So today is Thanksgiving in the states, and I am still here in Korea just like all those other years. I don't know how many times I've described the joys of eating turkey and pumpkin pie and getting ready for Black Friday to my many students. But as it is a holiday for giving thanks, I am reminded of the many people I am thankful from this past year.
NateNate has been a very refreshing addition to my life with his youth, energy, and optimism. He has a great desire to share his positive view of life and not taking everything so seriously. I have introduced him to a few of my friends who have been able to reap the benefits of his silliness and fun nature, which I was very thankful for. I think I particularly appreciate his openness in actually hearing me out on my opinions and thoughts on Korea or theology. I think he is a great great presence in our church. What I'm trying to say is I love him because he makes some
wonderful hamburgers!
Pastor MikeMike Ra aka Hyunsoo Ra was one of the youth group teachers back when
I was in middle school. Somehow, God brought us together in the motherland where he would not only preach to me every Sunday, but, more importantly, shepherd me as no pastor has ever done before. He is a terribly good listener with much patience and love along with a wide open mind on Korea and the church. I've never had a pastor who has been so transparent with me but also so admirable in a very personal kind of way. PCL will definitely take a hit with his loss in the upcoming year.
Tim KellerAlthough he has no idea who I am, I have listened to him speak in over 200 sermons and
lectures this past year. He is definitely the best preacher I have yet to hear who has given me a life-changing view of Christ through his incredibly practical yet theological sermons that I never get tired of. I have shared several of his sermons with numerous friends and hope to continue to share more in the future. The only thing I curse him for is setting the bar that much higher with every sermon that I hear from other preachers. If you wanna get a taste, lemme know!
DagoMore widely known as Dinko or Daniel. We started lovefest in our second year of university but have somehow made an effort to keep it going through gchat even in nations apart. I think of all my friends, I pray for him the most only because I know just how sinful he really is. But if I know just how sinful he is, that just comes to show how transparent he is with me along with my great love for him. He is wise in many ways that I am not and is very good at pointing out various dangers I may not be aware of in my life. I am thankful that he is a seminarian right now and look forward to seeing how God will use him in many other lives as well. The fact that a guy this great is still single gives me great hope and encouragement. Ha.
ZenI've befriended many girls throughout my life career, but I have yet to have
a female friend for this long in my life. Zen is the only person who has consistently sent me gifts for Christmas and my birthday just about every year that she has known me even though I completely stopped after coming to Korea. She totally became Simon's older sister and my mom's new best friend very quickly. As I've told her a million times already, I really don't understand how we're still friends, but we still are...and I'm still very thankful for that.
This is my basketball buddy that I became really tight with. I probably see him more than I see anyone else during the week. We had played against each other many times last year but finally decided to become partners some time this spring. Through our partnership, we added more and more to our "team" as we now play together in obsessive frequency. I've never met a person who could shoot mid-range so consistently. As my Korean sucks and my shots aren't as good as his, I'm always flattered whenever he asks me to have dinner with him. I truly believe 2010 would have been significantly different if I hadn't met him. I'm still looking for ways to be a bridge for Christ to him.

After 28 years in the states, she finally returned to her homeland this past July. Her adjusting was a bit rough in the beginning, but she has been settling in much better lately through the help of siblings and friends. I forgot how powerful the presence of a woman could be in a man's world where we tend to eat and clean in such simple and unhealthy manners. My mom brings a great brightness to our home with her wonderful food but also her incomparable love for her husband and son. She washes and irons my clothes with no bitterness. She shops and cooks only out of the interest of her beloved son. My mom shows me a very sobering reality of God's love.
As cliche as it may sound, I can go on and on about the many people that I'm thankful for. But if you didn't make it onto this year's list, try harder in 2011. =D
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thought of the Day: Preaching to the Choir
Song of the Day: J-The Father's Song