November 27, 2009
Last night, I watched this movie thinking that it was about romance. Can you imagine how scared I got when I saw that phone call scene with the bag? After that scene, I had to turn the lights on and fastforward through all the scary parts because I couldn't handle them. I used to love horror movies as a child and especially as a teenager. I'd done all the Freddys, Jasons, and Chuckys. Then The 6th Sense came out. Then The Ring. Then The Grudge. Then Saw. I used to love the thrill and excitement of anticipating the monsters and ghosts popping out when you least expected them. It's funny how I matured into a coward though. Now whenever I watch the really scary parts, I just get stress. It's not worth it. It's not enjoyable.
Here's another movie that looks awful scary:
At the same time, I do know the joy of being able to scare someone. The priceless looks on people's faces. The incomprehensible sounds that they utter. The involuntary movements in their reaction. It's all so funny when it's not you.
Thought of the Day: 2 Corinthians 12:14
Song of the Day: Kim Tae Woo-사랑비
November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Jae asked me for an update on 종성, so here it is:
Thanksgiving is the saddest day of the year for me in Korea, but God gave me a special reason to rejoice this year. Although 종성 is two years older than me, I consider him my closest KOREAN friend. He is the only person I know who never received hakwon or tutoring but was still able to get into Seoul National University right out of high school. He took time off for a couple of years to study for one of the most difficult and competitive tests that Korea has to offer. I have seen him go through many internal and external struggles as he studied and prepared for hundreds of hours for a couple of years. I would always text him to see if had passed his first test. I would always text him to see if he had passed his second test. Tonight, I was privileged to celebrate his passing of the final round of tests. 김종성 is now a 공무원!!! We prayed and we prayed and we prayed...not for success in his test but that God would lead him in the future that God had already ordained. Join in me thanking our God who used all of 종성's efforts in coming closer to fulfilling his dream that God had given to him. As 종성 said, "All glory to God."
Thought of the Day: Thanksgiving
Song of the Day: CL & Minzy-Please Don't Go
Thanksgiving is the saddest day of the year for me in Korea, but God gave me a special reason to rejoice this year. Although 종성 is two years older than me, I consider him my closest KOREAN friend. He is the only person I know who never received hakwon or tutoring but was still able to get into Seoul National University right out of high school. He took time off for a couple of years to study for one of the most difficult and competitive tests that Korea has to offer. I have seen him go through many internal and external struggles as he studied and prepared for hundreds of hours for a couple of years. I would always text him to see if had passed his first test. I would always text him to see if he had passed his second test. Tonight, I was privileged to celebrate his passing of the final round of tests. 김종성 is now a 공무원!!! We prayed and we prayed and we prayed...not for success in his test but that God would lead him in the future that God had already ordained. Join in me thanking our God who used all of 종성's efforts in coming closer to fulfilling his dream that God had given to him. As 종성 said, "All glory to God."
Thought of the Day: Thanksgiving
Song of the Day: CL & Minzy-Please Don't Go
November 25, 2009
Dawkins: Evangelist an 'idiot' on evolution
"Hunches aren't interesting, hunches aren't valuable. What's important is scientific evidence. It doesn't matter what mister whatever his name is, Comfort ... what his opinion is. It doesn't matter what my opinion is. What matters is evidence. And the evidence is clear. The evidence is in favor of evolution."
-Richard Dawkins
You guys heard him. It doesn't matter what his opinion is. So you can go ahead and disregard what Mr. Dawkins just said.
Thought of the Day: 조선호텔
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
-Richard Dawkins
You guys heard him. It doesn't matter what his opinion is. So you can go ahead and disregard what Mr. Dawkins just said.
Thought of the Day: 조선호텔
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
November 21, 2009
Laughter is the best medicine
I think laughter is one of the greatest gifts from God. Humor. Comedy. Jokes. YouTube has many cool videos, but I think the ones that bring us laughter are praiseworthy. Here's a video clip that my brother and I used to crack up at all the time when we were young:
MadTV had it's very few moments with its very few talented comedians. One of those actors was the talented Aries Spears:
Finally, we got some old school fellas like Cedric The Entertainer talking about some recent events in history:
"Kiss my ass, that's funny."
-Steve Harvey
Thought of the Day: Glossolalia
Song of the Day: CL & Minzy-Please Don't Go
MadTV had it's very few moments with its very few talented comedians. One of those actors was the talented Aries Spears:
Finally, we got some old school fellas like Cedric The Entertainer talking about some recent events in history:
"Kiss my ass, that's funny."
-Steve Harvey
Thought of the Day: Glossolalia
Song of the Day: CL & Minzy-Please Don't Go
November 19, 2009
"I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul"
CNNGo: Where is the pressure coming from, that causes men to be embarrassed by their appearance?
"Sakura": The media. All of the celebrities on TV have plastic surgery -- constantly trying to morph into an unattainable ideal. In Japan, if there's one example, it applies to all, so if you fall through the cracks, you stand out and internalize that difference.I've always thought about plastic surgery and the many reasons why people choose to get it. Living in Korea, I find myself being surrounded by people who highly value appearance and beauty. You'll find mirrors in subway stations, elevators, and even church hallways! But the funny thing is, even I find myself caring more about the way I look or what people think of me. The scary thing is, I've even had times where plastic surgery crossed my mind!
But as for my current stance, I believe that Psalm 139 teaches against cosmetic surgery. If God intended to make us with the exact features and characteristics that we have, then shouldn't we be content with our appearance no matter what society says or looks like? When we put our faces or bodies under the knife, aren't we practically telling God that His work and creation were faulty or insufficient? "You didn't make this good, so let me fix it for you. Let me improve your work!"
If you've gotten an operation done before, I don't condemn you. I can understand the pressures that surround us, perhaps even in the church. Nevertheless, I personally will seek to be content with the way God has made me and even ages me as time goes on. I will seek to encourage others to find their beauty and glory in God and not their own temporary bodies that will one day be glorious and perfect. Media, stop burning garbage into our brains!
Thought of the Day: 했긴 했죠
Song of the Day: Misty Blue-한밤의 꿈
November 18, 2009
Why join a church?
As an active member of my church, I think a lot about our ministry and the people who are involved. One major phenomenon that we have been experiencing is a decline in numbers. People have left. People have left to other churches. People are planning to leave to other churches. I can understand how people may have been disappointed or discouraged. Some may have different visions or goals with ministry and worship. A few may simply leave because their visa, job, or program is coming to an end. Whatever the situation is, I hope that every believer will join a church.
Why join a church?
"Here's the problem with modern Americans. Most of the reasons why you should join a church are not what you get out of it. That's the biggest problem. There are definitely advantages to being members if you really know your own heart. The main advantage to being a member actually is an increased sense of accountability. Almost all of the reasons for being members is not what you're getting out of it but what you give to the church and what you're giving to God. You join the church because everything the Bible's done is in covenant. Everything is vows and covenants because you don't trust your own heart. Another reason why to join is so that you can vote. You can take part in the major decisions. Another reason to join is so that you can serve possibly in some leadership positions where you have to be a member in order to serve. Almost all of the reasons for joining are not 'What do I get out of it?' They're almost all 'What does the church get out of me joining it?' and the church gets a whole lot out of you joining it. We live in a consumer culture and because we live in a consumer culture, I think a lot of people aren't going to join cause they're saying, 'I don't see what I get out of it.'"
-Tim Keller from Q&A
Love and join the church because Christ loves and joins the church.
Thought of the Day: Praying Our Tears
Song of the Day: Jaurim-미안해 널 미워해
Why join a church?
"Here's the problem with modern Americans. Most of the reasons why you should join a church are not what you get out of it. That's the biggest problem. There are definitely advantages to being members if you really know your own heart. The main advantage to being a member actually is an increased sense of accountability. Almost all of the reasons for being members is not what you're getting out of it but what you give to the church and what you're giving to God. You join the church because everything the Bible's done is in covenant. Everything is vows and covenants because you don't trust your own heart. Another reason why to join is so that you can vote. You can take part in the major decisions. Another reason to join is so that you can serve possibly in some leadership positions where you have to be a member in order to serve. Almost all of the reasons for joining are not 'What do I get out of it?' They're almost all 'What does the church get out of me joining it?' and the church gets a whole lot out of you joining it. We live in a consumer culture and because we live in a consumer culture, I think a lot of people aren't going to join cause they're saying, 'I don't see what I get out of it.'"
-Tim Keller from Q&A
Love and join the church because Christ loves and joins the church.
Thought of the Day: Praying Our Tears
Song of the Day: Jaurim-미안해 널 미워해
November 17, 2009
Food & Cartoons
Yesterday, my aunt made me so much kimchee that my dad had to buy a 700,000won kimchee refrigerator. Many of my aunts on my mom's side know that I am a kimchee killer. Even natives look at me and go, "Dang, that boy loves his kimchee." But one secret 반찬 that many people do not know about is my love for raw garlic. My dad always comments that we're the only family in Korea that eats raw garlic as a side dish. I devour that junk up. Every meal. Remember that one episode from the Super Mario Bros. cartoon when they had to eat garlic?
I don't care if you should eat garlic to maintain your health or to beat King Koopa. I eat it because it's wonderful! Here's another very old cartoon that I watched SO MANY times as a child:
It's actually pretty hilarious watching it now. It's funny to realize now that the girl was going through rehab! Here is another very old cartoon that was in the same video:
Man, I used to get so pissed whenever I saw that scene where the kids threw their soup away. I used to fantasize how good it would taste, and that scene would just kill me as a child.
It's funny thinking back on my young childhood days when I used to watch the same videos and work on the same puzzles over and over and over again. Although life was so simple and easy, I now realize that even as a child, I would always be fantasizing or coveting something new or fun. I guess I'm still that same child but in a bigger body.
Notice how all the cartoons relate to food? Maybe that's where it all started...
Thought of the Day: Haokip
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
I don't care if you should eat garlic to maintain your health or to beat King Koopa. I eat it because it's wonderful! Here's another very old cartoon that I watched SO MANY times as a child:
It's actually pretty hilarious watching it now. It's funny to realize now that the girl was going through rehab! Here is another very old cartoon that was in the same video:
Man, I used to get so pissed whenever I saw that scene where the kids threw their soup away. I used to fantasize how good it would taste, and that scene would just kill me as a child.
It's funny thinking back on my young childhood days when I used to watch the same videos and work on the same puzzles over and over and over again. Although life was so simple and easy, I now realize that even as a child, I would always be fantasizing or coveting something new or fun. I guess I'm still that same child but in a bigger body.
Notice how all the cartoons relate to food? Maybe that's where it all started...
Thought of the Day: Haokip
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
November 15, 2009
This week's persecuted church: Columbia
The indigenous Kogui community in Columbia has a population of 11,000 with only 120 of them being Christian. Kogui governors have repeatedly threatened to expel them from their land, and a group of Christians were forced to leave the reserve a few years ago. At a recent meeting called by the governor, 16 Christians were taken prisoner and the leaders verbally abused them throughout the night. They took the group to a more remote area where they would be held prisoners until they renounced their faith. Two of the infants being held are now seriously ill. The Kogui Christians are not protected by the Columbian government and have no guarantee of religious freedom.
Ghetto fabulous!
Thought of the Day: Hebrews 10:14
Song of the Day: Shane & Shane-My Hope Is Built
November 12, 2009
Some of you may be surprised to know that I still play Go/Stop with my dad late at night. We average about three days a week, so we've played hundreds of games together. But of all the games we've played, I had the craziest game tonight.
Homeboy owed me 99,200won. Fortunately for him, our limit is 10,000won. As my dad put it, I hit a royal straight flush!
Thought of the Day: Mongolian vowels
Song of the Day: Rainbow-Gossip Girl
Homeboy owed me 99,200won. Fortunately for him, our limit is 10,000won. As my dad put it, I hit a royal straight flush!
Thought of the Day: Mongolian vowels
Song of the Day: Rainbow-Gossip Girl
November 11, 2009
Today, I had this crazy dream that my parents were going to have another son and daughter. I even remember their names: Anthony and Cecilia. I remember being so happy that I was going to have a younger sister to take care of. I have a special heart for younger girls, probably because I'm the older sibling and grew up only having Simon. In fact, I specifically remember not giving a hay about Anthony. I was so happy in the dream that I also remember specifically saying, "Please don't let this be a dream!" Bah.
Joey Tribiani was once asked what he would choose between sex and food. I've heard others pose a similar question but between food and sleep. My question to you is, "Why WOULDN'T you choose food?!"
Saturday - 순대국
Sunday - 돼지갈비 (+오겹살 for dessert)
Monday - leftover 오겹살
Tuesday - 김치찌개 with 삼겹살 (leftover 오겹살 for dinner)
Wednesday - leftover 오겹살
Thursday - probably leftover 오겹살
If I had lived in the Old Testament times, I probably would have been the first one to get stoned for eating my favorite unclean animal.
I wonder if I have raging cholesterol.
I don't care much for soccer or Star King, but this crap was amazing.
Thought of the Day: Pepero Day
Song of the Day: Supreme Team-Supermagic
Joey Tribiani was once asked what he would choose between sex and food. I've heard others pose a similar question but between food and sleep. My question to you is, "Why WOULDN'T you choose food?!"
Saturday - 순대국
Sunday - 돼지갈비 (+오겹살 for dessert)
Monday - leftover 오겹살
Tuesday - 김치찌개 with 삼겹살 (leftover 오겹살 for dinner)
Wednesday - leftover 오겹살
Thursday - probably leftover 오겹살
If I had lived in the Old Testament times, I probably would have been the first one to get stoned for eating my favorite unclean animal.
I wonder if I have raging cholesterol.
I don't care much for soccer or Star King, but this crap was amazing.
Thought of the Day: Pepero Day
Song of the Day: Supreme Team-Supermagic
November 10, 2009
I recently watched "500 Days of Summer." I've gone through my share of Summers, so it was easy for me to enjoy. Plus, like it says, "You should know upfront, this is not a love story."
2NE1 vs. SNSD
Girl groups have exploded in Korea lately. But of all the groups that are out there, I'd have to say 2NE1 wins my vote. They're not very pretty and aren't particularly talented singers, but they've got charisma on top of the catchy songs. Now, their polar opposite would have to be SNSD. Mad pretty. Great vocals. And lots of fake smiles. Girls' Generation represents everything that I dislike about Korean TV. It's all one big beauty magazine brought to life. You watch them perform, covet their attractiveness, and feel ugly. But with 2NE1, you merely enjoy the song and dance, which is the intention of music. If I've offended any SNSD fans (that means you, Jae), "I don't eh eh eh eh."
After watching the first three seasons of The Wire, I've come to realize that the main message that they're trying to get across is that every level of society is corrupt. Politicians are corrupt. Lawyers are corrupt. Drug dealers are corrupt. Even the homeless are corrupt! And through all of this, the police detectives who are seeking to find evidence for their corruption are no better if not worse. There is an apparent absence of integrity as everyone is trying to get ahead in life. Everyone has different goals, but they're all doing the same thing: trying to find meaning in their life. But even if they reach one goal, they make another goal to reach. And another and another...until they end up dead or get sent to prison. The mayor is driven by respect. Drug dealers fight for power. Police want recognition. The homeless search for drugs. America really has become the Devil's playground. But yeah, Sopranos wins.
Thought of the Day: Preaching heresies
Song of the Day: TLC-Creep
November 5, 2009
A New Look
I've had the same template for nearly 6 years. After wasting so much time on this today, I remembered why I had kept the same template for so long. Stupid blog.
November 3, 2009

On Sunday, Min asked me how long I had been in Korea. When I told him it had been three years, he nonchalantly replied, "Why does your Korean still suck?" What a way to kick a guy while he's already down. Three years really is a long time though, and these days I often find myself asking what I have to show for it. Still single. Still poor. And yeah, still suck at Korean.
I just finished watching "Tokyo!" and particularly liked the third segment of the movie about hikikomoris or shut-ins. Although they say this phenomenon occurs mainly in Japan, I think we all have our seasons of hikikomori in our own hearts. Any time you find yourself in a slump or self-pity, you are, in a sense, isolating yourself from everyone else. You lose contact with the world and create your own reality that is often times scary and very lonely.
There was a scene in the movie where there was a violent earthquake that caused many hikikomoris to come out of their homes after staying indoors alone for so many years. Don't we all need a little shake in our lives from time to time? Sometimes, we need that incredible force that reminds us of what really matters to us in order for us to "snap out of it," right? If our heart and mind are hikikomoris, then Christ is our earthquake. Please feel free to shake me all the time. I'm always trying to run back into the house.
Thought of the Day: Life testimony
Song of the Day: Park Bom-You And I
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