April 27, 2014


Mr. Lee chews. He spits. He scores! I can't believe I'm getting (someone else's) food on me every single week now. I wish the school gave technical fouls and ejections for such flagrant behavior.

The NBA playoffs are so fun this year. Already there are so many games that have gone into OT with some breathtaking moments. I am fortunate to work at a place where I can watch many of these exciting events in my classroom and even cheer in solitude when class is not in session. My brother is convinced that I'm going back to Cali because my school is firing me for watching basketball and not teaching English. Either way, I see it as a win-win. :)

Let's go, Warriors!

Thought of the Day: Copies

April 23, 2014

In this week's episode...

Mr. Lee accidentally spits food onto Mr. Jung's arm during lunch, and both teachers pretend nothing has happened (again). What will our victimized hero do? Stay tuned.

Thought of the Day: Mario Game
Song of the Day: Green Day-Tired of Waiting

April 18, 2014

Where is God on Good Friday?

Korea has been overwhelmed with sadness, anger, confusion, and frustration over the recent tragedy of the ferry boat accident. Many are outraged by the guilt-ridden captain of the ship, the unreliable press, and the incompetent politicians along with the president. The reality of the situation hadn't hit me until I finally saw a video of the ship completely submerged under water. The man sitting next to me on the subway was also watching the same news channel on his phone and sniffling and fighting back tears. I've never mourned with Korea like this before. Where is God in all of this?

Less than a week ago on Palm Sunday, our church sang and gave a lot of attention to the word, 'Hosanna,' which means 'save us.' That word carried a lot more meaning after hearing about the Korean high school students crying out their own hosannas as their ship was sinking into the water. Desperate for rescue and safety, the country has joined in their cry for any form of help they can get. God, where are you in all of this as we're crying out for salvation?

Tonight, our Good Friday service had a record attendance of 11 people. After a time of scripture, hymns, and prayers, we were asked to leave in silence with a sense of solemnity just as the disciples had after Jesus was arrested. Funny how our number of 11 happened to match the number of disciples who had scattered and abandoned him that night. But before we separated and went our own ways, we read through the psalm that Jesus quoted while hanging on the cross: Psalm 22 that starts with "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

We've all prayed that same prayer before. God seems to be M.I.A. Unaware. Unresponsive. Uncaring. Silent. Distant. I will repeat the same question a third time: God, where are you? But the psalm Jesus quotes does not end with that question; it is merely the introduction to a cry that ends in praise. What appears to be a psalm of despair actually turns out to be a psalm of hope. He knew pain and suffering. He knows our pain and suffering. Our God is deeply and heavily involved with every situation and will not let death have its final say. As it says towards the end of Psalm 22, "All the prosperous of the earth eat and worship; before him shall bow all who go down to the dust, even the one who could not keep himself alive."

The Lord hears. The Lord knows. The Lord died. The Lord resurrected. The Lord is working. Where is God in all of this? He is right here deeply and heavily involved with us.

Thought of the Day: Good Friday
Song of the Day: Third Day-Medley

April 10, 2014

Basketball and Powerpoints

My students will walk into my classroom and find me either working on a powerpoint or watching basketball. As they've grown accustomed to watching the NBA, I've grown accustomed to hearing some funny comments about various players and teams.

Denver Nuggets = Chicken Nuggets

GS (Golden State) = Gangnam Style, GS25

Gasol (Mark) = Gasoline

Mister Jung = MJ

And of course, every basketball player they see is automatically Michael Jordan.

I should get back to my powerpoint.

Thought of the Day: National Siblings Day
Song of the Day: Gillian Hills-Zou bisou bisou

April 3, 2014


Two different teachers accidentally spit out rice while chewing and talking during lunch. That's a new record.

But that's okay because it's FRIDAY!

Thought of the Day: Rainer
Song of the Day: Darude-Sandstorm