April 21, 2002

praise God for a great weekend! i got many things accomplished and ended these past few days with some fun as well.
1. FINALLY spiced up my blog with a few changes...ugh, too many hours spent unfortunately. (thanks grendel...you html loser!).
2. health project finished...too many hours as well.
3. got gary's hecka cool gift...happy b-day gary!
4. Irvine has the privelege of officially receiving me as their student. hehe.
6. Untouchables was horrible but Andy Garcia was tiiiiight...my love for gangster suits has escalated.
7. finally got to try Ocean Taqueria's burritos (the burrito place next to church)...not THAT great, but definitely worth the money. after today's meal, i realized that chang is very different from us...that monster.
8. Can't Hardly Wait was very entertaining...frank, i loved that crap (in fact, i still wouldn't mind borrowing it for the uncut scenes).
9. finally found that high energy song i was in love with for the longest time! (*sigh* thanks again you loser).

is it just me or was PJ's sermon today hecka awesome? i don't know, he made alotta good points about God being a Covenant God. i never realized that he didn't make Abram make the covenant with Him b/c He knew Abram would fail. dang, that just hits me with so much awe! the description, "Faithful Father," becomes so alive to me. oh, and the whole thing about God keeping His promise was very encouraging. we live difficult christian lives yet God's promise to come back with judgement and everything brings me so much joy! and yes, the more sin, the sooner Christ is coming! this reminds me of that song by Crystal Lewis. "so people get ready...Jesus is comin! soon we'll be goin' home!"

geez, Bible Study was good too! i learned many new things about the Sabbath...really broadened my perception of things. well, i can go on and on, BUT drowsiness is hitting hard. thanks for the tight lesson slum!

Thought of the Day: "man, what a raging b*tch!"
Song of the Day: Natalise-Love Goes On (favorite song right now).

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