, you share in his uneasiness. man, living in a jail or prison must be a whole lot better than being stranded on an island. that's just crazy! Praise God for being a God who provides! i was kinda disappointed to see that Tom Hanks did not show any dependence on God. he just struggled, tried, struggled, and tried until he got whatever he had to get done. eh, it's just a movie....a good movie in fact.
yesterday, i donated blood for the last time in my high school career. this is my third time donating blood and i love doing it every time for a couple of reasons:
1. you miss class.
2. as your giving blood, you just kinda chill and not have to worry about calculus.
3. after you give blood, they give you a whole buncha snacks and apple juice...oh, and if you're really good you get a little teddy bear, a T-shirt, and a "Be nice to me. I gave blood today." sticker.
4. you can cut school just like *snap*
5. and of course, you're doing all of this for a good cause!
unfortunately, i was scheduled to give blood really early in the morning. all i had was a donut and a glass of milk for breakfast. nothing else. after i was done...
(i get up).
doctor: how do you feel?
me: (looking like crap). i feel alrite.
doctor: you'd better lie down.
10 min. later...
doctor: how do you feel?
me: (looking even worse). i feel alrite.
doctor: alrite kid, you gotta stop lying to me.
me: (giving him a stupid smile).
last night, i also got a chance to watch Spiderman. it was alrite. not the GREATEST, but alrite. i still think they could've picked a better girl than *sigh* Kirsten Dunst...i guess they were low on their budget. anyways, i was satisfied. i had no choice but to watch it at midnight, but i was satisfied.
i can't believe this weekend is almost over! i spent the whole day in my room just doing my homework. well, the majority of my homework was to read a book for english...i read for like 3 hours! but yeah, i guess reading isn't so bad when the book isn't so bad. i mean, it's not like i would've done anything else anyways. simon isn't home. i have no money. and yeah, the sun is starting to set. my saturday is coming to an end. *sigh* i felt like i was pretty productive but still...i wish i did something fun as well. ugh, where's that stupid brother when you need him?
terrance-link me to your new blog. i care. hehe.
judy-good father? you know, ironcially you're not the first one to tell me that.
jomo-i never knew you were a senior til today?
i-fang-i'm not racist. i only hate chinese people. that's it! no one else. lol.
Thought of the Day: Ball-cutter. haha.
Song of the Day: Wax-Money (that video inspired me to dl it!)
1. you miss class.
2. as your giving blood, you just kinda chill and not have to worry about calculus.
3. after you give blood, they give you a whole buncha snacks and apple juice...oh, and if you're really good you get a little teddy bear, a T-shirt, and a "Be nice to me. I gave blood today." sticker.
4. you can cut school just like *snap*
5. and of course, you're doing all of this for a good cause!
unfortunately, i was scheduled to give blood really early in the morning. all i had was a donut and a glass of milk for breakfast. nothing else. after i was done...
(i get up).
doctor: how do you feel?
me: (looking like crap). i feel alrite.
doctor: you'd better lie down.
10 min. later...
doctor: how do you feel?
me: (looking even worse). i feel alrite.
doctor: alrite kid, you gotta stop lying to me.
me: (giving him a stupid smile).
last night, i also got a chance to watch Spiderman. it was alrite. not the GREATEST, but alrite. i still think they could've picked a better girl than *sigh* Kirsten Dunst...i guess they were low on their budget. anyways, i was satisfied. i had no choice but to watch it at midnight, but i was satisfied.
i can't believe this weekend is almost over! i spent the whole day in my room just doing my homework. well, the majority of my homework was to read a book for english...i read for like 3 hours! but yeah, i guess reading isn't so bad when the book isn't so bad. i mean, it's not like i would've done anything else anyways. simon isn't home. i have no money. and yeah, the sun is starting to set. my saturday is coming to an end. *sigh* i felt like i was pretty productive but still...i wish i did something fun as well. ugh, where's that stupid brother when you need him?
terrance-link me to your new blog. i care. hehe.
judy-good father? you know, ironcially you're not the first one to tell me that.
jomo-i never knew you were a senior til today?
i-fang-i'm not racist. i only hate chinese people. that's it! no one else. lol.
Thought of the Day: Ball-cutter. haha.
Song of the Day: Wax-Money (that video inspired me to dl it!)
May 1, 2002
ok, i wasn't going to blog about this but this is a definite MUST! tonight, my brother went to bed around 8 pm for some odd reason. anyways, he woke up a while ago to go to the bathroom and went back to bed. a few min. ago, i turned around to look at him and i found him sleeping with half of his body on my bed, head on wrong side of the bed, and sleeping on MY pillow! but what REALLY made me laugh was when i saw that he fell asleep with a hat on! ahahahahahaha. he wasn't sleeping with a hat on earlier...but i guess after going to the bathroom, he felt like wearing a hat to sleep! ahahahahaahaha. i just cannot contain myself. i'm a laughing fool and my brother's a sleeping moron! ahahahahahahahaha. where's that blasted camera?!
dang, God is so full of grace! He gave me a 78% on my calculus test! woohoo! the teacher was like, "philip, a lot better than last time!" haha. dang right! i even shocked a few of other students who were sitting around me:
me: ken, what'd you get?
ken: i got 28. what'd you get?
me: 30.
ken: oh damn! phil, did you study?!
me: NO! ahahahahahahaha.
ken: ahhahahahahaha.
you had to be there. his "oh damn!" was full of wonder and disbelief! haha. praise God!
man, i've been consistent in my reading for three days now! i have to admit, it's getting harder everyday b/c i would so prefer to do other time-wasting things. but at the same time whenever i do read, i enjoy it very much. man, reading's good stuff. it's hard, but it's good.
i'm doing this assignment in econ where we're supposed to pick a career that you're interested in and write your future budgets. dang, after doing alotta calculations and estimations, i realized that being a teacher could really be tough. you're going to have to pinch every penny to survive in this world with that kinda pay...i mean, it's almost pitiful! ugh, supporting a family will be incredibly difficult! but this of course should not prevent anyone from wanting to become a teacher. anyways, i'm only 18. only God knows what i'm going to be doing 10 years from now. perhaps a teacher who makes more money than the other teachers? *giggle*
Terrance, i believe we've found someone with much more talent!
Thought of the Day: So young. So naive. So stupid?
Song of the Day: 2pac-How Long Will They Mourn Me?
me: ken, what'd you get?
ken: i got 28. what'd you get?
me: 30.
ken: oh damn! phil, did you study?!
me: NO! ahahahahahahaha.
ken: ahhahahahahaha.
you had to be there. his "oh damn!" was full of wonder and disbelief! haha. praise God!
man, i've been consistent in my reading for three days now! i have to admit, it's getting harder everyday b/c i would so prefer to do other time-wasting things. but at the same time whenever i do read, i enjoy it very much. man, reading's good stuff. it's hard, but it's good.
i'm doing this assignment in econ where we're supposed to pick a career that you're interested in and write your future budgets. dang, after doing alotta calculations and estimations, i realized that being a teacher could really be tough. you're going to have to pinch every penny to survive in this world with that kinda pay...i mean, it's almost pitiful! ugh, supporting a family will be incredibly difficult! but this of course should not prevent anyone from wanting to become a teacher. anyways, i'm only 18. only God knows what i'm going to be doing 10 years from now. perhaps a teacher who makes more money than the other teachers? *giggle*
Terrance, i believe we've found someone with much more talent!
Thought of the Day: So young. So naive. So stupid?
Song of the Day: 2pac-How Long Will They Mourn Me?
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