January 29, 2002

mother left for korea today. things to do:

2. take the car out EVERY single night. (even if it means just driving around the block).
3. go to todai's (since no one has corrected my spelling, i'm assuming this is correct).
4. go to cupertino. (i have no idea what's going on about this!).
5. go to In & Out everytime i'm hanging out with grendel & justin.
6. blast the music when i wake up!
7. pee with the door open...hehe.
8. sleepover.
10. when i run out of things to do, just start all over!

the answer is no, B. i don't care what you have to say. NO!

ok, for those of you who have read lois's blog, i do not feel that i need to defend my position for MANY reasons, but i DO have one thing to mention: lois does not believe in showers. proof: she made my car smell like corn tonight! (donations for a new car would be greatly appreciated...since some ungrateful people who no longer deserve rides think my volvo is a "raggity car").

My Colorgenics Profile:

You have always been on the move seeking affectionate, satisfying and harmonious relationships. Your ultimate goal has been the realisation of an intimate union in which there could be love, self-sacrifice and mutual trust. It has often been said that "True love is just around the corner"...and maybe... if you haven't found it as yet - you possibly soon will.

You are trying to improve your position and prestige, be it in your life or in your workplace.. Things are, at this time, OK. But they could be better. You feel that it is essential that you breakdown any opposition that could possibly lurk in the shadows ... You know that you are quite capable of achieving this set goal because you have to and because it is essential to your self esteem.

Being a very proud individual you tend to hold yourself aloof...pretending that you are stoical...indifferent to pain and pleasure...but this is not so, for in truth you are an extremely emotional individual, one that may make a hasty decision...and perhaps regret it at leisure. It is time now to break the bond of detachment and be the "you" that you would like to be, give vent to your emotions and enjoy yourself.

You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone.

You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion ... In fact you just don't want to be involved in any arguments of any shape or form ... All you want is for "them" to get on with it - and to leave you alone..

It's accurate in a sense...

Thought of the Day: Temporary absence of mothers is cool. Lois is gay.
Song of the Day: Cannibus-Second Round K.O. (this guy can REALLY bust a flow!)

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